

The functions of the Doctoral School are the following:


To organise those aspects of doctoral studies that fall within its scope of responsibilities.


To propose the approval of the creation, modification and withdrawal of doctoral programmes to the Governing Council.


To oversee the quality of doctoral programmes.


To ensure that doctoral programmes are compatible with the UPC’s general research strategy.


To submit proposals to the Board of Governors concerning the academic regulations for doctoral studies.


To assess the effectiveness of policies on predoctoral grants and financial aid and, if necessary, make proposals to improve them.


To propose to the Governing Council a set of internal regulations on the rights and obligations of doctoral candidates, tutors and thesis supervisors, within the framework of the University's regulations.


To establish rules governing the academic committees of the doctoral programmes, taking into account the specific requirements of different programmes, within the general framework of UPC regulations.


To propose the composition of the examination committees for doctoral theses to the rector for his approval, subsequent to the report of the academic committee of the doctoral programme in question.


To propose the regulations on the special doctoral awards to the Governing Council for its approval.


To plan cross-disciplinary and specific training activities for doctoral candidates.


To ensure that there is a critical mass of teaching and research staff and doctoral candidates that guarantees quality on each doctoral programme.


To foster national and international interuniversity cooperation.


To facilitate the recruitment of doctors by companies and promote the internationalisation of the doctoral programmes.


The management functions of the Doctoral School are the following:


To draw up and approve the strategic plan in the framework of the University's strategic planning. 


To submit to the Governing Council the list of human and material resources needed for it to fulfil its functions.


To participate in the recruitment, training, assessment and promotion of its administrative and service staff, under the terms established in the Statutes and applicable regulations. 


To approve the proposal for the annual operating budget. 


It also corresponds to the Doctoral School to fulfil the functions assigned to it in the current legislation and the University's Statutes and regulations and those assigned to it by the Governing Council.

Section 5. Doctoral School, Article 35. Functions, Statutes of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012, Official Gazette of the Catalan Government, number 6140, 1 June 2012; Corrigenda: Official Gazette of the Catalan Government, number 6257, 20 November 2012