The School Board

Photo of the School Board at a meeting on 12 December 2019

The Board, which is chaired by its director, is the Doctoral School's highest collegial body. The Board ensures that the Doctoral School adequately fulfils all of the functions attributed to it in the current legislation, the UPC Statutes and the Regulations on the Organisation and Functions of the Doctoral School.

The Board acts as a management committee in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies.



  • To approve the Doctoral School's strategic plan, within the framework of the University's strategic planning.

  • To sanction the Doctoral School's management report, which is presented by the Doctoral School's director.

  • To promote actions to foster the Doctoral School's leadership and its strategic plan.

  • To propose the approval of the Regulations on the Organisation and Functions of the Doctoral School and any amendments thereof to the Governing Council.

  • To propose the approval of internal regulations on the rights and obligations of doctoral students, tutors and thesis supervisors and the composition and functions of the doctoral programmes' academic committees to the Governing Council.

  • To propose the academic regulations for doctoral studies and any amendments thereof to the Governing Council.

  • To approve the document outlining the design and implementation of the quality assurance system for doctoral programmes and monitor its progress.

  • To propose the approval of the creation, modification and withdrawal of doctoral programmes to the Governing Council.

  • To propose the regulations on the special doctoral awards to the Governing Council and rule on the corresponding calls.

  • To regulate the academic committees of the doctoral programmes in accordance with the proposals of the school's directors and within the framework of the University's regulations.

  • To propose the approval of the creation, modification and withdrawal of the Doctoral School's areas of knowledge to the Governing Council.

  • To present the proposal for a code of good practice (doctoral charter) or any amendments thereof to the Governing Council for its approval.

  • To approve the proposal for the annual operating budget and the list of human and material resources needed for it to fulfil its functions for its submission to the Governing Council.

  • To propose initiatives and aspirations and express an opinion on issues that affect the Doctoral School and its environment.


Ex officio members:

Elected members: