Special Doctoral Awards 2025

Special Doctoral Awards

The Doctoral School announces a call for applications for special doctoral awards during the second semester of each academic year.

The call is approved by the Doctoral School’s Standing Committee and is open to doctoral degree holders who have obtained a cum laude distinction for the defence of their thesis in the academic year specified in the call.

The awards are judged by a jury appointed by the Doctoral School’s Standing Committee for each area of knowledge and call; the final decision is taken by the Doctoral School's Standing Committee and ratified by the UPC's Governing Council.

The corresponding diplomas are presented at the doctoral degree’s inauguration ceremony the following academic year.

We encourage you to participate in the calls, as they are a way of making your doctoral research visible and sharing your sustained efforts with society.



By virtue of the provisions of the Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies, approved in Governing Council Decision CG/2023/09/08, of 19 December 2023, the Standing Committee of the Doctoral School, in session on December 17th, 2024,


To promote the 2025 call for Special Doctoral Awards for doctoral theses corresponding to the 2022-2023 academic year, in accordance with the following rules and regulations:





General regulations

The rules contained in this call will be published on the Doctoral School website and will be the sole means of advertising that will be taken into account in calculating deadlines and complying with the procedures established in the call, without prejudice to the interested parties receiving, in a complementary and unofficial manner, communications by e-mail, and any other means of advertising that the UPC deems appropriate for guaranteeing maximum publicity among the candidates in the call. Participants will receive the communications at the e-mail address they provided when they registered.

All participants must accept the rules of the competition in their entirety, as well as the solutions by the organisers of any incidents not foreseen in these rules, in accordance with the criteria that are deemed most suitable.


Tacit acceptance of the rules and exemption from liability

Participating in the competition implies accepting all the rules. The Doctoral School reserves the right to extend or modify these rules and the calendar and even to cancel the competition or declare it void, provided there is a justified cause. If this is the case, any change will be published in the Special Doctoral Awards section of the Doctoral School website and affected candidates will be notified at the e-mail address provided as their contact address for the competition. Any modifications of the rules will come into effect the day after the date of publication. Candidates will have three days to withdraw from the competition or to take appropriate action as a result of the rules being extended or modified. The Doctoral School reserves the right to exclude any candidate who commits fraud or interferes with the smooth running of the competition and its compliance with the regulations.


Personal data protection

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on personal data protection and the safeguarding of digital rights, the basic information on how personal data processed in this competition is protected is the following:


Information on data protection

Data controller

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Doctoral School


Contact details of the data protection officer

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Carrer Jordi Girona, 31, 08034 Barcelona, SPAIN

Purposes of the processing

Specifically, those described in these rules for the 2025 call for the Special Doctoral Awards (2022-2023 graduation year).

In general, those described in F03.19 Management of awards, competitions, donations and similar events organised by the University.

Further information 

Legitimate interests

The processing is necessary to execute a contract to which the subject is a party. If you do not provide us with your personal details, you will not be able to take part in the 2025 Special Doctoral Awards.

Recipients of personal data

Members of the general public who are interested in accessing our printed or electronic media, including the internet, for the purposes of teaching, research or promotion.

Publication on the Doctoral School website of the names of the winners.

Rights of data subjects

Right of access, right to rectification or erasure, right to restriction of processing. Right to object. Right to data portability.

Further information 

Period for which the personal data will be stored

As needed for any of the purposes that are described in our retention policy


If you have been unable to exercise your rights to your satisfaction, you can file a complaint with the APDCAT



Barcelona, 17 December 2024


Cristina Canal Barnils

Chair of the Standing Committee of the Doctoral School