Doctoral thesis examination committee
A doctoral thesis is assessed in a public defence that consists of the doctoral candidate's presentation and defence of the research plan to the members of a specialised committee.
Appointment of the examination committee
When the academic committee of a doctoral programme authorises the deposit of a thesis, it also makes a proposal, in order of priority, of the members of the examination committee that will assess the thesis. After the thesis deposit, the Standing Committee of the Doctoral School revises the composition of and officially appoints the examination committee.
Composition of the examination committee
Thesis examination committees are composed of five or seven doctoral degree holders who are experts on the subject and have accredited research experience. Three or five are regular members and the other two are substitutes. A majority of members must be external to the University and to any entity involved in the programme.
The composition of the committee is as follows:
1 chair
1 secretary

Functions of the examination committee
To implement measures for the substitution of members.
To suspend meetings and set a new date.
To establish the manner and moment of the round of questions.
To adjourn meetings.
To communicate verbally the mark awarded to the doctoral candidate and those in attendance at the defence.
To convene the defence (with the approval of the academic committee of the programme).
To ensure that all the documents required to assess the thesis are filled in during the defence.
To certify the award of the International Doctorate mention.
To send the documents to committee members who have acted via video conference.
To send the Doctoral School the documents signed by all the committee members so that it can enter the mark in the doctoral candidate's academic record and, if applicable, the count of the cum laude votes by the Standing Committee.