Induction Plan

2023-2024 Welcome Ceremony for PhD Students

The Doctoral School organises a welcome ceremony for new PhD students and thesis supervisors. You will be welcomed by the director of the Doctoral School, you will be introduced to your representatives on the Doctoral Student Council and you will be given information on the following: 

  • How to use UPC libraries' resources to the greatest advantage.

  • If you are an international student, how to follow the legal procedures that are necessary for your stay at our university. 

Before being admitted:

  1. Choose your doctoral programme.

  2. Apply for admission.

  3. If you are a foreigner, make sure you have applied for a visa: 

  • If you are a national of a non-EU country travelling from that country, you will need to apply for a visa at your nearest Spanish embassy or consulate.

  • If you are a national of a non-EU country and you have been studying in an EU country in the second semester of the previous academic year, you can apply for a student visa in Spain within a maximum period of one month from your arrival. We recommend that candidates who wish to try this second option contact the International Students Office of the UPC as soon as possible, by sending an e-mail to .

When you arrive at the UPC:

  1. If you are a foreigner, visit the International Students Office (OMI) of the UPC to legalise your academic stay:

  • If you are an EU national: you will need to register with the EU Nationals Register.

  • If you are a non-EU national: you must check the status of your visa with the International Students Office. In the case of long-stay visas, you will need to do this as soon as you arrive in Spain.

  • If you are a non-EU national who has been studying in another EU country and need to apply for a student visa on arrival: you must go to the International Students Office, where they will assist you and send your documents to the corresponding government office in Barcelona to start off the application process.

At the OMI, you will be given information on important aspects of life in Catalonia (accommodation, Catalan language courses, student insurance, etc.)

  1. Enrol

  2. If you have any questions, please contact us