
European Researchers’ Night 2024: Bringing researchers into the light

Jun 12, 2024

On September 27th the Researcher's Night 2024 event will take place. From September 25th to October 1st, Catalunya will be home to many dissemination activities, where researchers from over 50 scientific organizations from around the region will offer talks, workshops, experiments and plenty of other free experiences suitable for all audiences.

Additionally, in collaboration with the consortium and under the title La Noche de la Investigación, “la Caixa” Foundation and EsCiencia Eventos Científicos will organize various activities at Barcelona's CosmoCaixa as well as Tarragona's and Lleida's CaixaForum.

In this line, the UPC finalists of the Thesis in 4 minutes contest, who passed the initial classification tests, will have another opportunity to present their theses as part of an event like no other in Europe.