The Doctoral Student Council

The Doctoral Student Council is the representation body of the UPC's doctoral candidates that fosters their participation in all aspects of university life.


According to the Doctoral Student Council Regulations of the UPC, the responsibilities of the Doctoral Student Council are the following:

  • To draw up a proposal for regulations governing its functions and submit this proposal for approval at a plenary session and to the Governing Council of the UPC. 

  • To act as a representative and means of expressing the aspirations, requests and proposals of doctoral candidates in relations with the UPC's governing bodies and to promote, coordinate and defend their concerns, rights and interests. 

  • To constitute a framework for developing, discussing and defining the position of the UPC'S doctoral candidates. 

  • To carry out its administrative organisation.

  • To issue reports on any concerns relating to the University's activities. 

  • To make public agreements reached and decisions taken by its representatives, in accordance with prevailing regulations. 

  • To manage its budget. 

  • To coordinate the work of doctoral candidates' representatives at the UPC. 

  • All of the responsibilities stemming from its purposes outlined in its regulations, the UPC Statutes and any applicable regulations. 

  • To appoint and revoke the appointment of its single-person bodies, as provided for in its regulations.


  • Seyedmilad Komarizadehasl, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Construction Engineering.

  • Héctor López, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Signal Theory and Communications.

  • Shabman Morakabatchiankar, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Chemical Process Engineering.

  • David Muñoz, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Business Administration and Management.

  • Sara Peña, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Optical Engineering.

  • Milad Soltanalipour, doctoral candidate of the doctoral degree in Structural Analysis.