
The UPC closes the DI 2021 call with 25 new projects awarded

Apr 04, 2022

Since the launch of the Generalitat de Catalunya's Industrial Doctorate Plan, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya has achived a total of 234 projects (28% of the total), with 195 researchers supervising theses, 100 SGR groups involved and 76 theses read.

The UPC has closed the DI 2021 call with 25 awarded projects (21% of the total).

The areas of the projects have been mainly information and communications technologies (41.7% of the total projects), engineering and industrial production (37.5%) and chemical sciences (8.3%).

These projects have involved the signing of agreements with 13 SMEs, 8 large companies, 1 start-up or spin-off and 2 institutions (PIMEC and Consorci Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona). The projects have also involved collaboration in a project with the CERCA IREC center.

71% of doctoral students have been men and 29% women.

69.2% of doctoral students are from Spain, although there are also doctoral students from Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Italy, India, Iran and China.


To consult the bases of the new call DI 2022 and the offer of current projects you can visit:

Page Doctoral School - call 2022
Active offer - Generalitat de Catalunya
New DI 2022 call – Generalitat de Catalunya

For more information: