The Standing Committee

Photo of the Standing Committee of the Doctoral School

The Standing Committee, which is chaired by its director, is the School Board's executive and permanent representative body.


  • To ensure that these regulations and the Board’s agreements are complied with.

  • To regulate the use of the Doctoral School's name and its corporate identity, within the framework of the University's regulations.

  • To set up the consultation committees that are deemed necessary.

  • To draft the Doctoral School's strategic plan, within the framework of the University's strategic planning.

  • To design and implement the quality assurance system for monitoring activities and the results of the doctoral programmes.

  • To approve the settlement and distribution of the budget allocated to the Doctoral School every year.

  • To authorise the economic items needed to cover infrastructure and maintenance costs that are not allocated in the annual operating budget.

  • To ensure that the Doctoral School's operations are fluid, in accordance with prevailing regulations.

  • To set doctoral students' cross-disciplinary training activities and also regulate activities that may be of interest in their research training.

  • To facilitate the recruitment of doctors by companies and promote the internationalisation of the doctoral programmes.

  • To assess the effectiveness of policies on predoctoral grants and financial aid and, if necessary, make proposals to improve them.

  • To propose the composition of the examination committees for doctoral theses to the rector for his approval, subsequent to the report of the academic committee of the doctoral programme in question.

  • To count the votes for the cum laude mention or delegate this task to another body.

  • To rule on the calls for special doctoral awards.

  • To establish the procedures for the recognition of training activities and other aspects of training for researchers.

  • To establish the procedures for conflict resolution in doctoral studies.

  • To promote actions that enable the Doctoral School to be managed and to execute its strategic plan.

  • To propose the nomination of an honorary doctoral degree holder to the Governing Council.

  • To propose initiatives and aspirations and express an opinion on issues that affect the Doctoral School and its environment.

  • To propose collaborating bodies that may participate in the Doctoral School's activities to the Board.

  • To participate in the recruitment, training, assessment and promotion of the Doctoral School's administrative and service staff, under the terms established in the Statutes.

  • To propose items to be included in the agenda for the Board's meetings.



Ex officio members

Elected members

  • Dr Manel Espino, coordinator of the doctoral degree in Environmental Engineering.

  • Dr Carlos Marmolejo, coordinator of the doctoral degree in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation.

  • Dr Magda Mària, coordinator of the doctoral degree in Architectural Design.