
PUZZLE X Science Spark E-poster Presentation

Sep 15, 2023

Dear students and postdocs,

We are inviting you to present your scientific work in an e-poster presentation at PUZZLE X global event with a chance to win $1000!
For more information Click Here


In addition, you will get the chance to present your research to 3000+ deep tech leaders in industry, science, government, and technology such as AWS, Intel, IBM, Google, GSK, Roche, BASF, Vodafone, JP Morgan, BP, Hyperloop TT, HP, McKinsey, ZTE, Huawei, Accenture, Honeywell.

As graduate students or postdocs, we are always thrilled to communicate our research not only to other scientists but also to industry. If you are looking for such a platform, PUZZLE X is the perfect event for you. 


This year, in collaboration with MRS (Materials Research Society) and Anasori Lab at Purdue University, we are organizing “PUZZLE X Science Spark E-poster Presentation” Nov 7-9 in Barcelona. The winners of the e-poster presentation will win $1000 and will be featured as a rising star in MRS and also interviewed on-site by PUZZLE X media partners. The scientific focus areas are: Energy storage, 2D Materials, Bioelectronics, Sensors, Wearables, Structural building materials, Quantum phenomena, Optical sensors and detectors, Printed electronics, Biofuels and Biomaterials.


Deadline for abstract submission is Sep 20

PUZZLE X, Nov 7-9 in Barcelona, Spain is the leading global event for Frontier Tech for the Future focusing on Deep Science areas such as quantum, material science, bioengineering, computer sciences and more. Some of PX speakers:

• Sir Kostya Novoselov, Nobel Laureate in graphene

• Dr. Bill Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Laser Cooling

• Senator Roger Wicker, Ranking Member, U.S. Senate

• Sir Robin Saxby, Founding CEO & Chairman, ARM

• Dr. Ignacio Cirac, Director of Max Planck Institute of Quantum

• Dr. Hiroshi Ishii, Vice Director of MIT Media Lab

• Dr. Anne Matsuura, Director of Quantum Technologies at Intel

• Dr. Yury Gogotsi, Distinguished Professor and Director,A.J Drexel Nanomaterials Institute at Drexel University

• Dr. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Professor of Physics, MIT

• Dr. Vladimir Falko, Director, National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester

• Dr. Chema Alonso, Chief Digital Officer at Telefonica

• Dr. Andrea C. Ferrari, Professor of Nanotechnology, University of Cambridge

• Dr. Babak Anasori, Assistant Professor, Purdue University

• Nabil Alnuaim, CEO of Aramco Digital

• Andres De Leon,CEO, Hyperloop TT

• Dr. Pablo Rodriguez, Director at CTO office, Google X

• Carles Navarro, Managing Director of BASF Spain, BASF


Don’t miss the chance! Submit your abstract and join the 3000 scientists and technologists showcasing their latest discoveries.