Third edition of the competition Your Doctoral Thesis in a Twitter Thread: #HiloTesis

May 03, 2023

Do you want to tell us about your doctoral thesis in a Twitter thread? We look forward to your participation!



 The Doctoral School of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya is participating in the third edition of the competition Your Doctoral Thesis in a Twitter Thread: #HiloTesis, which is held by the Scientific Outreach and Culture Network (RedDivulga) of the R&D&I committee of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

It is an initiative for promoting communication and science outreach skills among doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates.

Whether they have completed their thesis in the last six months or they are still working on it (provided that they have passed their Research Plan or have a satisfactory evaluation of their Activity Document), trainee researchers are asked to explain to a general audience what they do and how and why they do it. They must communicate their doctoral thesis in a thread of no more than 20 tweets using simple, accessible and appealing language.

The first tweet of the thread must tag @RedDivulga,  @filarramendi, @la_UPC and @DoctoratUPC in an image, and end with "Abro #HiloTesis". Threads that do not comply with these conditions will be disqualified from the contest.

The competition runs between May 1st at 12.00 a.m.(midnight) to May 7th 23 April 2023 at 11.59 p.m. . Participants must post their thread and submit the form within this period.

Participants are allowed just one thread with a maximum of 20 tweets.

Tweets must be posted in Spanish or any of the co-official languages in Spain (in this case, a translation into Spanish is required).

Calendar for the call:

• From May 1st to May 7th: students post their threads and submit the form.

• From May 8th to May 17th: the organisers of the competition send each university the threads of participants who have submitted the form.

Date to be announced: announcement of the chosen thread for the UPC stage who will be awared with 200€. Each university will submit one of the chosen threads to the national jury proposed by RedDivulga for assessment.

From June 1st to June 7th: the national jury will choose the three awardees and will make a public announcement of its decision.

Consult the competition rules for the participation requirements, instructions on posting your tweets and the assessment criteria.

We look forward to your participation!