
Inter-university Final of the 5th edition of the contest "Presenta la teva tesi en 4 minuts"

Jun 20, 2022

The inter-university final of the 5th edition of the competition "Presentala teva tesi en 4 minuts" will be held on Thursday 22 June at 17:00.

Javier Argüello Luengo, PhD candidate of the Photonics doctoral degree will represent the UPC with his presentation ""Construyendo la simulación cuántica" at the event, in which he will compete with the finalists of the 12 Catalan universities, and which will be broadcasted live on the youtube channel of the Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i la Innovació, through the following link:

From the School for Doctoral Studies, we are proud of his participation and wish him the best of luck.