
Winners of the II Edition of the Sant Jordi micro-story contest

Apr 26, 2024

On April 23, the Doctoral School announced the three winners of the micro-story contest at the Sarau UPC of Sant Jordi 2024 event.

The first prize went to Elisabeth Llanos Pla, a student in the Doctoral Program in Signal Theory and Communications, for her story titled "L'amor de Schrödinger."

The second prize went to Zewen Liu, from the Doctoral Program in Textile and Paper Engineering, for his story "A Mother's Gift of Yarn."

Finally, the third prize went to Ibrar Malik, a student in the Doctoral Program in Automatic Control, Robotics, and Vision, for his story "El perfil bo."

The winners were recognized for their creativity and originality in narrative expression. You can find their micro-stories here.