
Winter School organized by Unite! in Innovation and Valorization

Jan 10, 2024

Unite! organizes an online Winter School on Innovation and Open Valorization open to all UPC doctoral students interested in participating.

  • Dates: January 17th and 18th
  • Location: Zoom Video Conference

Free but mandatory registration:


Unite! Innovation Day 2024 – Program

Thursday, 18th January morning: Generality On Innovation Process

9.00-9.10: Julien Bras (Grenoble INP) - Welcome speech Unite! Innovation Day

9.15-10.00: Manuel Mira Godinho (ULisboa) – Intellectual property and the special focus on patents

10.00-10.30: Jessica Retzlaff (TU Darmstadt) – Startup Management

10.30-10.45: Break

10.45 – 11.30: Josep Bordonau (UPC) - How to bridge the gap between university and academia

11.30 – 12.15: Viktor Olsson (KTH) - KTH Innovation Readiness Level and diversity & inclusion in innovation and entrepreneurship

Thursday, 18th January afternoon: European testimony in innovation

13.30-14.00: Testimony Polito (start-up, tbc)

14.00-14.30: Testimony TU-Darmstadt (Compredict/Magnotherm testimonials, tbc)

14.30 – 15.00: Testimony Grenoble INP (Erwan Gicquel, Cilkoa)

15.00-15.30: Break

15.30 – 16.00: Testimony KTH (start-up, tbc)

16.00-16:30: Testimony TU Graz: start-up / scale-up perspective (Mario Fallast)

16.30-17.00: Testimony Aalto (Mohamed Elomir, Woamy)

17.00-17.15: Wrap up of testimony in Europe (Julien Bras)