Materials Science and Engineering
Diagonal-Besòs Campus Management and Support Unit
Building A
Av. Eduard Maristany, 16
08019 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 934 011 792
The UPC’s Department of Materials Science, the unit responsible for organising and promoting doctoral degree courses in Materials Science and Metallurgy, was created by bringing together the Chairs in Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Technology of the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) and professors from the materials science and metallurgical engineering knowledge area of the Terrassa School of Industrial Engineering and the technical schools of Vilanova i la Geltrú, Manresa and Terrassa. Professors from the textile area have now joined the Department, and the Manresa section is no longer associated with it.
General information
Access profile
Given the multidisciplinary nature of the scientific field of the programme, there are a wide range of degrees that qualify applicants for admission. The applicants considered most suitable for admission to the doctoral programme in Materials Science and Engineering are bachelor’s degree holders with a scientific and technological background who have completed a master's degree in Materials Science and Advanced Materials Engineering or a related field.
In addition to having suitable academic qualifications, it is considered important that applicants have certain personal characteristics – namely, an interest in the research projects carried out within the framework of the programme; critical and analytical skills; initiative, perseverance and persistence in their academic work; the ability to work in a team; and the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.
The main entrance qualifications for the programme are as follows:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or higher engineering degree (Industrial, Materials or Chemical Engineering) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physical and/or Chemical Sciences with a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering (or proof of having completed 60 ECTS credits of this master’s degree), or another master’s degree with the same content, from any higher education institution in the EHEA, or a non-EHEA country if the applicant is eligible for admission to doctoral studies in that country.
Students with the following qualifications are eligible for direct admission:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Industrial, Materials, Chemical or similar) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physics and/or Chemistry with a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering.
With bridging courses:
Holders of a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Industrial, Materials, Chemical or similar) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physics and/or Chemistry who have completed a master's degree in a field other than Materials Science and Engineering. If admitted, these students will be required to take bridging courses carrying up to 60 ECTS credits (subjects of the master’s degree that they have not taken).
Output profile
Doctoral candidates who complete a doctoral degree will have acquired the following competencies, which are needed to carry out quality research (Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies):
a) A systematic understanding of the field of study and a mastery of the research skills and methods related to the field.
b) An ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
c) An ability to contribute to pushing back the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
d) A capacity for critical analysis and an ability to assess and summarise new and complex ideas.
e) An ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general as regards their fields of knowledge in the manner and languages that are typical of the international scientific community to which they belong.
f) An ability to foster scientific, technological, social, artistic and cultural progress in academic and professional contexts within a knowledge-based society.
The award of a doctoral degree must equip the graduate for work in a variety of settings, especially those requiring creativity and innovation. Doctoral graduates must have at least acquired the personal skills needed to:
a) Develop in contexts in which there is little specific information.
b) Find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
c) Design, create, develop and undertake original, innovative projects in their field.
d) Work as part of a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.
e) Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgements with limited information.
f) Offer criticism on and intellectually defend solutions.
Number of places
Duration of studies and dedication regime
The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.
If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.
For full-time doctoral candidates, the minimum period of study is two years, counted from the date of an applicant's admission to the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited; for part-time doctoral candidates it is four years.
When there are justified grounds for doing so, and the thesis supervisor and academic tutor have given their authorisation, doctoral candidates may request that the academic committee of their doctoral programme exempt them from the requirement to complete this minimum period of study.
Temporary disability leave and leave for the birth of a child, adoption or fostering for the purposes of adoption, temporary foster care, risk during pregnancy or infant feeding, gender violence and any other situation provided for in current regulations do not count towards these periods. Students who find themselves in any of these circumstances must notify the academic committee of the doctoral programme, which must inform the Doctoral School.
Doctoral candidates may request periods of temporary withdrawal from the programme for up to a total of two years. Requests must be justified and addressed to the academic committee responsible for the programme, which will decide whether or not to grant the candidate's request.
Extension of studies
If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.
Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:
- The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
- The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
- The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
- A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
- The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
- The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.
Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.
A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.
Legal framework
- Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy (PROMOTORA)
Diagonal-Besòs Campus Management and Support Unit
Building A
Av. Eduard Maristany, 16
08019 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 934 011 792
Agreements with other institutions
Amirkabir University of Technology (Iran)
Boston University (US)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
Case Western Reserve University (US)
Centre of Innovation and Research in Materials and Polymers (CIRMAP) of the University of Mons (Belgium)
Centre for Material Forming (CEMEF), Mines ParisTech (France)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (Switzerland)
EMPA (Switzerland)
ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Georgia Tech (Atlanta, US)
Imperial College of Science and Technology (UK)
INSA Lyon (France)
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems (Ufa, Russia)
National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico)
Technological Institute of Morelia (Mexico)
INTEMA (Argentina)
K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Iran)
Linköping University (Sweden)
Lulea University (Sweden)
University of Leoben (Austria)
Polytechnic University of Turin – Alessandria branch (Italy)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – RPI (US)
RWTH Aachen (Germany)
Saarland University (Germany)
Technical University of Vienna (Austria)
Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Mexico)
Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico)
National Autonomous University of Mexico
University of Antioquia (Colombia)
University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
University of Holguín (Cuba)
Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
University of Perugia (Italy)
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Mexico)
University of Sfax (Tunisia)
University of Atlántico (Colombia)
Michoacán University of Saint Nicholas of Hidalgo (Mexico)
National Autonomous University of Mexico
National University of Colombia
National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina)
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD, Brazil)
Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil)
University of Padua (Italy)
University of Franche-Comté (France)
University of Bordeaux (France)
University of Lorraine (France)
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania)
University of Nebraska (US)
University of Southern California (US)
University of Tehran (Iran)
University of Vienna (Austria)
University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Volkswagen AG (Germany)
Access, admission and registration
Access profile
Given the multidisciplinary nature of the scientific field of the programme, there are a wide range of degrees that qualify applicants for admission. The applicants considered most suitable for admission to the doctoral programme in Materials Science and Engineering are bachelor’s degree holders with a scientific and technological background who have completed a master's degree in Materials Science and Advanced Materials Engineering or a related field.
In addition to having suitable academic qualifications, it is considered important that applicants have certain personal characteristics – namely, an interest in the research projects carried out within the framework of the programme; critical and analytical skills; initiative, perseverance and persistence in their academic work; the ability to work in a team; and the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.
The main entrance qualifications for the programme are as follows:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or higher engineering degree (Industrial, Materials or Chemical Engineering) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physical and/or Chemical Sciences with a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering (or proof of having completed 60 ECTS credits of this master’s degree), or another master’s degree with the same content, from any higher education institution in the EHEA, or a non-EHEA country if the applicant is eligible for admission to doctoral studies in that country.
Students with the following qualifications are eligible for direct admission:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Industrial, Materials, Chemical or similar) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physics and/or Chemistry with a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering.
With bridging courses:
Holders of a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Industrial, Materials, Chemical or similar) or a pre-EHEA degree in Physics and/or Chemistry who have completed a master's degree in a field other than Materials Science and Engineering. If admitted, these students will be required to take bridging courses carrying up to 60 ECTS credits (subjects of the master’s degree that they have not taken).
Access requirements
As a rule, applicants must hold a Spanish bachelor's degree or equivalent and a Spanish master's degree or equivalent, provided they have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits on the two degrees (Royal Decree 43/2015, of 2 February).
Applicants who meet one or more of the following conditions are also eligible for admission:
a) Holders of official Spanish degrees or equivalent Spanish qualifications, provided they have passed 300 ECTS credits in total and they can prove they have reached Level 3 in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
b) Holders of degrees awarded in foreign education systems in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which do not require homologation, who can prove that they have reached Level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework, provided the degree makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
c) Holders of degrees awarded in a country that does not belong to the EHEA, which do not require homologation, on the condition that the University is able to verify that the degree is of a level equivalent to that of official university master's degrees in Spain and that it makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
d) Holders of another doctoral degree.
e) Holders of an official university qualification who, having been awarded a post as a trainee in the entrance examination for specialised medical training, have successfully completed at least two years of training leading to an official degree in a health sciences specialisation.
Note 1: Regulations for access to doctoral studies for individuals with degrees in bachelor's, engineering, or architecture under the system prior to the implementation of the EHEA (CG 47/02 2014).
Note 2: Agreement number 64/2014 of the Governing Council approving the procedure and criteria for assessing the academic requirements for admission to doctoral studies with non-homologated foreign degrees (CG 25/03 2014).
Legal framework
Admission criteria and merits assessment
Weighting of admission criteria:
The programme has an academic committee that assesses student applications. Each month, the committee reviews applications submitted through the pre-enrolment application. The doctoral programme has a specific form for doctoral students to indicate their scientific and technical interests. Based on this information, and taking into account the needs and capacity of research groups, the academic committee channels the applications accepted so that tutors and thesis supervisors can be assigned.
If the academic committee deems that additional training is required for an applicant to be admitted, it determines what bridging courses the student will be required to take to ensure that they have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities (up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits).
Training complements
Bridging courses may provide research or cross-disciplinary training, but in no case may doctoral students be required to enrol for 60 or more ECTS credits.
Any bridging courses that students are required to take will be subjects offered on the master's degree in Materials Science and Advanced Materials Engineering (validated in 2019). The specific bridging courses required will depend on each student’s entrance qualification. If admitted, holders of a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Industrial, Materials, Chemical or similar), or a pre-EHEA degree in Physics and/or Chemistry, and a master's degree in a field other than Materials Science and Engineering will be required to take bridging courses carrying up to 60 ECTS credits (subjects of the master's degree in Materials Science and Advanced Materials Engineering).
• Sustainability and Circular Economy (6)
• Modern Materials Manufacturing (6)
• Structural Integrity and Failure Analysis (6)
• Experimentation in Materials Science and Engineering (6)
• Advances in Plastics Materials Processing (6)
• Advanced Ceramics (6)
• Structure and Properties of Polymers (6)
• Mechanical Behaviour of Materials and its Simulation (6)
• Nanostructured Materials (6)
• Advanced Materials Engineering (6)
• Sustainable Materials (6)
• Functional Materials (6)
• Biofunctional Materials (6)
• Composite Materials Technology (6)
• Biomedical Materials (6)
• New Challenges in Compounding and Degradation of Plastic Materials (6)
• Materials Joining Technology (6)
• Materials with Applications in Transport and Energy (6).
Enrolment period for new doctoral students
The ordinary enrolment period starts in September and ends on 15 October of each academic year, though the enrolment date will depend on the admission decision.
More information at the registration section for new doctoral students
Enrolment period
The enrolment period will be from 15 September to 15 October of each academic year.
Monitoring and evaluation of the doctoral student
Procedure for the preparation and defense of the research plan
Doctoral candidates must submit a research plan, which will be included in their doctoral student activity report, before the end of the first year. The plan may be improved over the course of the doctoral degree. It must be endorsed by the tutor and the supervisor, and it must include the method that is to be followed and the aims of the research.
At least one of these annual assessments will include a public presentation and defence of the research plan and work done before a committee composed of three doctoral degree holders, which will be conducted in the manner determined by each academic committee. The examination committee awards a Pass or Fail mark. A Pass mark is a prerequisite for continuing on the doctoral programme. Doctoral candidates awarded a Fail mark must submit a new research plan for assessment by the academic committee of the doctoral programme within six months.
The committee assesses the research plan every year, in addition to all of the other activities in the doctoral student activity report. Doctoral candidates who are awarded two consecutive Fail marks for the research plan will be obliged to definitely withdraw from the programme.
If they change the subject of their thesis, they must submit a new research plan.
Formation activities
Activity: Preparation and initial defence of research plan.
Hours: 4.
Type: compulsory
Activity: Programme-specific courses, seminars and workshops.
Hours: 15.
Type: compulsory
Activity: Programme-specific courses, seminars and workshops.
Hours: 40.
Type: optional
Activity: Complementary courses and seminars given by visiting professors.
Hours: 12.
Type: optional
Activity: Publications
Hours: 100.
Type: optional
Activity: Research stays.
Hours: 480.
Type: optional
Activity: Cross-disciplinary activities.
Hours: 15.
Type: compulsory
Activity: Cross-disciplinary activities.
Hours: 30.
Type: optional
Procedure for assignment of tutor and thesis director
The academic committee of the doctoral programme assigns a thesis supervisor to each doctoral candidate when they are admitted or enrol for the first time, taking account of the thesis supervision commitment referred to in the admission decision.
The thesis supervisor will ensure that training activities carried out by the doctoral candidate are coherent and suitable, and that the topic of the candidate’s doctoral thesis will have an impact and make a novel contribution to knowledge in the relevant field. The thesis supervisor will also guide the doctoral candidate in planning the thesis and, if necessary, tailoring it to any other projects or activities undertaken. The thesis supervisor will generally be a UPC professor or researcher who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience. This includes PhD-holding staff at associated schools (as determined by the Governing Council) and UPC-affiliated research institutes (in accordance with corresponding collaboration and affiliation agreements). When thesis supervisors are UPC staff members, they also act as the doctoral candidate’s tutor.
PhD holders who do not meet these criteria (as a result of their contractual relationship or the nature of the institution to which they are attached) must be approved by the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee in order to participate in a doctoral programme as researchers with documented research experience.
The academic committee of the doctoral programme may approve the appointment of a PhD-holding expert who is not a UPC staff member as a candidate’s thesis supervisor. In such cases, the prior authorisation of the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee is required. A UPC staff member who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience must also be proposed to act as a co-supervisor, or as the doctoral candidate’s tutor if one has not been assigned.
A thesis supervisor may step down from this role if there are justified reasons (recognised as valid by the committee) for doing so. If this occurs, the academic committee of the doctoral programme will assign the doctoral candidate a new thesis supervisor.
Provided there are justified reasons for doing so, and after hearing any relevant input from the doctoral candidate, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may assign a new thesis supervisor at any time during the period of doctoral study.
If there are academic reasons for doing so (an interdisciplinary topic, joint or international programmes, etc.) and the academic committee of the programme gives its approval, an additional thesis supervisor may be assigned. Supervisors and co-supervisors have the same responsibilities and academic recognition.
The maximum number of supervisors of a doctoral thesis is two: a supervisor and a co-supervisor.
For theses carried out under a cotutelle agreement or as part of an Industrial Doctorate, if necessary and if the agreement foresees it this maximum number of supervisors may not apply. This notwithstanding, the maximum number of supervisors belonging to the UPC is two.
The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.
If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.
If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.
Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:
- The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
- The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
- The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
- A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
- The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
- The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.
Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.
A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.
Legal framework
Learning resources
• Catalan Plastics Centre (
• Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC,
• Barcelona Research Center in Multiscale Science and Engineering (
• Laser facilities (Photonik-Zentrum Kaiserslautern e.V., Germany)
• TEM/FIB/EBSD (LiU/Seco Tools, Sweden)
• XRD/CVD Unit (Boston University)
• Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
• Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Germany)
• Institute of Ceramics and Glass (Madrid)
• Industry Association of Navarra
• IMDEA Materials Institute (Madrid)
• CSIC Seville
• Materials Technological Institute, Valencia.
Doctoral Theses
List of authorized thesis for defense
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:10:41.
List of lodged theses
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:08:02.
List of defended theses by year
No hi ha registres per mostrar.
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:08:19.
Theses related publications
Title: | Environmentally friendly phosphorus flame retardant systems for acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene (ABS): strategies to enhance mechanical properties and development of novel phosphorus/cork powder hybid solutions |
Reading date: | 11/07/2024 |
Co-director: | HAURIE IBARRA, LAIA |
Co-director: | MALET MURILLO, RAMON |
Mention: | Menció Doctorat Internacional + Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
The components’ roles in thermal stability and flammability of cork powder Ghonjizadehsamani, F.; Haurie, L.; Malet, R.; Realinho, V. Materials (Basel), ISSN: 1996-1944 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.7 Publication date: 18/05/2023 Journal article Phosphorus-based flame-retardant acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer with enhanced mechanical properties by combining ultrahigh molecular weight silicone rubber and ethylene methyl acrylate copolymer Ghonjizadehsamani, F.; Haurie, L.; Malet, R.; Realinho, V. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.6 Publication date: 27/03/2024 Journal article Study of using cork powder as an adjuvant bio-flame retardant in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene flame retardant formulations Ghonjizadehsamani, F.; Haurie, L.; Malet, R.; Realinho, V. Polymer degradation and stability, ISSN: 1873-2321 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.9; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 20/05/2024 Journal article Cork as a synergistic additive in flame retardant systems 5th International Congress on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering Presentation date: 21/07/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Effects of combining cork powder and APP in the mechanical and flammability behavior of ABS 19th European meeting on Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Presentation date: 27/06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Constitutive modeling of ultrafine-grained refractory high-entropy alloys obtained by powder metallurgy |
Reading date: | 28/05/2024 |
Mention: | No mention |
HEAPS: A user-friendly tool for the design and exploration of high-entropy alloys based on semi-empirical parameters Martin, P.; Madrid, C.; Cáceres , C.; Araya, N.; Aguilar, C.; Cabrera, J. Computer physics communications, ISSN: 0010-4655 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.3; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/09/2022 Journal article Microstructure and constitutive modeling of an ultrafine-grained refractory high-entropy alloy fabricated by powder metallurgy Martin, P.; Muñoz, J.; Ferrari, B.; Sanchez-Herencia, A.; Aguilar, C.; Cabrera, J. Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2238-7854 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 8.5 Publication date: 05/2024 Journal article A review on mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering of refractory high-entropy alloys: Challenges, microstructures, and mechanical behavior Martin, P.; Aguilar, C.; Cabrera, J. Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2238-7854 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 8.5 Publication date: 31/05/2024 Journal article | |
Title: | Mechanical integrity of coated PcBN systems: mechanics and mechanisms involved under service-like conditions |
Reading date: | 10/05/2024 |
Co-director: | ROA ROVIRA, JOAN JOSEP |
Mention: | International Mention |
Small-scale mechanical properties of constitutive phases within a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride composite Besharatloo, H.; Gordon, S.; Rodríguez, T.; Llanes, L.; Roa, J.J. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.495; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2019 Journal article Influence of microstructural assemblage of the substrate on the adhesion strength of coated PcBN grades Gordon, S.; Roa, J.; Rodríguez, T.; M'Saoubi, R.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Franca, L.F.P; Llanes, L. Ceramics international, ISSN: 0272-8842 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.2; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/08/2022 Journal article Micromechanical mapping of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride composites by means of high-speed nanoindentation: Assessment of microstructural assemblage effects Gordon, S.; Besharatloo, H.; Wheeler, J.; Rodriguez-Suarez, T.; Roa, J.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Llanes, L. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.7; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 28/08/2022 Journal article Duplex stainless steels for thermal energy storage: characterization of oxide scales formed in carbonate salts at 500 °C Morales Comas, Miguel; Gordon, S.; Marro, F.G.; Mateo, A.; Llanes, L.; Fargas, G. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 15/12/2022 Journal article Spherical indentation of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN): contact damage evolution with increasing load and microstructural effects Gordon, S.; Marro, F.G.; Rodríguez, T.; Roa, J.J.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Llanes, L. International journal of refractory metals and hard materials, ISSN: 0263-4368 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.804; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/2023 Journal article Comparative study of mechanical performance of AlCrSiN coating deposited on WC-Co and cBN hard substrates Liang, J.; Serra, M.; Gordon, S.; Fernández de Ara, J.; Almandoz, E.; Llanes, L.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Ceramics, ISSN: 2571-6131 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 0.0 Publication date: 09/06/2023 Journal article Mechanical integrity of PVD TiAlN-coated PcBN: Influence of substrate bias voltage and microstructural assemblage Gordon, S.; Rodriguez-Suarez, T.; Roa, J.J.; M'Saoubi, R.; Andersson, J.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Llanes, L. Ceramics international, ISSN: 1873-3956 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.2; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 12/2023 Journal article Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas a escala nano- y micrométrica de plaquitas de PcBN recubiertas LVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio Presentation date: 27/10/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Adhesion strength of coated hard systems: a comparative study involving the use of different substrates-PcBN and WC-Co hardmetal European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition 2021 Presentation of work at congresses Adhesion strength of coated hard systems: a comparative study involving the use of different substrates - PcBN and WC-Co hardmetal European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition 2021 Presentation date: 19/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Assessment of contact damage response of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN) by means of spherical indentation Plansee Seminar Presentation of work at congresses Influence of microstructural assemblage of substrate on the adhesion strength of TiSiN coated PcBN systems World Congress on Powder Metalluray 2022 Presentation date: 11/10/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Study on the forming limit on shear spinning process |
Reading date: | 16/04/2024 |
Mention: | No mention |
Formability of the 5754-aluminum alloy deformed by a modified repetitive corrugation and straightening process Ezequiel, M.; Elizalde, S.; Cabrera, J.; Picas, J.A.; Figueroa, I.; Alfonso, I.; González, G. Materials (Basel), ISSN: 1996-1944 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.623; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/2020 Journal article Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of an Al-6061 alloy processed by repetitive corrugation and straightening Elizalde, S.; Ezequiel, M.; Figueroa, I.; Cabrera, J.; Braham, C.; González, G. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 2.351; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 04/2020 Journal article Study on the formability and texture evolution of AA6061 alloy processed by repetitive corrugation and straightening Elizalde, S.; Ezequiel, M.; Cabrera, J.; Figueroa, I.; Baile Puig, Maria Teresa Journal of Applied Research and Technology, ISSN: 1665-6423 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 0.167; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 28/10/2021 Journal article Effect of the microstructure generated by repetitive corrugation and straightening (RCS) process on the mechanical properties and stress corrosion cracking of Al-7075 alloy Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2238-7854 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.267; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 11/2021 Journal article Mechanical, stress corrosion cracking and crystallographic study on flat components processed by two combined severe plastic deformation techniques Romero, L.; Cabrera, J.; Elizalde, S.; Amigó Borrás, Vicente; Figueroa, I.; González, G. Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2238-7854 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.4; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/05/2022 Journal article Repetitive corrugation and straightening effect on the microstructure, crystallographic texture and electrochemical behavior for the Al-7075 alloy Romero, L.; Hernández, M.; Cabrera, J.; Elizalde, S.; Amigó Borrás, Vicente; Figueroa, I.; Covelo, A.; González, J. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, ISSN: 1665-6423 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 0.167; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 07/2022 Journal article Effect of heat treatments on the mechanical and microstructural behavior of a hypoeutectic Al alloy obtained by laser power bed fusion Muñoz, J.; Elizalde, S.; Komissarov, A.; Cabrera, J. Materials science and engineering. A, Structural materials: proporties, microstructures and processing, ISSN: 0921-5093 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.4; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 11/2022 Journal article The effect of preheating temperature on the forming limit diagram of AA1050/AA7050 Al multilayered sheets produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) Magalhães, D.; Elizalde, S.; Cabrera, J.; Cintho, O.; Kliauga, A.; Sordi, V. Advanced engineering materials, ISSN: 1527-2648 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.122; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/02/2023 Journal article Robocasting of dense 8Y zirconia parts: Rheology, printing, and mechanical properties Zhang, J.; Yarahmadi, M.; Cabezas i, L.; Serra, M.; Elizalde, S.; Cabrera, J.; Llanes, L.; Fargas, G. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.364; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 08/07/2023 Journal article Additive manufacturing of sensor prototype based on 3D-extrusion-printed zirconia ceramics Zhang, J.; Serra, M.; Elizalde, S.; Yarahmadi, M.; Cabezas i, L.; Cabrera, J.; Fargas, G.; Llanes, L. Ceramics international, ISSN: 1873-3956 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.2; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 13/03/2024 Journal article Characterization of 3D-printed highly porous zirconia-based ceramic scaffolds infiltrated with biocompatible adhesive IX Jornadas de I+D+I & 1st International Workshop on STEM Presentation date: 04/10/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Effect of geometry on mechanical properties of 3D printed dense zirconia ceramics parts produced by robocasting young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum Presentation date: 10/11/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Texture and strain rate sensitivity analysis of solid solution and precipitation hardening aluminum alloys processed by repetitive corrugation and straightening International Conference of Superplasticity in Advanced Materials Presentation date: 10/07/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | A damage-based fatigue life prediction method for metallic alloys and composites |
Reading date: | 04/12/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
Fatigue resistance evaluation of high Mn-TWIP steel through damage mechanics: a new method based on stiffness evolution Parareda, S.; Casellas, D.; Lara, A.; Mateo, A. International journal of fatigue, ISSN: 0142-1123 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.0; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/03/2022 Journal article A damage-based uniaxial fatigue life prediction method for metallic materials Parareda, S.; Casellas, D.; Mares, M.; Mateo, A. Materials & design, ISSN: 1873-4197 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 9.417; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 06/06/2023 Journal article Understanding the fatigue notch sensitivity of high-strength steels through fracture toughness Parareda, S.; Frómeta, D.; Casellas, D.; Mateo, A. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.8 Publication date: 14/06/2023 Journal article Simulation of metal punching and trimming using minimal experimental characterization Gustafsson, D.; Parareda, S.; Ortiz Membrado, L.; Mateo, A.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Olsson, E. Journal of materials processing technology, ISSN: 1873-4774 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.3; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/12/2023 Journal article Effect of heat treatment conditions on the fatigue resistance of press hardened 22MnB5 steel evaluated through rapid testing technique IDDRG 2021 - 40th Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group Presentation date: 21/06/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Determination of fatigue resistance through a fatigue test based on damage mechanics Steel Tech Congress and Expo Presentation date: 19/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Warm forming of hot rolled high strength steels with enhanced fatigue resistance as a lightweight solution for heavy duty vehicles 8th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steels Presentation date: 01/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Fatigue resistance evaluation of high-strength steels through a new method based on stiffness evolution 11th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 16/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Fracture toughness to assess the fatigue notch factor of high strength steels for chassis parts 6th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks Presentation date: 22/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluación de la resistencia a la fatiga de materiales metálicos mediante un método de ensayo basado en la evolución del daño Congreso del Grupo Español de Fractura 2023 Presentation date: 22/03/2023 Presentation of work at congresses Assessment of Mode I fatigue delamination of composites through a rapid testing method 11th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification Presentation date: 31/05/2023 Presentation of work at congresses Fracture toughness to assess the effect of trimming on the fatigue behaviour of high-strength steels for chassis parts 42nd Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group Presentation date: 21/06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Blends of modified PLA and biopolyamides for additive manufacturing |
Reading date: | 24/11/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
Effect of the viscosity ratio on the PLA/PA10.10 bioblends morphology and mechanical properties Cailloux, J.; Abt, T.; Garcia, V.; Santana, O.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Carrasco, F.; Maspoch, M. Express polymer letters, ISSN: 1788-618X (JCR Impact Factor-2018: 2.875; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 30/01/2018 Journal article PLA/PA bio-blends: induced morphology by extrusion Garcia, V.; Santana, O.; Cailloux, J.; Abt, T.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Carrasco, F.; Maspoch, M. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.426; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/12/2019 Journal article Multivariate identification of extruded PLA samples from the infrared spectrum Riba, J.; Cantero, R.; Garcia, V.; Cailloux, J.; Canals, T.; Maspoch, M. Journal of materials science, ISSN: 1573-4803 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.22; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/2020 Journal article Tailoring PLA/PA bioblends for 3D printing applications via the manufacturing of in situ microfibrillar composite filaments XV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros Presentation date: 24/09/2018 Presentation of work at congresses PLA/BIOPA bioblends for FDM: Mechanica and fracture behavior 37 Congreso del Grupo Español de Fractura - 1st virtual Iberian Conference on Estructural Integrity Presentation date: 03/2020 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of a resorbable and bioactive personalized 3D-printed implant for guided bone regeneration |
Reading date: | 03/11/2023 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Polymers for bone repair Rey, S.; Engel, E.; Mateos, M. Woodhead Publishing Publication date: 11/01/2019 Book chapter Development of a novel automatable fabrication method based on electrospinning co electrospraying for rotator cuff augmentation patches Rey, S.; Castaño, Ó.; Ruiz, L.; Llorens, X.; Mora, J.; Engel, E.; Mateos, M. PloS one, ISSN: 1932-6203 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 2.74; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/01/2019 Journal article Soft-tissue-mimicking using hydrogels for the development of phantoms Tejo-Otero, A.; Fenollosa, F.; Achaerandio, I.; Rey, S.; Buj-Corral, I.; Mateos, M.; Engel, E. Gels, ISSN: 2310-2861 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 4.6; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 06/01/2022 Journal article Bioprinting decellularized breast tissue for the development of three-dimensional breast cancer models Blanco Fernández, Bárbara; Rey, S.; Bagci, G.; Rubi-Sans, G.; Otero, J.; Navajas, D.; Perez, S.; Engel, E. ACS applied materials and interfaces, ISSN: 1944-8244 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 9.5; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 23/06/2022 Journal article Development of 3D Printing Personalized Implants for Bone Regeneration 12th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 17/07/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Personalized Bioactive and Bioadegradable Implants for Maxillary Bone Regeneration 13th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses Development of a personalized 3D printed bioactive and biodegradable implant for guided bone regeneration ESB - 31th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) Presentation date: 09/09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Personalized Biodegradable 3D Printed Implant for Guided Bone Regeneration 14th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 27/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Biodegradable and bioactive personalized implant for guided bone regeneration European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Presentation date: 09/09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Micromechanics of quaternary AICrSiN coatings on hard substrates |
Reading date: | 27/10/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
Mechanical performance of AlCrSiN and AlTiSiN coatings on inconel and steel substrates after thermal treatments Liang, J.; Almandoz, E.; Ortiz Membrado, L.; Rodríguez, R.; Fernández, J.; Fuentes, G.; Llanes, L.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Materials (Basel), ISSN: 1996-1944 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.4; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/12/2022 Journal article Nanoindentation and microscratch testing of quaternary (AlCrSiN and AlTiSiN) coatings deposited on different substrates: mechanical response and contact damage 11th International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials Presentation date: 26/03/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Nanoindentation and microscratch testing of quaternary (AlCrSiN and AlTiSiN) coatings deposited on different substrates: mechanical response and contact damage after thermal treatmen 17th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics Presentation date: 23/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Mechanical performance of AlCrSiN coating with Zr/Ta ion implantation on WC-Co hard metals EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 16/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Polymer blends based on postconsumer waste of opaque poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polypropylene |
Reading date: | 19/07/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
The effect of titanium dioxide surface modification on the dispersion, morphology, and mechanical properties of recycled PP/PET/TiO2 PBNANOs Matxinandiarena, E.; Múgica, A.; Zubitur, M.; Loaeza, D.; Santana, O.; Maspoch, M. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.426; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 16/10/2019 Journal article Impact of titanium dioxide in the mechanical recycling of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate bottle waste: tensile and fracture behavior Loaeza, D.; Cailloux, J.; Santana, O.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Maspoch, M. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/01/2021 Journal article Extruded-calendered sheets of fully recycled pp/opaque pet blends: Mechanical and fracture behaviour Loaeza, D.; Cailloux, J.; Santana, O.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Maspoch, M. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/07/2021 Journal article Structure and properties of reactively extruded opaque post-consumer recycled PET Candal, M.; Safari, M.; Fernandez, M.; Otaegi, I.; Múgica, A.; Zubitur, M.; Guerrica-Echevarria, G.; Sebastián , V.; Irusta, S.; Loaeza, D.; Maspoch, M.; Santana, O.; Müller, A. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/10/2021 Journal article Fractura de láminas extruidas a partir de PET opaco reciclado 35º Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura Presentation date: 15/03/2018 Presentation of work at congresses RevalPET: comportamiento mecánico y a fractura de láminas extruidas de mezclas rPP/rPET opaco Congreso del Grupo Español de Fractura 2019 Presentation date: 03/04/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Upcycling opaque PET by reactive processing: Physical microfoaming during injection moulding 11th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 16/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Effects of cold atmospheric plasmas on biomaterials: hydrogels and composites with calcium phosphates |
Reading date: | 13/07/2023 |
Mention: | International Mention |
PHARMACEUTICAL HYDROGEL COMPOSITION AND USES THEREOF Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Registration date: 18/06/2020 Patent Plasma-conditioned liquids as anticancer therapies in vivo: current state and future directions Sole, X.; Espona-Noguera, A.; Ginebra, M.P.; Canal, C. Cancers (Basel), ISSN: 2072-6694 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.575; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 25/01/2021 Journal article Osteosarcoma tissue-engineered model challenges oxidative stress therapy revealing promoted cancer stem cell properties Tornín, J.; Villasante, A.; Sole, X.; Ginebra, M.P.; Canal, C. Free radical biology and medicine, ISSN: 0891-5849 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 8.101; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/2021 Journal article Ceramic-hydrogel composite as carrier for cold-plasma reactive-species: Safety and osteogenic capacity in vivo Sole, X.; Labay, C.; Raymond, Y.; Franch, J.; Benitez, R.; Ginebra, M.P.; Canal, C. Plasma processes and polymers, ISSN: 1612-8869 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.5; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2022 Journal article Thermosensitive hydrogels to deliver reactive species generated by cold atmospheric plasma: a case study with methylcellulose Sole, X.; Vilella, T.; Labay, C.; Tampieri, F.; Ginebra, M.P.; Canal, C. Biomaterials science, ISSN: 2047-4830 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.6; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 09/06/2022 Journal article Synthesis and characterization of a 3D model of osteosarcoma for in vitro evaluation of the therapeutic effects of cold atmospheric plasmas XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales Presentation date: 15/11/2019 Presentation of work at congresses EFFECTS OF COLD A TMOSPHERIC PLASMA OVER CANCER STEM CELLS IN OSTEOSARCOMA European Association for Cancer Research Presentation of work at congresses Novel thermosensitive hydrogel for the delivery of reactive species generated by cold atmospheric plasma 6th International Workshop on Plasma for CancerTreatment Presentation date: 29/06/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Plasma-conditioned liquids in bone cancer therapy 14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Scienceand its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/ 15th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science Presentation date: 06/03/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Challenges in plasma-conditioned liquids and hydrogels for cancer treatment Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference 2022 Presentation date: 27/04/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Methylcellulose hydrogel as vehicle of reactive species generated by cold atmospheric plasma 11TH EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 16/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Bioactive ion-releasing platforms for regenerative medicine applications |
Reading date: | 07/07/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
Advanced 3D in vitro models to recapitulate the breast tumor microenvironment Publication date: 2022 Book chapter Elastin-like recombinamer hydrogels as platforms for breast cancer modeling Blanco Fernández, Bárbara; Ximenes-Carballo, C.; Perez, S.; Rodriguez Cabello, Jose Carlos; Engel, E. Biomacromolecules, ISSN: 1525-7797 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 11.3 Publication date: 04/01/2023 Journal article Development of ion-releasing platforms for wound healing applications 13th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses PLA/CaP composite scaffolds: a 3D printed approach to trigger angiogenesis in bone regeneration WBC 2020 - World Biomaterials Congress Virtual Presentation date: 13/12/2020 Presentation of work at congresses | Development of CaZn-releasing platforms for wound healing applications ESB - 31th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) Presentation date: 05/09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Targeting wound healing with CaZn releasing platforms 14th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 27/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses nAngioDerm: Ion-release materials to promote angiogenesis on dermal regeneration. - EuroNanoMed III Training Workshop & Review Seminar for funded projects Presentation date: 22/03/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Effect of deformation on the mechanical behavior of an advanced steel of high resistance with high manganese content |
Reading date: | 30/06/2023 |
Co-director: | CALVO MUÑOZ, JESICA |
Mention: | International Mention |
Production and characterization of oxides formed on grade 300 and 350 maraging steels using two oxygen/steam rich atmospheres Cerra, M.; Fargas, G.; Roa, J.J.; Mateo, A.; Lima, M.N.S.; Riu, G.; Cardoso, J.; Gomes, M. Materials research Ibero-American journal of materials, ISSN: 1980-5373 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 1.7; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 01/01/2022 Journal article Influence of cold deformation on microstructure, crystallographic orientation and tensile properties of an experimental austenitic Fe–26Mn-0.4C steel Lima, M.N.S.; Loureiro, R.; Beres, M.; Masoumi, M.; Calvo, J.; Rodrigues, S.; Abreu, H.; Cabrera, J. Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2214-0697 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.4; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 07/2022 Journal article Dynamic Ferrite Formation and Evolution above the Ae3 Temperature during Plate Rolling Simulation of an API X80 Steel Machado, F.; Ferreira, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Lima, M.N.S.; Loureiro, R.; Siciliano, F.; Silva, E.; Reis, G.; Sousa, R.; Jr., C.; Abreu, H.; Rodrigues, S. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 22/07/2022 Journal article Optimization of thermomechanical processing under double-pass hot compression tests of a high Nb and N-Bearing austenitic stainless-steel biomaterial using artificial neural networks Sulzbach, G.; Rodrigues, M.; Rodrigues, S.; Lima, M.N.S.; Loureiro, R.; de Sá, D.; Jr., C.; Macedo, G.; Siciliano, F.; Abreu, H.; Reis, G.; Silva, E. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 23/10/2022 Journal article Effect of ECAP processing temperature on an austenitic TWIP steel's microstructure, texture and mechanical properties Lima, M.N.S.; Filgueiras, S.; Al-Maharbi, M.; Calvo, J.; Cabrera, J.; Ferreira Gomes de abreu, Hamilton Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN: 2238-7854 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 6.4; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/05/2023 Journal article Microstructure, properties and crystallographic orientation of novel austenitic Fe–26Mn-3.4Cr-0.4C steel under hot torsion process Lima, M.N.S.; França Schmalz, Guilherme Luis; Loureiro, R.; Ferreira, João Carlos; Rodrigues, S.; Calvo, J.; Cabrera, J.; Ferreira Gomes de abreu, Hamilton Materials science and engineering. A, Structural materials: proporties, microstructures and processing, ISSN: 1873-4936 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.044; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 22/06/2023 Journal article | |
Title: | Integration of sensors on 3D-printed zirconia ceramics to be used in structural applications |
Reading date: | 22/06/2023 |
Co-director: | FARGAS RIBAS, GEMMA |
Mention: | No mention |
Silver nanoparticles for conductive inks: from synthesis and ink formulation to their use in printing technologies Zhang, J.; Ahmadi, M.; Fargas, G.; Perinka, N.; Reguera, J.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Llanes, L.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 26/01/2022 Journal article Integration of conductive silver sensors on zirconia ceramics by screen-printing for monitoring strain under applied load Zhang, J.; Ahmadi, M.; Serra, M.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Llanes, L.; Fargas, G. Ceramics international, ISSN: 0272-8842 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 5.532; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 03/04/2023 Journal article Characterization of 8Y-ZrO2 specimens printed by robocasting Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum 2020 Presentation date: 28/10/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Characterization of 8Y-SZ produced by robocasting technique 17th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics Presentation date: 23/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Formulation and screen printing of conductive silver inks onto zirconia ceramics for strain monitoring 11th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 17/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Gamma-alumina coating on Alpha-alumina parts fabricated by Direct Ink Writing for catalytic applications yCAM 2022 - Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum 2022 Presentation date: 09/11/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Microstructural and mechanical properties of translucent zirconia parts produced by direct ink writing Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum 2022 Presentation date: 11/11/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of quenching and partitioning steels (Q&P) |
Reading date: | 07/06/2023 |
Co-director: | CALVO MUÑOZ, JESICA |
Mention: | No mention |
Novel mechanical characterization of austenite and ferrite phases within duplex stainless steel Besharatloo, H.; Carpio, M.; Cabrera, J.; Mateo, A.; Fargas, G.; Wheeler, J.; Roa, J.J.; Llanes, L. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 2.351; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 10/2020 Journal article Heat treatment design for a QP steel: effect of partitioning temperature Carpio, M.; Calvo, J.; Cabrera, J. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.695; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 19/07/2021 Journal article Effect of Manganese during the stabilization of austenite in Quench and Partitioning (Q&P) Steels METAL 2019 - 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | 3D printing of zirconia-based ceramic materials |
Reading date: | 26/05/2023 |
Co-director: | ROA ROVIRA, JOAN JOSEP |
Mention: | No mention |
Optimization of the ceramic ink used in Direct Ink Writing through rheological properties characterization of zirconia-based ceramic materials Yarahmadi, M.; Barcelona, P.; Fargas, G.; Xuriguera, E.; Roa, J. Ceramics international, ISSN: 0272-8842 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.2; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/2022 Journal article Micromechanical properties of yttria-doped zirconia ceramics manufactured by direct ink writing Yarahmadi, M.; Cabezas, L.; Ortiz Membrado, L.; Llanes, L.; Fargas, G. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 8.9 Publication date: 08/07/2023 Journal article Rheological properties of 3Y-ZrO2 inks for robocasting 4st Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) Presentation date: 29/10/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Extrusion-based additive manufacturing of 8Y-ZrO2: rheological and mechanical properties 17th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics Presentation date: 23/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Production and properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics by direct ink writing (DIW) 14TH ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics Presentation date: 20/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Effect of Y2O3c content on rheology, hardness and fracture toughness of 3D printed zirconia-based ceramic materials 11TH EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 17/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Characterization of porous zirconia-based ceramics with complex geometries produced by robocasting Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum 2022 Presentation date: 10/11/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | 3D-printed polymeric bioresorbable stents for cardiovascular applications |
Reading date: | 26/05/2023 |
Mention: | No mention |
Photoproduction of hydrogen in microreactors: catalytic coating or slurry configuration? Chausse, V.; Llorca, J. Catalysis today, ISSN: 0920-5861 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 6.766; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2020 Journal article Solvent-cast direct-writing as a fabrication strategy for radiopaque stents Chausse, V.; Schieber, R.; Raymond, S.; Ségry, B.; Sabaté, R.; Kolandaivelu, K.; Ginebra, M.P.; Pegueroles, Marta Additive manufacturing, ISSN: 2214-8604 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 11.632; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/12/2021 Journal article Chemical vs thermal accelerated hydrolytic degradation of 3D-printed PLLA/PLCL bioresorbable stents: characterization and influence of sterilization Chausse, V.; Iglesias, C.; Bou, E.; Ginebra, M.P.; Pegueroles, Marta Polymer testing, ISSN: 0142-9418 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 7.5 Publication date: 01/01/2023 Journal article Solvent-cast direct-writing and electrospinning as a dual fabrication strategy for drug-eluting polymeric bioresorbable stents Chausse, V.; Casanova-Batlle, E.; Canal, C.; Ginebra, M.P.; Ciurana, J.; Pegueroles, Marta Additive manufacturing, ISSN: 2214-7810 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 11.632; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 05/06/2023 Journal article 3D-printed PLLA/PCL bioresorbable stents with tunable characteristics by solvent-cast direct-write technique WBC2020 - World Biomaterials Congress Presentation of work at congresses Inorganic and organic surface modification strategies to control degradation and enhance cell adhesion on biodegradable Zn-based alloys 13th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals Presentation date: 25/08/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Functionalization of biodegradable Zn based alloys with poly(e-caprolactone) and bioactive peptides to control degradation and enhance endothelialization ESB - 31th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) Presentation date: 09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Development of drug-loaded, 3D printed PLLA/PLCL bioresorbable stents: characterization and influence of sterilization ESB 2021 - 31th European Conference on Biomaterials Presentation date: 08/09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Micropatterned 3D-printed PLLA/PLCL bioresorbable stents: degradation and influence of sterilization 11th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation date: 16/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Additive manufacturing and electrospinning as a dual fabrication strategy for biomimetic drug-eluting bioresorbable stents Annual meeting of the European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Presentation date: 29/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Functionalization of 3D printed PLLA/PLCL bioresorbable stents with endothelial cell adhesive peptides 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials Presentation date: 04/09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Nuevos interconectores pulvimetalúrgicos para sistemas de óxido sólido de alta temperatura: desarrollo, optimización y prototipado |
Reading date: | 27/02/2023 |
Co-director: | TORRELL FARO, MARC |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Reversible fuel electrode supported solid oxide cells fabricated by aqueous multilayered tape casting Bernadet, L.; Morales Comas, Miguel; Monterde, M.; Morata, A.; Torrell, M.; Tarancón_si, A. JPhys energy, ISSN: 2515-7655 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 7.528; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 28/01/2021 Journal article Cobalt manganese based coatings via inkjet printing for metallic interconnects in solid oxide cell applications (B0516) 13th European SOFC and SOEC Forum 2018 Presentation date: 06/07/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Desarrollo y optimización de interconectores generados por pulvimetalúrgia para aplicaciones en sistemas de generación de energía a alta temperatura basados en pilas de combustible VII Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia y II Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia Presentation date: 26/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Development of metallic interconnects manufactured by powder metallurgy for solid oxide electrolyser systems International Conference in Electrolysis 2019 (ICE2019) Presentation date: 10/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses A-1308: Solid oxide electrolyzer cells prototype based on self-produced electrode supported tape cast cells and powder metallurgy (PM) interconnects: The CoSin Project 14th European Fuel Cell forum SOFC and SOE forum 2020 (EFCF 2020) Presentation date: 23/10/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Novel interconnects manufactured by powder metallurgy for solid oxide cells appplications Worl PM 2022 Presentation date: 12/10/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Bioresorbable Zn-based alloys for biomedical applications |
Reading date: | 26/01/2023 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Zn-Mg and Zn-Cu alloys for stenting applications: From nanoscale mechanical characterization to in vitro degradation and biocompatibility García-Mintegui, C.; Córdoba, L.; Buxadera-Palomero, J.; Marquina, A.; Jimenez-Pique, E.; Ginebra, M.P.; Cortina, J.; Pegueroles, Marta Bioactive Materials, ISSN: 2452-199X (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 16.874; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 12/2021 Journal article 3D-printed Zn-Mg bioabsorbable stents: a new paradigm in personalized coronary artery disease treatment 11th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals Presentation date: 27/08/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Electrochemical characterization and biocompatibility of zinc-based alloys for cardiovascular applications XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales Presentation date: 15/11/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Corrosion and nanoscale mechanical evaluation of Zn-Mg and Zn-Cu alloys Updates in Bioabsobable Metals - A Virtual conference Presentation date: 25/08/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Biodegradable Zn-based materials for biomedical applications MMAMT 2021 - Modern materials and advanced manufacturing technology Presentation date: 09/2021 Presentation of work at congresses ECAP processing influence on the mechanical properties and the bacterial activity of Zn-2Ag alloys 14th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals Presentation date: 09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Antibacterial Activity and Biodegradation of Zn-Ag Alloys for Biomedical Applications 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials Presentation date: 09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Ultrasonic nodal point: a new configuration for ultrasonic moulding. Advances towards the complete industrialisation of the technology |
Reading date: | 01/12/2022 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Ultrasonic moulding: current state of the technology Janer, M.; Planta, X.; Riera, M. Ultrasonics, ISSN: 0041-624X (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 2.89; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/03/2020 Journal article Ultrasonic nodal point, a new configuration for ultrasonic moulding technology Janer, M.; Plantà, X.; López, T.; Riera, M. Ultrasonics, ISSN: 0041-624X (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.062; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 08/07/2021 Journal article | |
Title: | Novel multifunctional biomimetic peptides for bone tissue engineering |
Reading date: | 03/11/2022 |
Director: | MAS MORUNO, CARLOS |
Mention: | International Mention |
A versatile click chemistry-based approach for functionalizing biomaterials of diverse nature with bioactive peptides Martin, H.; Oliver-Cervelló, L.; Sánchez, I.; Marchán, V.; Ginebra, M.P.; Mas-Moruno, C. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), ISSN: 1364-548X (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.065; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 25/01/2021 Journal article Chemically diverse multifunctional peptide platforms with antimicrobial and cell adhesive properties Martin, H.; Oliver-Cervelló, L.; Buxadera-Palomero, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Mas-Moruno, C. ChemBioChem, ISSN: 1439-7633 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.461; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 02/03/2021 Journal article An engineered biomimetic peptide regulates cell behavior by synergistic integrin and growth factor signaling Oliver-Cervelló, L.; Martin, H.; Reyes, L.; Noureddine, F.; Cavalcanti-Adam, E.; Ginebra, M.P.; Mas-Moruno, C. Advanced healthcare materials, ISSN: 2192-2640 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 11.092; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 07/04/2021 Journal article New trends in the development of multifunctional peptides to functionalize biomaterials Oliver-Cervelló, L.; Martin, H.; Mas-Moruno, C. Journal of peptide science, ISSN: 1075-2617 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.408; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 24/05/2021 Journal article Mimicking bone extracellular matrix: from BMP-2-derived sequences to osteogenic-multifunctional coatings Oliver-Cervelló, L.; Martin, H.; Mandakhbayar, N.; Cavalcanti-Adam, E.; Ginebra, M.P.; Mas-Moruno, C. Advanced healthcare materials, ISSN: 2192-2640 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 10.0; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/10/2022 Journal article The synergy of RGD and BMP-2 mimetic peptide improves mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and osteogenic differentiation 11th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 02/10/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Multifunctional peptide platform to study the synergy of bioactive peptides in cell response XLI Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales Presentation date: 19/10/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Synergistic enhancement of mesenchymal stem cells differentiation by using a multifunctional peptidic biointerface Annual meeting of the European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Presentation date: 2019 Presentation of work at congresses The power of peptides to mimic bone extracellular matrix: development of a multifunctional engineered scaffold 11th World Biomaterials Congress Presentation date: 11/12/2020 Presentation of work at congresses A click-based chemical toolkit to functionalize biomaterials 11th World Biomaterials Congress Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses Design of Multifunctional Peptide Platforms with Antimicrobial and Cell Adhesive Properties to Functionalize Medical Implants Materials Science and Engineering Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses The capacity of RGD and DWIVA peptidic biointerface to transdifferentiate C2C12 myoblasts into osteogenic lineage 13th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses The RGD-DWIVA peptidic platform: from fundamental studies to in vivo applications 6th edition-TERMIS World Congress Presentation date: 15/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Recreating bone extracellular matrix with biomimetic multifunctional peptides FEBS Advanced Course 2022 - Biological Surfaces and Interfaces: Forces at biological interfaces Presentation date: 20/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Mimicking bone extracellular matrix on titanium substrates by multifunctional biomimetic peptide coatings MSE Congress 2022 Presentation date: 27/09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives for the labelling of glass bottles |
Reading date: | 14/09/2022 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Synthesis and Properties ofWater-Based Acrylic Adhesives with a Variable Ratio of 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate and n-Butyl Acrylate for Application in Glass Bottle Labels Marquez, I.; Alarcia Hernanz, Felipe; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.329; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 12/02/2020 Journal article Influence of acrylic acid and tert-dodecyl mercaptan in the adhesive performance of water-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives Marquez, I.; Paredes, N.; Alarcia Hernanz, Felipe; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.329; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/12/2020 Journal article Adhesive performance of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives from different preparation processes Marquez, I.; Paredes, N.; Alarcia Hernanz, Felipe; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 07/08/2021 Journal article Influence of acrylonitrile content on the adhesive properties of water-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives Marquez, I.; Paredes, N.; Alarcia Hernanz, Felipe; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.0; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/03/2022 Journal article Influence of polymerizable surfactants on the adhesion performance and water resistance of water-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) Marquez, I.; Paredes, N.; Alarcia Hernanz, Felipe; Velasco, J. Journal of adhesion science and technology, ISSN: 1568-5616 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.3; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 07/07/2022 Journal article Influence of the 2-ethylhexyl acrylate co-monomer on the adhesive properties of water-based acrylic adhesives XX Congreso Internacional de Adhesión y Adhesivos Presentation date: 17/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Desarrollo de un nuevo proceso basado en la inyección 3D de tintas con carga metálica para fabricar prótesis porosas de titanio bioactivas y con propiedades antibacterianas |
Reading date: | 07/10/2021 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Biomedical applications of powder metallurgy Rodriguez, A.; Punset, M.; Manero, J.; Calero, J.; Torres, D. Elsevier Publication date: 01/09/2021 Book chapter Titanium scaffolds by direct ink writing: Fabrication and functionalization to guide osteoblast behavior Vidal, E.; Torres, D.; Guillem-Marti, J.; Scionti, G.; Manero, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Rodriguez, D.; Rupérez de Gracia, E. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 2.351; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 27/08/2020 Journal article Development of novel dual-action coatings with osteoinductive and antibacterial properties for 3D-printed titanium implants Rupérez de Gracia, E.; Rodriguez, A.; Manero, J.; Guillem-Marti, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Torres, D.; Calero, J. Surface and coatings technology, ISSN: 0257-8972 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.158; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/09/2020 Journal article Bioactivity and antibacterial properties of calcium- and silver-doped coatings on 3D printed titanium scaffolds Torres, D.; Ginebra, M.P.; Rupérez de Gracia, E.; Manero, J.; Rodriguez, A.; Calero, J. Surface and coatings technology, ISSN: 0257-8972 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.865; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 09/2021 Journal article | |
Title: | Synthesis and characterization of oxides produced by high temperature corrosion on grade 300 and 350 maraging steels |
Reading date: | 04/10/2021 |
Co-director: | FARGAS RIBAS, GEMMA |
Mention: | International Mention |
Comparative study of corrosion resistance between four non-commercial high manganese steel models and 9% nickel steel in aqueous solution of H2SO4 Cerra, M.; Cardoso, J.; Silva, M.; Abreu, H. International journal of materials research, ISSN: 1862-5282 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 0.748; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 22/06/2020 Journal article Microstructural characterization of grade 300 and grade 350 maraging steels and electrochemical study in hydrofluoric solution Cerra, M.; Fargas, G. Journal of fluorine chemistry, ISSN: 0022-1139 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.226; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 03/2021 Journal article Characterization study of an oxide film layer produced under CO2/steam atmospheres on two different maraging steel grades Cerra, M.; Fargas, G.; Roa, J.J. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.695; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/05/2021 Journal article Oxidation behavior of maraging 300 alloy exposed to nitrogen/water vapor atmosphere at 500 °C Cerra, M.; Fargas, G.; Mateo, A.; Roa, J.J. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.695; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 24/06/2021 Journal article Synthesis and characterization of an Fe/Co ferrite spinel oxide film produced by using N2/steam heat treatment on two maraging steels Cerra, M.; Fargas, G.; Roa, J.; Mateo, A.; Mata, S.; Rodríguez Castellón, Enrique; Silva, M. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, ISSN: 1073-5623 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.726; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 09/02/2022 Journal article | |
Title: | Biomimetic Bone Grafts: from the lab to the clinic |
Reading date: | 13/09/2021 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention |
Accelerated hardening of nanotextured 3D-plotted self-setting calcium phosphate inks Raymond, S.; Maazouz, Y.; Montufar, Edgar B.; Pérez-Antoñanzas, R.; González, B.; Konka, J.; Ginebra, M.P. Acta biomaterialia, ISSN: 1742-7061 (JCR Impact Factor-2018: 6.638; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2018 Journal article Regeneration of segmental defects in metatarsus of sheep with vascularized and customized 3D-printed calcium phosphate scaffolds VIDAL, L.; Kampleitner, C.; KRISSIAN, S.; Brennan, M.; Hofmann, O.; Raymond, S.; Maazouz, Y.; Ginebra, M.P.; ROSSET, P.; Layrolle, P. Scientific reports, ISSN: 2045-2322 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.38; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 27/04/2020 Journal article Functionalization strategies and fabrication of solvent-cast PLLA for bioresorbable stents Schieber, R.; Raymond, S.; Caparrós, C.; Bou, J. J.; Herrero , E.; Guebitz, G.; Canal, C.; Pegueroles, Marta Applied sciences (Basel), ISSN: 2076-3417 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.838; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 06/02/2021 Journal article Computed tomography and histological evaluation of xenogenic and biomimetic bone grafts in three-wall alveolar defects in minipigs Raymond, S.; Pastorino, D.; Ginebreda, I.; Maazouz, Y.; Ortiz, M.; Manzanares, M.; Ginebra, M.P. Clinical oral investigations, ISSN: 1432-6981 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.606; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/05/2021 Journal article 3D printing non-cylindrical strands: morphological and structural implications Raymond, S.; Thorel, E.; Liversain, M.; Riveiro, A.; Pou, J.; Ginebra, M.P. Additive manufacturing, ISSN: 2214-8604 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 11.632; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/10/2021 Journal article Hydrothermal processing of 3D-printed calcium phosphate scaffolds enhances bone formation in vivo: a comparison with biomimetic treatment Raymond, S.; Bonany, M.; Lehmann, C.; Thorel, E.; Benitez, R.; Franch Serracanta, Jordi; Canal, C.; Ginebra, M.P. Acta biomaterialia, ISSN: 1742-7061 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 10.633; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/11/2021 Journal article Translation of three-dimensional printing of ceramics in bone tissue engineering and drug delivery Raymond, S.; Johansson, L.; Thorel, E.; Ginebra, M.P. MRS bulletin, ISSN: 0883-7694 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 5.0; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 16/02/2022 Journal article 3D printing with star-shaped strands: a new approach to enhance in vivo bone regeneration Raymond, S.; Lehmann, C.; Thorel, E.; Benitez, R.; Riveiro, A.; Pou, J.M.; Manzanares Céspedes, Maria Cristina; Franch Serracanta, Jordi; Canal, C.; Ginebra, M.P. Biomaterials advances, ISSN: 2772-9508 Publication date: 01/06/2022 Journal article Development of patient-specific biomimetic bone grafts 10th IBEC Symposium Presentation date: 07/05/2017 Presentation of work at congresses 3D printed bioresorbable stents by solvent-cast direct-write technique 28th European Conference on Biomaterials Presentation date: 06/09/2017 Presentation of work at congresses 3D printed CaP patient-specific bone graft substitutes: Industrial flow chain 9th International Workshop on Interfaces: New Frontiers in Biomaterials Presentation date: 18/04/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Direct ink writing with self-setting a-TCP inks: effect of processing parameters 9th International Workshop on Interfaces: New Frontiers in Biomaterials Presentation date: 16/04/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Development of biomimetic hydroxyapatite bone grafts by 3D direct ink writing Spanish-Portuguese Congress of Ceramics and Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cerámico y Vidrio Presentation date: 08/09/2018 Presentation of work at congresses 2D-3D printing technologies for ceramics and glass". 3D-printed patient-specific bone graft substitutes: industrial flow chain V Congreso Hispano-Luso de Cerámica y Vidrio / LVI Congreso Nacional SECV Presentation date: 11/10/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Reconstruction of large bone defect in sheep with customized 3D printed calcium phosphate scaffolds TERMIS-EU - European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Presentation date: 27/05/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Novel strategies for the hardening of 3D printed biomimetic bone grafts 7th shaping conference Presentation date: 11/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Development of tough 3D-printed biomimetic calcium phosphate scaffolds for bone regeneration 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials Presentation date: 04/09/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Perceived quality characterization of micro-textured injection moulded components for automotive interior applications |
Reading date: | 22/07/2021 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention |
Improvement of the replication quality of randomly micro-textured injection-moulding components using a multi-scale surface analysis Gamonal, P.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Santos-Pinto, S.; Maspoch, M. Journal of manufacturing processes, ISSN: 1526-6125 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.086; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 06/2019 Journal article Influence of topography on the scratch and mar visibility resistance of randomly micro-textured surfaces Gamonal, P.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Santos-Pinto, S.; Maspoch, M. Wear, ISSN: 0043-1648 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.108; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 15/12/2019 Journal article Influence of topographical features on the surface appearance measurement of injection moulded components Gamonal, P.; Abt, T.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Santos-Pinto, S.; Maspoch, M. Polymer testing, ISSN: 0142-9418 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.931; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/2021 Journal article Surface quality: improving the quality perception of molded parts International Congress Plastics in Automotive Engineering 2017 Presentation date: 29/03/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Multi-scale surface analysis on polypropylene micro-textured injected samples using 3D non-contact techniques XV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros Presentation date: 24/09/2018 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Preparation and characterization of reactive extrusion modified PLA/ABS blends and its foams |
Reading date: | 21/07/2021 |
Co-director: | CAILLOUX, JONATHAN |
Mention: | No mention |
An investigation on the effect of pressure and temperature on microcellular foams of Poly(lactic) acid (PLA)/Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) binary blends Kamrani Moghadam, M.; Sanchez-Soto, M.; Aghili, A.; Ramezannejad, A. Springer Publication date: 30/05/2020 Book chapter Evaluation of the mechanical properties of Poly(Lactic) Acid/ABS Bio-Blend foams Sanchez-Soto, M.; Kamrani Moghadam, M.; Maspoch, M.; Santana, O.; Cailloux, J. Springer Publication date: 30/05/2020 Book chapter Modification of poly(lactic) acid by reactive extrusion and its melt-blending with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Abt, T.; Kamrani Moghadam, M.; Cailloux, J.; Santana, O.; Sanchez-Soto, M. Polymer international, ISSN: 0959-8103 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 2.99; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 05/04/2020 Journal article | |
Title: | Surface characterization and cell instructive properties of superficially modified dental zirconia |
Reading date: | 21/07/2021 |
Director: | MAS MORUNO, CARLOS |
Co-director: | ROA ROVIRA, JOAN JOSEP |
Mention: | No mention |
Evolution of microstructure and residual stresses in gradually ground/polished 3Y-TZP Minguela, J.; Slawik, S.; Mücklich, F.; Ginebra, M.P.; Llanes, L.; Mas-Moruno, C.; Roa, J.J. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.495; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2019 Journal article Influence of grinding/polishing on the mechanical, phase stability and cell adhesion properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia Minguela, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Llanes, L.; Mas-Moruno, C.; Roa, J.J. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 5.302; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 09/2020 Journal article Peptidic biofunctionalization of laser patterned dental zirconia: A biochemical-topographical approach Minguela, J.; Müller, D.; Mücklich, F.; Llanes, L.; Ginebra, M.P.; Roa, J.J.; Mas-Moruno, C. Materials science & engineering. C, Biomimetic materials, sensors and systems, ISSN: 1873-0191 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 8.457; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/06/2021 Journal article Grinding/polishing of dental yttria-doped zirconia. Fine tuning mechanical, degradation and biological properties via microstructural changes European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019 Presentation date: 2019 Presentation of work at congresses Femtosecond laser interference patterning on dental zirconia European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019 Presentation date: 2019 Presentation of work at congresses Microstructural evaluation and residual stresses in zirconia-based materials after grinding 10th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Presentation of work at congresses Synergizing topographical and chemical modifications for improved zirconia surfaces: laser patterning and peptidic functionalization 11th World Biomaterials Congress Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of ceria-stabilized zirconia-based ceramics co-doped with calcia and alumina |
Reading date: | 20/07/2021 |
Mention: | No mention |
Enhancement of mechanical properties of ceria-calcia stabilized zirconia by alumina reinforcement Tovar-Vargas, D.; Turon, M.; Anglada, M.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 5.302; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2020 Journal article Low temperature degradation and mechanical properties of alumina reinforced ceria-zirconia by colloidal processing Tovar-Vargas, D.; Ferrari, B.; Anglada, M.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.364; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/02/2021 Journal article Mechanical properties of ceria-calcia stabilized zirconia ceramics with alumina additions Tovar-Vargas, D.; Roitero, E.; Anglada, M.; Jimenez-Pique, E. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN: 0955-2219 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.364; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 09/2021 Journal article | |
Title: | Micromechanical properties of inorganic multiphase materials |
Reading date: | 13/05/2021 |
Co-director: | ROA ROVIRA, JOAN JOSEP |
Award: | |
Mention: | International Mention |
Design of alternative binders for hard materials Nicolás, M.; Besharatloo, H.; Alvaredo, P.; Roa, J.J.; Llanes, L.; Gordo, E. International journal of refractory metals and hard materials, ISSN: 0263-4368 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.871; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/02/2020 Journal article Influence of the processing route on the properties of Ti(C,N)-Fe15Ni cermets Nicolás, M.; Besharatloo, H.; Wheeler, J.M.; Dios, M. de; Alvaredo, P.; Roa, J.J.; Ferrari, B.; Llanes, L.; Gordo, E. International journal of refractory metals and hard materials, ISSN: 0263-4368 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.871; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/02/2020 Journal article Combinatorial investigation of Al–Cu intermetallics using small-scale mechanical testing Xiao, Y.; Besharatloo, H.; Gan, B.; Maeder, X.; Spolenak, R.; Wheeler, J.M. Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN: 0925-8388 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 5.316; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 05/05/2020 Journal article Influence of indentation size and spacing on statistical phase analysis via high-speed nanoindentation mapping of metal alloys Besharatloo, H.; Wheeler, J. Journal of materials research, ISSN: 0884-2914 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.909; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 01/04/2021 Journal article Ti(C,N)-Fe15Ni10Cr cermets as alternative hard materials: Influence of the processing route and composition on their microstructure and properties Besharatloo, H.; Llanes, L. Ceramics international, ISSN: 0272-8842 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 5.532; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 15/08/2021 Journal article Evaluation of corrosion-induced damage VII Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia y II Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia Presentation date: 24/07/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Small-scale assessment of corrosion-induced damage in hardmetals International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition Presentation date: 13/10/2019 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of metallic functionalized biomaterials with low elastic modulus for orthopedic applications |
Reading date: | 12/02/2021 |
Mention: | No mention |
Electrodeposición de recubrimientos de fosfato de calcio sobre titanio Rupérez de Gracia, E.; Rodriguez, D.; Vidal, E. Biomecánica, ISSN: 1885-9518 Publication date: 2018 Journal article Single-step pulsed electrodeposition of calcium phosphate coatings on titanium for drug delivery Vidal, E.; Buxadera-Palomero, J.; Pierre, C.; Manero, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Cazalbou, S.; Combes, C.; Rupérez de Gracia, E.; Rodriguez, D. Surface and coatings technology, ISSN: 0257-8972 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.784; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 25/01/2019 Journal article Multifunctional homogeneous calcium phosphate coatings: Toward antibacterial and cell adhesive titanium scaffolds Vidal, E.; Guillem-Marti, J.; Ginebra, M.P.; Combes, C.; Rupérez de Gracia, E.; Rodriguez, D. Surface and coatings technology, ISSN: 0257-8972 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.865; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 15/01/2021 Journal article Antibacterial calcium phosphate coatings on titanium surfaces by pulsed electrodeposition BIOBONE Symposium 2015 Presentation date: 14/10/2015 Presentation of work at congresses Electrodeposición de fosfato de calcio con agentes antimicrobianos sobre titanio XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales Presentation date: 21/10/2016 Presentation of work at congresses Recubrimientos de fosfato de calcio por electrodeposición pulsada para la liberación de fármacos 14º Congreso Nacional de Materiales Presentation date: 10/06/2016 Presentation of work at congresses Pulsed electrodeposition of calcium phosphate coatings for drug delivery 2016 European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Presentation date: 01/07/2016 Presentation of work at congresses Electrodeposición de recubrimientos de fosfato de calció en scaffolds de titanio para la administración de medicamentos XL Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales Presentation date: 10/11/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Functionalization of 3D-printed titanium with a fibronectin recombinant fragment guides osteoblast behaviour 28th European Conference on Biomaterials Presentation date: 07/09/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Single-step pulsed electrodeposition of calcium phosphate coatings on titanium scaffolds for drug delivery 28th European Conference on Biomaterials Presentation date: 05/09/2017 Presentation of work at congresses One-step electrodeposition of calcium phosphate coatings doped with antimicrobial compounds on titanium 10th World Biomaterials Congress 2020 Presentation date: 11/12/2020 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | On the measurement of fracture toughness to understand the cracking resistance of Advanced High Strength Steel sheets |
Reading date: | 28/01/2021 |
Co-director: | CALVO MUÑOZ, JESICA |
Mention: | No mention |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Frómeta, D.; Calvo, J.; Molas, S.; Casellas, D. Journal of physics: conference series, ISSN: 1742-6588 (JCR Impact Factor-2017: 0.241; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 2017 Journal article Investigation on the influence of loading-rate on fracture toughness of AHSS grades Frómeta, D.; Casellas, D.; Jonsén, P. Materials science and engineering. A, Structural materials: proporties, microstructures and processing, ISSN: 0921-5093 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.652; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 30/05/2018 Journal article On the correlation between fracture toughness and crash resistance of advanced high strength steels Frómeta, D.; Lara, A.; Molas, S.; Casellas, D.; Calvo, J.; Rehrl, J.; Suppan, C.; Larour, P. Engineering fracture mechanics, ISSN: 0013-7944 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.426; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2019 Journal article Influence of microstructure on the fracture toughness of hot stamped boron steel Frómeta, D.; Casellas, D.; Jonsén, P. Materials science and engineering. A, Structural materials: proporties, microstructures and processing, ISSN: 0921-5093 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 4.652; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 16/01/2019 Journal article Evaluation of edge formability in high strength sheets through a fracture mechanics approach Frómeta, D.; Parareda, S. AIP Conference proceedings, ISSN: 1551-7616 (JCR Impact Factor-2014: 0.152 Publication date: 02/07/2019 Journal article Fracture toughness measurements to understand local ductility of advanced high strength steels Frómeta, D. IOP conference series: materials science and engineering, ISSN: 1757-899X (JCR Impact Factor-2017: 0.201 Publication date: 01/10/2019 Journal article Fatigue resistance of press hardened 22MnB5 steels Parareda, S.; Casellas, D.; Frómeta, D.; Lara, A.; Pujante, J. International journal of fatigue, ISSN: 0142-1123 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 5.186; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/01/2020 Journal article Identification of fracture toughness parameters to understand the fracture resistance of advanced high strength sheet steels Frómeta, D.; Parareda, S.; Lara, A.; Molas, S.; Casellas, D.; Jonsén, P.; Calvo, J. Engineering fracture mechanics, ISSN: 0013-7944 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.406; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 15/04/2020 Journal article New tool to evaluate the fracture resistance of thin high strength metal sheets Frómeta, D.; Lara, A.; Parareda, S.; Grifé, L.; Casellas, D. IOP conference series: materials science and engineering, ISSN: 1757-899X (JCR Impact Factor-2017: 0.201 Publication date: 19/11/2020 Journal article Fracture resistance of advanced high-strength steel sheets for automotive applications Frómeta, D.; Lara, A.; Grifé, L.; Dieudonné, T.; Dietsch, P.; Rehrl, J.; Suppan, C.; Casellas, D.; Calvo, J. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, ISSN: 1543-1940 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.726; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 03/01/2021 Journal article Microstructural effects on fracture toughness of ultra-high strength dual phase sheet steels Frómeta, D.; Cuadrado, N.; Rehrl, J.; Suppan, C.; Dieudonné, T.; Dietsch, P.; Calvo, J.; Casellas, D. Materials science and engineering. A, Structural materials: proporties, microstructures and processing, ISSN: 0921-5093 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.044; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 20/01/2021 Journal article A fracture mechanics approach to develop high crash resistant microstructures by press hardening 6th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel Presentation date: 04/07/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Fracture mechanics based modelling of failure in advanced high strength steels 6th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel Presentation date: 04/07/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Determination of the essential work of fracture at high strain rates 6th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel Presentation date: 04/07/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluation of crash resistance by means of fracture toughness measurements in advanced high strength steels 5th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks – SCT2017 Presentation date: 19/06/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Fracture toughness evaluation of thick press hardened 22MnB5 sheets for high crash performance applications in trucks 7th International Conference on hot sheet metal forming of high performance steel Presentation date: 05/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Understanding and predicting the fatigue resistance of press hardened 22MnB5 7th International Conference on hot sheet metal forming of high performance steel Presentation date: 05/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of mono and multilayer membranes of polypropylene and ethylene-propylene copolymers via cast film extrusion and stretching |
Reading date: | 17/12/2020 |
Mention: | No mention |
Polypropylene-based porous membranes: influence of polymer composition, extrusion draw ratio and uniaxial strain Castejon, M.; Habibi, K.; Saffar, A.; Ajji , A.; Martinez, A.; Arencon, D. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2017: 2.935; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 29/12/2017 Journal article Porous membranes based on polypropylene-ethylene copolymers. Influence of temperature on extrusion, annealing and uniaxial strain stages Castejon, M.; Arencon, D.; Antunes, M.; Realinho, V.; Velasco J.I.; Martinez, A. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2018: 0.724; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 02/08/2018 Journal article Effect of filler content, size, aspect ratio and morphology on thermal, morphological and permeability properties of porous talc filled—Polypropylene obtained through MEAUS process Habibi, K.; Castejon, M.; Martinez, A.; Arencon, D. Advances in Polymer Technology, ISSN: 1098-2329 (JCR Impact Factor-2018: 2.663; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 12/2018 Journal article Development of inorganic particle-filled polypropylene/high density polyethylene membranes via multilayer co-extrusion and stretching Castejon, M.; Antunes, M.; Arencon, D. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/01/2021 Journal article | |
Title: | Assessment of corrosion-induced damage in the mechanical contact response of cemented carbides at different length scales |
Reading date: | 11/12/2020 |
Co-director: | FARGAS RIBAS, GEMMA |
Mention: | No mention |
Corrosion-induced damage and residual strength of WC-Co,Ni cemented carbides: influence of microstructure and corrosion medium Zheng, Y.F.; Fargas, G.; Armelin, E.; Lavigne, O.; Llanes, L. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 2.117; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/09/2019 Journal article Assessment of corrosion-induced changes on the mechanical integrity of cemented carbides at small length scales Zheng, Y.F.; Fargas, G.; Besharatloo, H.; Serra, M.; Roa, J.J.; Armelin, E.; Lavigne, O.; Llanes, L. International journal of refractory metals and hard materials, ISSN: 0263-4368 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.407; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/11/2019 Journal article Indentation and scratch testing of a WC-6%wtCo cemented carbide: Corrosion effects on load-bearing capability and induced damage Zheng, Y.F.; Fargas, G.; Lavigne, O.; Llanes, L. Ceramics international, ISSN: 0272-8842 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.527; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 10/04/2020 Journal article Corrosion-induced changes on Hertzian contact damage in cemented carbides Zheng, Y.F.; Fargas, G.; Lavigne, O.; Roitero, E.; Llanes, L. International journal of refractory metals and hard materials, ISSN: 0263-4368 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.871; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/11/2020 Journal article Influence of corrosion-induced damage on mechanical integrity and load-bearing capability of cemented carbides Zheng, Y.F.; Fargas, G.; Armelin, E.; Lavigne, O.; Zhang, Q.; Yao, J.; Llanes, L. Metals, ISSN: 2075-4701 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/12/2022 Journal article Corrosion effects on contact damage of a WC-Ni cemented carbide European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition 2020 Presentation date: 2020 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of microcellular conductive foams based on polyetherimide with graphene nanoplatelets |
Reading date: | 22/11/2019 |
Mention: | No mention |
Effects of graphene nanoplatelets and cellular structure on the thermal conductivity of polysulfone nanocomposite foams Abbasi, H.; Antunes, M.; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.329; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/2020 Journal article Electrical conduction behavior of high-performance microcellular nanocomposites made of graphene nanoplatelet-filled polysulfone Abbasi, H.; Antunes, M.; Velasco J.I. Nanomaterials (Basel), ISSN: 2079-4991 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 5.076; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 04/12/2020 Journal article The effect of microcellular structure on the dynamic mechanical thermal properties of high-performance nanocomposite foams made of graphene nanoplatelets-filled polysulfone Antunes, M.; Abbasi, H.; Velasco J.I. Polymers, ISSN: 2073-4360 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 4.967; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 29/01/2021 Journal article Dynamic-mechanical-thermal behaviour of nanocomposite foams based on polysulfone and graphene nanoplatelets International Conference on Multifunctional Cellular Materials 2019 Presentation date: 19/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | A molecular dynamics study of nanocontact plasticity and dislocation avalanches in FCC and BCC crystals |
Reading date: | 17/06/2019 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Statistics of dislocation avalanches in FCC and BCC metals: dislocation mechanisms and mean swept distances across microsample sizes and temperatures Alcala, J.; Ocenásek, J.; Varillas, J.; El-Awady, J.; Wheeler, J.; Michler, J. Scientific reports, ISSN: 2045-2322 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 4.38; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 01/12/2020 Journal article |
Research projects
01/02/2024 | 31/01/2028 | Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT) | Commission of European Communities |
01/11/2023 | 31/10/2024 | Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas | COST OFFICE |
26/10/2023 | 25/10/2024 | Realización de medidas de superficie específica de diferentes tipos de materiales granulados destinados al pulido electroquímico, así como para el soporte en la investigación y realización de estudios | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
26/10/2023 | 25/10/2024 | C-12661 | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
11/10/2023 | 10/10/2026 | J-04177 | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/10/2023 | 30/09/2026 | Fiabilidad dimensional, mecánica y microestructural de los procesos de laminación incremental cilíndrica mediante inteligencia artificial para conseguir cero defectos de fabricación | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
29/09/2023 | 01/11/2023 | Análisis pericial sobre componentes de automoción fabricados en aluminio con problemas de colocación de insertos cilíndricos de acero, así como el posterior asesoramiento durante la realización de an | IND.VILASSARENCA, S.A. |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Postprocesado e integridad mecánica de cerámicas consolidadas por manufactura aditiva | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Materiales metálicos con gradiente funcional de mayor compatibilidad microestructural basada en la fabricación aditiva de baja reflectividad | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Hidrogeles multifuncionales para terapia de precisión en tumores urológicos: potenciando las tecnologías de plasmas fríos y de campo eléctrico para terapias contra el cancer | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Cerámicas de hidroxyapatita flexibles para aplicaciones biomedicas: de 1D a 3D | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
04/07/2023 | 03/03/2024 | Caracterización de la resistencia a flexión 3P estática y dinámica de 2 conjuntos de tornillos vertebrales | UNIVERSITAT INTERNAC. DE CATALUNYA |
01/04/2023 | 31/03/2025 | Diseño microestructural de materiales duros para aplicaciones en ingeniería | HYPERION MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGIES S |
01/04/2023 | 31/12/2023 | Cold atmospheric Plasma technology for Cancer treatment | Ajuntament de Barcelona |
15/03/2023 | 15/09/2024 | Optimización del proceso de pulido de sistemas metañ-cerámica con tecnología innovadora | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (Xartec Salut) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Biomimetic hydrogels delivering oxidative stress from cold plasmas to boost tissue regeneration | INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III |
16/12/2022 | 15/12/2023 | Estudio sobre el posible efecto del hidrógeno sobre las uniones poliméricas y la función nodular. | ASOC ESPAñOLA DEL GAS-SEDIGAS |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2027 | Bio-inspired AntiMicrobial Bone BIoceramics: Deciphering contact-based biocidal mechanisms | European Research Council (ERC) |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Bio-retardantes de llama para el desarrollo de plásticos ecológicos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Desarrollo de packaging alimentario comestible | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Preparación/'ad-hoc/' de cauchos mecanocalóricos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Hidrogeles biomiméticos para liberación de estrés oxidativo de plasmas fríos para estimular la regeneración de tejidos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 01/12/2024 | Process development and application of dual action smart coatings for use in Evans-Cotton wedges and dental implants | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 01/12/2024 | Impresión 3D de andamios de fosfato de calcio más resistentes para regeneración ósea | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2025 | Plasma frío a presión atmosférica: una terapia física para la gestión global del cáncer óseo pediátrico | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
21/11/2022 | 21/11/2022 | A synthetic hydrogel and its use for immunotherapy and 3d-printing | |
08/11/2022 | 08/11/2022 | Controllable ion release calcium particles, method for producing same and use thereof. | |
01/11/2022 | 30/04/2024 | Transforming bone cancer therapy with composite biomaterials encapsulating plasma-generated RONS | Commission of European Communities |
01/11/2022 | 31/10/2026 | Unite! University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering | European Commission. Education Audiovisual and Culture Agency Executive Agency (Eacea) |
19/10/2022 | 18/04/2024 | Implementació d'una nova ruta de Manufactura Aditiva per aliatges metàl·lics en estat semi-sòlid | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
19/10/2022 | 18/04/2024 | Pròtesi de titani porós amb tractament de superfície dual osteoinductiu i antibacterià per a cirurgies d'osteotomia del peu | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
03/10/2022 | 02/10/2025 | Functionalized Inserts Reticular Bone “FIRe Bone” | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2027 | Ajuts addicionals Ramon y Cajal 2020 RYC2020-029585-I | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Espumas poliméricas multifuncionales para apantallamiento electromagnético | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Stents poliméricos adaptables para tratar coartación aórtica pediátrica | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Bioplásticos hidrofóbicos y antimicrobianos via modificación química de polisacáridos en medio acuoso | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Desarrollo de scaffolds metálicos permanentes y reabsorbibles a medida impresos en 3D con hidrogel biofuncionalizado para la regeneración ósea | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Evaluación experimental y simulación del comportamiento mecánico a pequeña escala de composites cerámicos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
31/07/2022 | 30/07/2025 | (Bio)impresión 3D para la integración de electrónica biomimética en tejidos de ingeniería: Un gran salto en medicina regenerativa | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
25/07/2022 | 29/04/2023 | Optilaser: Nuevo sistema de fabricación aditiva para el acople de emisores fotónicos que mejore la eficiencia los procesos industriales | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
19/07/2022 | 29/11/2022 | Determinación de las propiedades de un film perforado de acuerdo con la patente EP1989044B9 | MEGAPLAST S.A. |
18/07/2022 | 31/10/2024 | Contrato de colaboración para el estudio experimental y de simulación de la propagación de fisuras por fatiga en carburos cementados | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
15/07/2022 | 13/07/2023 | Contrato de colaboración para la mejora en diferentes aspectos de la odontología: implantología, prótesis y ortodoncia y en la optimización y desarrollo de nuevos materiales para odontología | UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MIGUEL DE CERVA |
02/06/2022 | 02/06/2022 | Composición de caucho con efecto elastocalórico | |
01/06/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Advanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with Digital Advisors | Commission of European Communities |
20/05/2022 | 20/05/2023 | Contrato de colaboración en medidas mecánicas de materiales producidos por Novameat | NOVAMEAT TECH, S.L. |
30/04/2022 | 31/10/2023 | Collaboration contract for hot deformation testing of different cemented carbide grades, together with advanced characterization of corresponding micromechanisms as well as micromechanical assessment | AB SANDVIK COROMANT |
07/03/2022 | 30/09/2022 | Contracte de col·laboració per estudiar el comportament a tracció i fatiga de mostres d’alumini amb recobriments projectats en fred. | FUNDACIO BOSCH I GIMPERA |
02/03/2022 | 01/07/2022 | Contrato de colaboración para el análisi de la competencia y desarrollo de nuevos productos | UNEX APARELLAJE ELECTRICO,S.L. |
01/02/2022 | 29/07/2022 | Collaboration agreement for coating deposition and testing | UK Atomic Energy Authority |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2023 | Revolution of E-Skills with Participatory Online eXpert system | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2022 | 31/08/2023 | Preparació d’un programa de formació especialitzada en electrònica impresa mitjançant la col·laboració de centres de recerca i tecnològics dirigida a empreses i estudiants | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
06/12/2021 | 06/12/2021 | Atomization device | |
03/12/2021 | 02/12/2023 | Nano-engineered 3D printing alloys | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/12/2021 | 28/02/2022 | Realización del proyecto de I+D consistente en el estudio del posible efecto de la conducción conjunta de gas natural/Hidrógeno en la resistencia mecánica de conducciones | ASOC ESPAñOLA DEL GAS-SEDIGAS |
01/12/2021 | 17/06/2024 | Recubrimiento comestible funcional contra el deterioro de la uva | GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA |
01/11/2021 | 31/10/2023 | Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas, COST Action CA20114: primera anualitat. S'adjunta memorandum of understanding (document) i estatus del pressupost. Cal donar d'alta el projecte a SAP per po | COST OFFICE |
08/10/2021 | 31/10/2022 | Documentation, analysis and understanding of the evolution of wear-induced damage scenario and the involved wear mechanisms during wet drawing | NV BEKAERT S.A. |
01/10/2021 | 01/10/2024 | Disseny d'unions hermètiques per a condicions d'ús extremes i per a peces de grans dimensions | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Hidrogeles bioactivos y multifunc. de base peptídica obtenidos por métodos de auto-ensamblaje para terapias biomédicas avanzadas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 31/07/2024 | L’objecte del contracte és la realització del projecte d’R+D consistents en desenvoluparsimulacions computacionals del comportament dels assaigs de resistència al foc de diferents materials i estructu | APPLUS CORPORATION |
29/07/2021 | 29/07/2024 | Millora de la vida útil de les canonades dels sistemes de recollida pneumàtica de residus sòlids urbans a través de l'ús de nous materials. | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/07/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Optimisation of high damage tolerance at very high strengths by the quenching and partitioning process | Commission of European Communities |
01/07/2021 | 30/06/2022 | EEBE 3DDay- Feria participativa de impresión 3D. Motivando a los estudiantes de secundaria desde la universidad | Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Fecyt) |
01/06/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Microscopio electrónico de barrido de emisión de campo (alta resolución): SXES, EBSD, EDS y con accesorios de Nanoindentación in situ | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
27/04/2021 | 27/04/2023 | Desenvolupament d'un producte sanitari amb partícules inorgàniques pel tractament de ferides | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
09/04/2021 | 08/04/2022 | ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF HARDMETALS BY NON-LASER PROCESSES Comparison/benchmarking of three additive manufacturing processes (FFF, BJ and DIW) for the production of homogeneous WC-12Co hardmetal blan | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
15/03/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Realització de l’assessorament, anàlisis i assaigs per tal d’optimitzar el procés de polit de sistemes metall-ceràmic mitjançant la tecnologia DLyte® i posteriorment avaluar la integritat superficial | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
15/03/2021 | 30/11/2022 | Ampliación del contrato de colaboración para la realización de ensayos de flexión a fin de obtener las curvas de tensión de la vida a fatiga de las probetas suministradas por la empresa | METALOGENIA, S.A. |
01/03/2021 | 28/02/2022 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA (Prórroga 2021) | ERCROSS SA |
01/02/2021 | 31/01/2024 | Fatigue modelling and fast testing methodologies to optimize part design and to boost lightweight materials deployment in chassis parts | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica a tracción, torsión y flexión sobre válvulas de canalización de gas | NEDGIA SA |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Disseny Microestructural i Fabricació Avançada de Materials (Microstructural Design and Advanced Manufacturing of Materials) | AGAUR |
19/12/2020 | 19/12/2020 | Babassu-Based Food Composition | |
18/12/2020 | 19/04/2021 | Análisis de 15 muestras cerámicas mediante técnicas de caracterización experimental | KERAFRIT SA |
15/12/2020 | 15/12/2023 | Substituts ossis biomimètics personalitzats fabricats per impressió 3D per a aplicacions amb transferència de càrrega | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
25/11/2020 | 30/09/2022 | Ampliación de contrato de colaboración para la caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 de 5 conjuntos implante-pilar-tornillo | UNIVERSITAT INTERNAC. DE CATALUNYA |
24/11/2020 | 24/11/2020 | Combined therapy against cancer | |
23/11/2020 | 22/05/2021 | Determinación Curva S/N completa a fatiga de un conjunto (implante-tornillo-pilar) según las especificaciones marcadas en la norma ISO-14801:2017 | TITANIMPLANT, SL |
23/11/2020 | 22/02/2021 | Caracterización a fatiga según ISO-14801 de 1 conjunto de muestras (corona-réplica) | INTEDENTAL IMPLANT LLC |
11/11/2020 | 10/11/2022 | Fracture of restorations on implants, especially in veneering ceramics, is a problem that often occurs. Restorations with monoli | COLTENE / WHALEDENT AG |
01/11/2020 | 31/10/2022 | Atacando el cáncer con especies reactivas (RONS) de plasmas fríos: Dsarrollo de una plataforma basada en biopolímeros | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
23/08/2020 | 31/12/2021 | THE COLLIDER 2020 - Bio2Pack | BARCELONA MOBILE VENTURES SL |
15/08/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (XarTEC SALUT) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
27/07/2020 | 15/11/2020 | Estudio de la actividad fotocatalítica y antibacteriana de superficies sólidas | Du Pont de Nemours (Belgium) B.V.B. |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | DERMOGLASS: Fabrication and testing of a dressing prototype for wound healing | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
20/07/2020 | 30/10/2024 | Ampliación del contrato de colaboración para la caracterización de los modelos de dispositivos intrauterinos (DIUs) de la empresa y los materiales con los que se fabrican | EUROGINE, S.L. |
13/07/2020 | 12/10/2020 | Estudio de la viabilidad técnico-económica de la incorporación de la tecnología In Mold Electronics en Tajo. | Tajo Group |
03/07/2020 | 02/07/2024 | Cessió ús equipament per desenvolupament projecte de recerca CONDISIM i altres activitats comunes | INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER, S.A. |
01/07/2020 | 19/10/2020 | Caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 de 1 conjunto implante-tornillo-pilar | MEDICAL PRECISION IMPLANTS, S.A.A |
05/06/2020 | 05/06/2021 | Lymph node-inspired 3D printed hydrogels for adoptive cell therapy” (GELS4ACT) | Centro de Investigacion en Red |
01/06/2020 | 29/02/2024 | Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo de injertos óseos osteoinductivos y antimicrobianos con altas prestaciones | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2023 | Integridad estructural a diferentes escalas dimensionales de nuevos materiales compuestos cerámica-metal procesados mediante rutas de fabricación aditivas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/12/2023 | Intermitencias plásticas en la intersección de la ciencia de materiales, física estadística y mecánica de medios continuos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2024 | ECO-blends de alto valor añadido para técnicas de fabricación avanzada | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
01/06/2020 | 30/06/2022 | Valorización de residuos de chapa de titanio para la fabricación de polvo metálico por atomización | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
21/05/2020 | 21/05/2020 | A synthetic hydrogel and its use for immunotherapy and 3D-Printing | |
01/05/2020 | 31/03/2024 | Desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones poliméricas en base ABS con altas prestaciones frente al fuego y sostenibilidad medioambiental | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
31/03/2020 | 30/11/2024 | Extension of the collaboration contract for the assessment of crack extension resistance of brittle-like composites by means of laser/FIB-induced short cracks | XIAMEN TUNGSTEN CO, LTD |
27/03/2020 | 27/07/2020 | Análisis mediante microCT de muestras explantadas incluidas en resina | INST.BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA |
03/02/2020 | 31/07/2020 | Projecte d’R+D consistent en analitzar les diferents possibilitats existents en la fase de fabricació dels maniquins i en especial en els materials escollits per a la seva fabricació tenint en compte | NOA BRANDS EUROPE S.L.U. |
01/02/2020 | 16/11/2020 | Proyecto GAIA. Desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de envase de Cola Cao ecológico y sostenible. | Idilia Foods S.L. |
15/01/2020 | 31/07/2021 | Evaluación y entendimiento de la influencia de tratamientos posteriores a la deposición de recubrimientos cerámicos en sustratos de carburos cementados. Para ello se implementan técnicas de indentació | SECO TOOLS AB |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2024 | Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Decision-support system for pro-active crowd management of crowded urban spaces | European Commission; European Institute for Innovation and Technology |
01/01/2020 | 01/01/2022 | Technologies for the deposition of continuous inks. | Generalitat de Catalunya (GenCat) |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | CityFlows - Decision-support system for pro-active crowd management of crowded urban spaces | EUROPEAN INST OF INNOV.& TECHNOL. |
01/01/2020 | 31/05/2022 | Revalorización de residuos de PET opaco en materiales de alto valor añadido | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA (Prórroga 2020) | ERCROSS SA |
01/12/2019 | 21/12/2020 | Desenvolupar un implant bioactiu personalitzat per regeneració òssia maxil·lofacial per impressió 3D | Doctorats industrials |
25/11/2019 | 24/05/2020 | Caracterizació de Materiales y Análisis de Sistemas e Instalaciones | CELLS (CONS.CONSTRUC.EQUIP.I EXPLOT |
01/11/2019 | 31/10/2022 | University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering | European Commission |
01/11/2019 | 31/12/2021 | INDUSTRIA METALÚRGICA CONECTADA E INTELIGENTE (1/6) | Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial |
01/10/2019 | 31/10/2022 | Engineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high affinity to growth factors for enhancing bone regeneration | Commission of European Communities |
01/10/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Ion-release materials to promote angiogenesis on dermal regeneration | Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades |
01/10/2019 | 31/10/2022 | H2020-838621-ENGAGE - Engineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high affinity to growth factors for enhancing bone regeneration | European Comission |
30/09/2019 | 31/12/2020 | DERMOGLASS Nanoparticles for the treatment of chronic wounds | Fundació La Caixa |
06/09/2019 | 27/12/2019 | Caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 del conjunto implante-tornillo-pilar | MEDICAL PRECISION IMPLANTS, S.A.A |
02/09/2019 | 30/06/2021 | Implementation of a combined experimental-simulation methodology to study the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior in the microstructure of WC-Co hardmetals. | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
01/07/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Development of a fire-retardant and eco-friendly solution for the temorary protection of boats during refitting | Commission of European Communities |
28/06/2019 | 15/09/2022 | Criteris de selecció de materials per a la fabricació de sonotrodes d’alta potència | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
28/06/2019 | 27/06/2023 | Desenvolupament de sistemes de dispersió col·loidal i granulació | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
28/06/2019 | 27/10/2023 | Fabricación de metal en polvo a través de atomización centrifuga e híbrida de metales amorfos | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
20/06/2019 | 20/06/2019 | Dispositivo de atomización | |
01/05/2019 | 31/01/2020 | DESENVOLUPAMENT D'ALIATGES PER A LA IMPRESSIÓ 3D DE PECES METÀL·LIQUES EN ESTAT SEMI-SÒLID | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
21/03/2019 | 11/11/2020 | Characterization of perforated films in accordance to the European patent EP1768837B1 | MEGAPLAST S.A. |
11/03/2019 | 10/08/2019 | Análisis y cuantificación de 43 muestras mediante micro CT , procesado histológico de 26 muestras y obtención de 52 placas histológicas con tinción | INST.BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2023 | PREMI ICREA ACADEMIA 2018 | INSTITUCIO CAT DE RECERCA I |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA | ERCROSS SA |
01/01/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Mejora del rendimiento (corrosión e integridad mecánica) de sustratos de materiales duros mediante recubrimeintos PVD AlCrSiN e implantación de iones | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 30/06/2022 | Recubrimientos de biomateriales de doble acción para infecciones bacterianas e integración de tejidos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Desarrollo de nuevos procesos de manufactura aditiva para la producción de piezas metálicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001646_BASE 3D | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 01/04/2021 | Incorporación del fallo por/'valle de ductilidad/' al modelo constitutivo termomecánico del acero al carbono del beam-blank. | COMPAÑIA ESPAÑ. DE LAMINACION, S.L. |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | INK3D – Tecnologies per la deposició de tintes contínues | Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement |
10/05/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera DEPUY. Sr Salvador Mesa | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
20/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (ASR_DEPUY). Sr. Pedro Torres | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
10/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera metal-metal (CORMET). Sra. Cristina Ruiz | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
08/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (JOHNSON&JOHNSON). Sr. Gutierrez Parado | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
09/02/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera (JOHNSON&JOHNSON). Sr. Javier Medina | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
24/10/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (ASR_DEPUY). Sr. A. Martin Hernández | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
20/10/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera metal-metal ( ASR-DEPUY). Sr Pedro Pérez | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
01/09/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Analisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER en estado de fabricación | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
28/07/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER. Sra. Montserral BARTI | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
19/05/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera metal-metal ( ASR-DEPUY). Sr J. Hernández Donate | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
10/05/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis modelo ASR-Depuy (Johnson&Johnson). Sr Miguel Vaquero | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
01/03/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER explantada al paciente Sr. F. García Ramírez. | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
01/03/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (SMITH &NEPHEW) | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
02/02/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (Prótesis Cadera TRAIBER) | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
02/02/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER explantada a la paciente Sra. L. Pascual Mendoza. | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
03/12/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (ASR-DEPUY). | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
01/10/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Desarrollo de un nuevo implante dental de carga inmediata fotofuncionalizado | CTM Centre Tecnològic Manresa |
02/09/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER y explantada a la paciente Carmen Romeu | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
Teaching staff and research groups
Research groups
UPC groups:
- BBT-Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering
- BOBI-Bioinspired Oral Biomaterials and Interfaces
- CDAL-Light Alloys and Surface Treatment Design Centre
- CIEFMA-Structural Integrity, Micromechanics and Materials Reliability Centre
- e-PLASCOM-Eco-friendly Plastics and Composites
- InSup-Surface Interaction in Bioengineering and Materials Science Research Group
- POLY2-Polyfunctional polymeric materials
- PROCOMAME-Conformation Processes of Metallic Materials
Doctoral Programme teachers
- Abt, Tobias Martin
- Alcala Cabrelles, Jorge
- Arencon Osuna, David
- Baile Puig, Maria Teresa
- Barriobero Vila, Pere
- Benito Paramo, Josep Antoni
- Cabrera Marrero, Jose Maria
- Calvo Muñoz, Jesica
- Canal Barnils, Cristina
- Candau, Nicolas
- de Redondo Realinho, Vera Cristina
- de Sousa Pais Antunes, Marcelo
- Engel Lopez, Elisabet
- Español Pons, Montserrat
- Fargas Ribas, Gemma
- Fernandez Aguado, Enrique
- Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau
- Jimenez Pique, Emilio
- Llanes Pitarch, Luis M.
- Manero Planella, Jose M.
- Martin Fuentes, Enric
- Mas Moruno, Carlos
- Maspoch Ruldua, Maria Lluïsa
- Mateo Garcia, Antonio
- Matta Fakhouri, Farayde
- Morales Comas, Miguel
- Orazio Zoppe, Justin
- Pegueroles Neyra, Marta
- Picas Barrachina, Josep A.
- Riera Colom, Maria Dolores
- Rodriguez Rius, Daniel
- Ruperez de Gracia, Elisa
- Sanchez Soto, Miguel Angel
- Santana Perez, Orlando
- Velasco Perero, Jose Ignacio
Other teachers linked to the Doctoral Programme
Research projects
01/02/2024 | 31/01/2028 | Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT) | Commission of European Communities |
01/11/2023 | 31/10/2024 | Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas | COST OFFICE |
26/10/2023 | 25/10/2024 | Realización de medidas de superficie específica de diferentes tipos de materiales granulados destinados al pulido electroquímico, así como para el soporte en la investigación y realización de estudios | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
26/10/2023 | 25/10/2024 | C-12661 | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
11/10/2023 | 10/10/2026 | J-04177 | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/10/2023 | 30/09/2026 | Fiabilidad dimensional, mecánica y microestructural de los procesos de laminación incremental cilíndrica mediante inteligencia artificial para conseguir cero defectos de fabricación | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
29/09/2023 | 01/11/2023 | Análisis pericial sobre componentes de automoción fabricados en aluminio con problemas de colocación de insertos cilíndricos de acero, así como el posterior asesoramiento durante la realización de an | IND.VILASSARENCA, S.A. |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Postprocesado e integridad mecánica de cerámicas consolidadas por manufactura aditiva | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Materiales metálicos con gradiente funcional de mayor compatibilidad microestructural basada en la fabricación aditiva de baja reflectividad | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Hidrogeles multifuncionales para terapia de precisión en tumores urológicos: potenciando las tecnologías de plasmas fríos y de campo eléctrico para terapias contra el cancer | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Cerámicas de hidroxyapatita flexibles para aplicaciones biomedicas: de 1D a 3D | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
04/07/2023 | 03/03/2024 | Caracterización de la resistencia a flexión 3P estática y dinámica de 2 conjuntos de tornillos vertebrales | UNIVERSITAT INTERNAC. DE CATALUNYA |
01/04/2023 | 31/03/2025 | Diseño microestructural de materiales duros para aplicaciones en ingeniería | HYPERION MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGIES S |
01/04/2023 | 31/12/2023 | Cold atmospheric Plasma technology for Cancer treatment | Ajuntament de Barcelona |
15/03/2023 | 15/09/2024 | Optimización del proceso de pulido de sistemas metañ-cerámica con tecnología innovadora | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (Xartec Salut) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Biomimetic hydrogels delivering oxidative stress from cold plasmas to boost tissue regeneration | INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III |
16/12/2022 | 15/12/2023 | Estudio sobre el posible efecto del hidrógeno sobre las uniones poliméricas y la función nodular. | ASOC ESPAñOLA DEL GAS-SEDIGAS |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2027 | Bio-inspired AntiMicrobial Bone BIoceramics: Deciphering contact-based biocidal mechanisms | European Research Council (ERC) |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Bio-retardantes de llama para el desarrollo de plásticos ecológicos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Desarrollo de packaging alimentario comestible | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Preparación/'ad-hoc/' de cauchos mecanocalóricos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Hidrogeles biomiméticos para liberación de estrés oxidativo de plasmas fríos para estimular la regeneración de tejidos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 01/12/2024 | Process development and application of dual action smart coatings for use in Evans-Cotton wedges and dental implants | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 01/12/2024 | Impresión 3D de andamios de fosfato de calcio más resistentes para regeneración ósea | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2025 | Plasma frío a presión atmosférica: una terapia física para la gestión global del cáncer óseo pediátrico | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
21/11/2022 | 21/11/2022 | A synthetic hydrogel and its use for immunotherapy and 3d-printing | |
08/11/2022 | 08/11/2022 | Controllable ion release calcium particles, method for producing same and use thereof. | |
01/11/2022 | 30/04/2024 | Transforming bone cancer therapy with composite biomaterials encapsulating plasma-generated RONS | Commission of European Communities |
01/11/2022 | 31/10/2026 | Unite! University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering | European Commission. Education Audiovisual and Culture Agency Executive Agency (Eacea) |
19/10/2022 | 18/04/2024 | Implementació d'una nova ruta de Manufactura Aditiva per aliatges metàl·lics en estat semi-sòlid | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
19/10/2022 | 18/04/2024 | Pròtesi de titani porós amb tractament de superfície dual osteoinductiu i antibacterià per a cirurgies d'osteotomia del peu | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
03/10/2022 | 02/10/2025 | Functionalized Inserts Reticular Bone “FIRe Bone” | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2027 | Ajuts addicionals Ramon y Cajal 2020 RYC2020-029585-I | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Espumas poliméricas multifuncionales para apantallamiento electromagnético | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Stents poliméricos adaptables para tratar coartación aórtica pediátrica | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Bioplásticos hidrofóbicos y antimicrobianos via modificación química de polisacáridos en medio acuoso | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Desarrollo de scaffolds metálicos permanentes y reabsorbibles a medida impresos en 3D con hidrogel biofuncionalizado para la regeneración ósea | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2022 | 31/08/2025 | Evaluación experimental y simulación del comportamiento mecánico a pequeña escala de composites cerámicos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
31/07/2022 | 30/07/2025 | (Bio)impresión 3D para la integración de electrónica biomimética en tejidos de ingeniería: Un gran salto en medicina regenerativa | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
25/07/2022 | 29/04/2023 | Optilaser: Nuevo sistema de fabricación aditiva para el acople de emisores fotónicos que mejore la eficiencia los procesos industriales | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
19/07/2022 | 29/11/2022 | Determinación de las propiedades de un film perforado de acuerdo con la patente EP1989044B9 | MEGAPLAST S.A. |
18/07/2022 | 31/10/2024 | Contrato de colaboración para el estudio experimental y de simulación de la propagación de fisuras por fatiga en carburos cementados | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
15/07/2022 | 13/07/2023 | Contrato de colaboración para la mejora en diferentes aspectos de la odontología: implantología, prótesis y ortodoncia y en la optimización y desarrollo de nuevos materiales para odontología | UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MIGUEL DE CERVA |
02/06/2022 | 02/06/2022 | Composición de caucho con efecto elastocalórico | |
01/06/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Advanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with Digital Advisors | Commission of European Communities |
20/05/2022 | 20/05/2023 | Contrato de colaboración en medidas mecánicas de materiales producidos por Novameat | NOVAMEAT TECH, S.L. |
30/04/2022 | 31/10/2023 | Collaboration contract for hot deformation testing of different cemented carbide grades, together with advanced characterization of corresponding micromechanisms as well as micromechanical assessment | AB SANDVIK COROMANT |
07/03/2022 | 30/09/2022 | Contracte de col·laboració per estudiar el comportament a tracció i fatiga de mostres d’alumini amb recobriments projectats en fred. | FUNDACIO BOSCH I GIMPERA |
02/03/2022 | 01/07/2022 | Contrato de colaboración para el análisi de la competencia y desarrollo de nuevos productos | UNEX APARELLAJE ELECTRICO,S.L. |
01/02/2022 | 29/07/2022 | Collaboration agreement for coating deposition and testing | UK Atomic Energy Authority |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2023 | Revolution of E-Skills with Participatory Online eXpert system | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2022 | 31/08/2023 | Preparació d’un programa de formació especialitzada en electrònica impresa mitjançant la col·laboració de centres de recerca i tecnològics dirigida a empreses i estudiants | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
06/12/2021 | 06/12/2021 | Atomization device | |
03/12/2021 | 02/12/2023 | Nano-engineered 3D printing alloys | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/12/2021 | 28/02/2022 | Realización del proyecto de I+D consistente en el estudio del posible efecto de la conducción conjunta de gas natural/Hidrógeno en la resistencia mecánica de conducciones | ASOC ESPAñOLA DEL GAS-SEDIGAS |
01/12/2021 | 17/06/2024 | Recubrimiento comestible funcional contra el deterioro de la uva | GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA |
01/11/2021 | 31/10/2023 | Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas, COST Action CA20114: primera anualitat. S'adjunta memorandum of understanding (document) i estatus del pressupost. Cal donar d'alta el projecte a SAP per po | COST OFFICE |
08/10/2021 | 31/10/2022 | Documentation, analysis and understanding of the evolution of wear-induced damage scenario and the involved wear mechanisms during wet drawing | NV BEKAERT S.A. |
01/10/2021 | 01/10/2024 | Disseny d'unions hermètiques per a condicions d'ús extremes i per a peces de grans dimensions | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Hidrogeles bioactivos y multifunc. de base peptídica obtenidos por métodos de auto-ensamblaje para terapias biomédicas avanzadas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 31/07/2024 | L’objecte del contracte és la realització del projecte d’R+D consistents en desenvoluparsimulacions computacionals del comportament dels assaigs de resistència al foc de diferents materials i estructu | APPLUS CORPORATION |
29/07/2021 | 29/07/2024 | Millora de la vida útil de les canonades dels sistemes de recollida pneumàtica de residus sòlids urbans a través de l'ús de nous materials. | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/07/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Optimisation of high damage tolerance at very high strengths by the quenching and partitioning process | Commission of European Communities |
01/07/2021 | 30/06/2022 | EEBE 3DDay- Feria participativa de impresión 3D. Motivando a los estudiantes de secundaria desde la universidad | Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Fecyt) |
01/06/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Microscopio electrónico de barrido de emisión de campo (alta resolución): SXES, EBSD, EDS y con accesorios de Nanoindentación in situ | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
27/04/2021 | 27/04/2023 | Desenvolupament d'un producte sanitari amb partícules inorgàniques pel tractament de ferides | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
09/04/2021 | 08/04/2022 | ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF HARDMETALS BY NON-LASER PROCESSES Comparison/benchmarking of three additive manufacturing processes (FFF, BJ and DIW) for the production of homogeneous WC-12Co hardmetal blan | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
15/03/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Realització de l’assessorament, anàlisis i assaigs per tal d’optimitzar el procés de polit de sistemes metall-ceràmic mitjançant la tecnologia DLyte® i posteriorment avaluar la integritat superficial | STEROS GPA INNOVATIVE SL |
15/03/2021 | 30/11/2022 | Ampliación del contrato de colaboración para la realización de ensayos de flexión a fin de obtener las curvas de tensión de la vida a fatiga de las probetas suministradas por la empresa | METALOGENIA, S.A. |
01/03/2021 | 28/02/2022 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA (Prórroga 2021) | ERCROSS SA |
01/02/2021 | 31/01/2024 | Fatigue modelling and fast testing methodologies to optimize part design and to boost lightweight materials deployment in chassis parts | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica a tracción, torsión y flexión sobre válvulas de canalización de gas | NEDGIA SA |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2024 | Disseny Microestructural i Fabricació Avançada de Materials (Microstructural Design and Advanced Manufacturing of Materials) | AGAUR |
19/12/2020 | 19/12/2020 | Babassu-Based Food Composition | |
18/12/2020 | 19/04/2021 | Análisis de 15 muestras cerámicas mediante técnicas de caracterización experimental | KERAFRIT SA |
15/12/2020 | 15/12/2023 | Substituts ossis biomimètics personalitzats fabricats per impressió 3D per a aplicacions amb transferència de càrrega | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
25/11/2020 | 30/09/2022 | Ampliación de contrato de colaboración para la caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 de 5 conjuntos implante-pilar-tornillo | UNIVERSITAT INTERNAC. DE CATALUNYA |
24/11/2020 | 24/11/2020 | Combined therapy against cancer | |
23/11/2020 | 22/05/2021 | Determinación Curva S/N completa a fatiga de un conjunto (implante-tornillo-pilar) según las especificaciones marcadas en la norma ISO-14801:2017 | TITANIMPLANT, SL |
23/11/2020 | 22/02/2021 | Caracterización a fatiga según ISO-14801 de 1 conjunto de muestras (corona-réplica) | INTEDENTAL IMPLANT LLC |
11/11/2020 | 10/11/2022 | Fracture of restorations on implants, especially in veneering ceramics, is a problem that often occurs. Restorations with monoli | COLTENE / WHALEDENT AG |
01/11/2020 | 31/10/2022 | Atacando el cáncer con especies reactivas (RONS) de plasmas fríos: Dsarrollo de una plataforma basada en biopolímeros | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
23/08/2020 | 31/12/2021 | THE COLLIDER 2020 - Bio2Pack | BARCELONA MOBILE VENTURES SL |
15/08/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (XarTEC SALUT) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
27/07/2020 | 15/11/2020 | Estudio de la actividad fotocatalítica y antibacteriana de superficies sólidas | Du Pont de Nemours (Belgium) B.V.B. |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | DERMOGLASS: Fabrication and testing of a dressing prototype for wound healing | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
20/07/2020 | 30/10/2024 | Ampliación del contrato de colaboración para la caracterización de los modelos de dispositivos intrauterinos (DIUs) de la empresa y los materiales con los que se fabrican | EUROGINE, S.L. |
13/07/2020 | 12/10/2020 | Estudio de la viabilidad técnico-económica de la incorporación de la tecnología In Mold Electronics en Tajo. | Tajo Group |
03/07/2020 | 02/07/2024 | Cessió ús equipament per desenvolupament projecte de recerca CONDISIM i altres activitats comunes | INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER, S.A. |
01/07/2020 | 19/10/2020 | Caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 de 1 conjunto implante-tornillo-pilar | MEDICAL PRECISION IMPLANTS, S.A.A |
05/06/2020 | 05/06/2021 | Lymph node-inspired 3D printed hydrogels for adoptive cell therapy” (GELS4ACT) | Centro de Investigacion en Red |
01/06/2020 | 29/02/2024 | Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo de injertos óseos osteoinductivos y antimicrobianos con altas prestaciones | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2023 | Integridad estructural a diferentes escalas dimensionales de nuevos materiales compuestos cerámica-metal procesados mediante rutas de fabricación aditivas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/12/2023 | Intermitencias plásticas en la intersección de la ciencia de materiales, física estadística y mecánica de medios continuos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2024 | ECO-blends de alto valor añadido para técnicas de fabricación avanzada | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
01/06/2020 | 30/06/2022 | Valorización de residuos de chapa de titanio para la fabricación de polvo metálico por atomización | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
21/05/2020 | 21/05/2020 | A synthetic hydrogel and its use for immunotherapy and 3D-Printing | |
01/05/2020 | 31/03/2024 | Desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones poliméricas en base ABS con altas prestaciones frente al fuego y sostenibilidad medioambiental | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
31/03/2020 | 30/11/2024 | Extension of the collaboration contract for the assessment of crack extension resistance of brittle-like composites by means of laser/FIB-induced short cracks | XIAMEN TUNGSTEN CO, LTD |
27/03/2020 | 27/07/2020 | Análisis mediante microCT de muestras explantadas incluidas en resina | INST.BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA |
03/02/2020 | 31/07/2020 | Projecte d’R+D consistent en analitzar les diferents possibilitats existents en la fase de fabricació dels maniquins i en especial en els materials escollits per a la seva fabricació tenint en compte | NOA BRANDS EUROPE S.L.U. |
01/02/2020 | 16/11/2020 | Proyecto GAIA. Desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de envase de Cola Cao ecológico y sostenible. | Idilia Foods S.L. |
15/01/2020 | 31/07/2021 | Evaluación y entendimiento de la influencia de tratamientos posteriores a la deposición de recubrimientos cerámicos en sustratos de carburos cementados. Para ello se implementan técnicas de indentació | SECO TOOLS AB |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2024 | Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Decision-support system for pro-active crowd management of crowded urban spaces | European Commission; European Institute for Innovation and Technology |
01/01/2020 | 01/01/2022 | Technologies for the deposition of continuous inks. | Generalitat de Catalunya (GenCat) |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | CityFlows - Decision-support system for pro-active crowd management of crowded urban spaces | EUROPEAN INST OF INNOV.& TECHNOL. |
01/01/2020 | 31/05/2022 | Revalorización de residuos de PET opaco en materiales de alto valor añadido | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA (Prórroga 2020) | ERCROSS SA |
01/12/2019 | 21/12/2020 | Desenvolupar un implant bioactiu personalitzat per regeneració òssia maxil·lofacial per impressió 3D | Doctorats industrials |
25/11/2019 | 24/05/2020 | Caracterizació de Materiales y Análisis de Sistemas e Instalaciones | CELLS (CONS.CONSTRUC.EQUIP.I EXPLOT |
01/11/2019 | 31/10/2022 | University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering | European Commission |
01/11/2019 | 31/12/2021 | INDUSTRIA METALÚRGICA CONECTADA E INTELIGENTE (1/6) | Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial |
01/10/2019 | 31/10/2022 | Engineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high affinity to growth factors for enhancing bone regeneration | Commission of European Communities |
01/10/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Ion-release materials to promote angiogenesis on dermal regeneration | Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades |
01/10/2019 | 31/10/2022 | H2020-838621-ENGAGE - Engineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high affinity to growth factors for enhancing bone regeneration | European Comission |
30/09/2019 | 31/12/2020 | DERMOGLASS Nanoparticles for the treatment of chronic wounds | Fundació La Caixa |
06/09/2019 | 27/12/2019 | Caracterización a fatiga según norma ISO-14801 del conjunto implante-tornillo-pilar | MEDICAL PRECISION IMPLANTS, S.A.A |
02/09/2019 | 30/06/2021 | Implementation of a combined experimental-simulation methodology to study the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior in the microstructure of WC-Co hardmetals. | EUROPEAN POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIAT |
01/07/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Development of a fire-retardant and eco-friendly solution for the temorary protection of boats during refitting | Commission of European Communities |
28/06/2019 | 15/09/2022 | Criteris de selecció de materials per a la fabricació de sonotrodes d’alta potència | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
28/06/2019 | 27/06/2023 | Desenvolupament de sistemes de dispersió col·loidal i granulació | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
28/06/2019 | 27/10/2023 | Fabricación de metal en polvo a través de atomización centrifuga e híbrida de metales amorfos | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
20/06/2019 | 20/06/2019 | Dispositivo de atomización | |
01/05/2019 | 31/01/2020 | DESENVOLUPAMENT D'ALIATGES PER A LA IMPRESSIÓ 3D DE PECES METÀL·LIQUES EN ESTAT SEMI-SÒLID | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
21/03/2019 | 11/11/2020 | Characterization of perforated films in accordance to the European patent EP1768837B1 | MEGAPLAST S.A. |
11/03/2019 | 10/08/2019 | Análisis y cuantificación de 43 muestras mediante micro CT , procesado histológico de 26 muestras y obtención de 52 placas histológicas con tinción | INST.BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2023 | PREMI ICREA ACADEMIA 2018 | INSTITUCIO CAT DE RECERCA I |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Asesoramiento y caracterización de formulaciones en base PLA | ERCROSS SA |
01/01/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Mejora del rendimiento (corrosión e integridad mecánica) de sustratos de materiales duros mediante recubrimeintos PVD AlCrSiN e implantación de iones | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 30/06/2022 | Recubrimientos de biomateriales de doble acción para infecciones bacterianas e integración de tejidos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Desarrollo de nuevos procesos de manufactura aditiva para la producción de piezas metálicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001646_BASE 3D | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 01/04/2021 | Incorporación del fallo por/'valle de ductilidad/' al modelo constitutivo termomecánico del acero al carbono del beam-blank. | COMPAÑIA ESPAÑ. DE LAMINACION, S.L. |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | INK3D – Tecnologies per la deposició de tintes contínues | Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement |
10/05/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera DEPUY. Sr Salvador Mesa | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
20/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (ASR_DEPUY). Sr. Pedro Torres | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
10/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera metal-metal (CORMET). Sra. Cristina Ruiz | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
08/03/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (JOHNSON&JOHNSON). Sr. Gutierrez Parado | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
09/02/2017 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera (JOHNSON&JOHNSON). Sr. Javier Medina | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
24/10/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis de cadera (ASR_DEPUY). Sr. A. Martin Hernández | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
20/10/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera metal-metal ( ASR-DEPUY). Sr Pedro Pérez | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
01/09/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Analisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER en estado de fabricación | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
28/07/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER. Sra. Montserral BARTI | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
19/05/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial prótesis de cadera metal-metal ( ASR-DEPUY). Sr J. Hernández Donate | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
10/05/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Informe pericial de una prótesis modelo ASR-Depuy (Johnson&Johnson). Sr Miguel Vaquero | Bufete de Abogados Emilio Ortiz SLP |
01/03/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER explantada al paciente Sr. F. García Ramírez. | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
01/03/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (SMITH &NEPHEW) | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
02/02/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (Prótesis Cadera TRAIBER) | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
02/02/2016 | 31/12/2025 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER explantada a la paciente Sra. L. Pascual Mendoza. | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
03/12/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Estudio bibliográfico y análisis pericial de una prótesis de cadera defectuosa (ASR-DEPUY). | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
01/10/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Desarrollo de un nuevo implante dental de carga inmediata fotofuncionalizado | CTM Centre Tecnològic Manresa |
02/09/2015 | 31/01/2028 | Análisis pericial de una prótesis de rodilla TRAIBER y explantada a la paciente Carmen Romeu | Empresa Emilio Ortiz Abogados S.L.P. |
The Validation, Monitoring, Modification and Accreditation Framework (VSMA Framework) for official degrees ties the quality assurance processes (validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation) carried out over the lifetime of a course to two objectives—the goal of establishing coherent links between these processes, and that of achieving greater efficiency in their management—all with the overarching aim of improving programmes.
- Verification Memory (Doctoral Programme) - 2021
- Verification Resolution (MECD)
- Agreement of the Council of Ministers (BOE)
- University monitoring report (Doctoral School) - 2016
- Monitoring report (Doctoral Programme) - 2016
- University Monitoring and Accreditation Report (Doctoral School) - 2018
- Follow-up Assessment Report (AQU) - 2017
- Follow-up Assessment Report (AQU) - 2020
- Follow-up Assessment Report (AQU) - 2021
- Accreditation Report (Doctoral Programme) - 2018
- Official Degree Accreditation Evaluation Report (AQU) - 2019