Optical Engineering

The aim of the doctoral programme is to provide training leading to a doctoral degree for Spanish and international students who have completed a university qualification in the field of optics and optometry. The students could prepare a doctoral thesis in an area of optics and optometry and will benefit from the experience of the various research groups that work in these fields.
The growing importance of optics and optometry make doctoral training in this field increasingly necessary and attractive, to develop a high-level of specialisation in associated areas. To develop this high-quality, multidisciplinary doctoral programme, the knowledge of various departments and research groups was required, so that more aspects of optical engineering and optometry could be addressed.
General information
Access profile
Given the multidisciplinary nature of the scientific field of the programme, there are a wide range of degrees that qualify applicants for admission. The most suitable prior learning to enter the doctoral programme in Optical Engineering will correspond to graduates with science and technology backgrounds who have taken the master's degree in Photonics, the master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences or a master’s degree related to the scientific area of the programme. In addition to this academic background, certain personal characteristics are considered important, such as interest in the research projects that are developed in the programme, critical and analytical capacity, taking initiative, perseverance and persistence in work, and the capacity to work in a team and communicate well in spoken and written form.
The main master’s degrees that provide direct access and do not require bridging courses are:
• master's degree in Photonics
• Erasmus Mundus doctoral degree in Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
• master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences
• master's degree in Bioengineering
• master's degree in Biomedical Engineering
• European Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Technologies
If students have a master’s degree in a science or technology area other than the above, the academic committee of the doctoral programme will check the subjects that have been taken in their previous studies and assess their relation with the area of optics to establish whether the student needs to take bridging courses.
Output profile
Doctoral candidates who complete a doctoral degree will have acquired the following competencies, which are needed to carry out quality research (Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies):
a) A systematic understanding of the field of study and a mastery of the research skills and methods related to the field.
b) An ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
c) An ability to contribute to pushing back the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
d) A capacity for critical analysis and an ability to assess and summarise new and complex ideas.
e) An ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general as regards their fields of knowledge in the manner and languages that are typical of the international scientific community to which they belong.
f) An ability to foster scientific, technological, social, artistic and cultural progress in academic and professional contexts within a knowledge-based society.
The award of a doctoral degree must equip the graduate for work in a variety of settings, especially those requiring creativity and innovation. Doctoral graduates must have at least acquired the personal skills needed to:
a) Develop in contexts in which there is little specific information.
b) Find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
c) Design, create, develop and undertake original, innovative projects in their field.
d) Work as part of a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.
e) Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgements with limited information.
f) Offer criticism on and intellectually defend solutions.
On completion, doctoral students should show that they have the following competences:
a) Have gained advanced knowledge in the frontier of knowledge and have demonstrated, in the context of internationally recognised science, in-depth understanding based on theoretical and practical aspects and on scientific methodology in one or more research areas.
b) Have made an original, significant contribution to scientific research in their field of knowledge and this contribution has been recognised as such by the international scientific community.
c) Have demonstrated that they can design a research project to carry out a critical analysis and assessment of ambiguous situations in which to apply their contributions, knowledge and work methodology to synthesise new, complex ideas that generate deeper knowledge of the research context in which they work.
d) Have developed sufficient independence to start, manage and lead teams and innovative research projects and national and international scientific collaborations within their subject area in multidisciplinary contexts and, when applicable, with a high component of knowledge transfer.
e) Have demonstrated that they can carry out their research activity with social responsibility and scientific integrity.
f) Have demonstrated within the specific scientific context that they can make advances in cultural, social or technological aspects, and promote innovation in all areas in a knowledge-based society.
g) Have proven that they can participate in scientific discussions that take place at international level in their knowledge area and disseminate the results of their research activity to all kinds of audiences.
Number of places
Duration of studies and dedication regime
The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.
If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.
For full-time doctoral candidates, the minimum period of study is two years, counted from the date of an applicant's admission to the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited; for part-time doctoral candidates it is four years.
When there are justified grounds for doing so, and the thesis supervisor and academic tutor have given their authorisation, doctoral candidates may request that the academic committee of their doctoral programme exempt them from the requirement to complete this minimum period of study.
Temporary disability leave and leave for the birth of a child, adoption or fostering for the purposes of adoption, temporary foster care, risk during pregnancy or infant feeding, gender violence and any other situation provided for in current regulations do not count towards these periods. Students who find themselves in any of these circumstances must notify the academic committee of the doctoral programme, which must inform the Doctoral School.
Doctoral candidates may request periods of temporary withdrawal from the programme for up to a total of two years. Requests must be justified and addressed to the academic committee responsible for the programme, which will decide whether or not to grant the candidate's request.
Extension of studies
If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.
Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:
- The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
- The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
- The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
- A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
- The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
- The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.
Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.
A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.
Legal framework
- Aldaba Arevalo, Mikel
- Cojocaru, Crina
- Cuéllar Santiago, F`átima
- Guisasola Valencia, Laura
- Millan Garcia Varela, Maria Sagrario
- Pujol Ramo, Jaume
- Quevedo Junyent, Lluïsa
- Royo Royo, Santiago
- Vega Lerin, Fidel
- Zaragoza Bertomeu, Jordi
- Department of Optics and Optometry (PROMOTORA)
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Department of Optics and Optometry
- Department of Physics
Tel: (+34) 93 739 8359
E-mail: doctorateo.doo@upc.edu
Access, admission and registration
Access profile
Given the multidisciplinary nature of the scientific field of the programme, there are a wide range of degrees that qualify applicants for admission. The most suitable prior learning to enter the doctoral programme in Optical Engineering will correspond to graduates with science and technology backgrounds who have taken the master's degree in Photonics, the master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences or a master’s degree related to the scientific area of the programme. In addition to this academic background, certain personal characteristics are considered important, such as interest in the research projects that are developed in the programme, critical and analytical capacity, taking initiative, perseverance and persistence in work, and the capacity to work in a team and communicate well in spoken and written form.
The main master’s degrees that provide direct access and do not require bridging courses are:
• master's degree in Photonics
• Erasmus Mundus doctoral degree in Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
• master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences
• master's degree in Bioengineering
• master's degree in Biomedical Engineering
• European Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Technologies
If students have a master’s degree in a science or technology area other than the above, the academic committee of the doctoral programme will check the subjects that have been taken in their previous studies and assess their relation with the area of optics to establish whether the student needs to take bridging courses.
Access requirements
As a rule, applicants must hold a Spanish bachelor's degree or equivalent and a Spanish master's degree or equivalent, provided they have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits on the two degrees (Royal Decree 43/2015, of 2 February).
Applicants who meet one or more of the following conditions are also eligible for admission:
a) Holders of official Spanish degrees or equivalent Spanish qualifications, provided they have passed 300 ECTS credits in total and they can prove they have reached Level 3 in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
b) Holders of degrees awarded in foreign education systems in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which do not require homologation, who can prove that they have reached Level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework, provided the degree makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
c) Holders of degrees awarded in a country that does not belong to the EHEA, which do not require homologation, on the condition that the University is able to verify that the degree is of a level equivalent to that of official university master's degrees in Spain and that it makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
d) Holders of another doctoral degree.
e) Holders of an official university qualification who, having been awarded a post as a trainee in the entrance examination for specialised medical training, have successfully completed at least two years of training leading to an official degree in a health sciences specialisation.
Note 1: Regulations for access to doctoral studies for individuals with degrees in bachelor's, engineering, or architecture under the system prior to the implementation of the EHEA (CG 47/02 2014).
Note 2: Agreement number 64/2014 of the Governing Council approving the procedure and criteria for assessing the academic requirements for admission to doctoral studies with non-homologated foreign degrees (CG 25/03 2014).
Legal framework
Admission criteria and merits assessment
The academic committee of the doctoral programme in Optical Engineering will apply the following selection and weighting criteria. At all times it will respect the principles of merit and equal opportunities:
• Academic record (weighting: 55%).
• Contact through interviews (personal, telephone, internet, etc.) (weighting: 10%).
• Motivation (weighting: 15%).
• Language knowledge (weighting: 10%).
• Research experience (weighting: 5%).
• Related completed postgraduate programmes (weighting: 5 %).
Personal contact is made through an interview in which the applicant’s attitude, interest in the subject, ability to work in a team and spoken communication skills are assessed, among other factors. As many applicants are living in other countries when they apply for admission to the programme, interviews can be carried out from a distance using the new tools provided by the internet.
Motivation will be assessed in a written report in which students should describe their personal, professional and academic reasons for requesting admission to the programme. This report should be attached on the admissions intranet system.
In the section on language knowledge, merit will be given for languages that are of interest to the programme such as English, Spanish and Catalan.
Training complements
The academic committee for the programme may require that doctoral students pass specific bridging courses. In this case, it will monitor the bridging courses that are taken and establish suitable criteria to limit their duration.
The bridging courses will be on research training, but doctoral students will never be asked to enrol for a number equal to or above 60 ECTS. The academic regulations of doctoral studies state that bridging courses may also be cross-disciplinary. However, this point is likely to be amended so that bridging courses are only associated with research credits, particularly when an applicant enters the doctoral programme with a bachelor’s degree worth 300 ECTS.
Considering the doctoral student activity report (DAD), the academic committee of the programme could propose additional measures to those established in the regulations that lead to the withdrawal of doctoral students who do not meet the established criteria.
The university master’s degrees that provide direct access to the programme without the need for bridging courses are:
• master's degree in Photonics
• Erasmus Mundus doctoral degree in Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
• master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences.
• master's degree in Bioengineering
• master's degree in Biomedical Engineering
• European Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Technologies
Students who hold a master’s degree in science and technology subjects other than the above, such as:
- master’s degree in the areas of industrial engineering, computer engineering or equivalent
- master’s degrees in the areas of physical sciences, biomedicine or equivalents
The academic committee of the doctoral programme will analyse the subjects that applicants have passed in their previous bachelor’s degree and master’s degree studies and assess their relation with the area of optics, so that they can determine whether they need to take bridging courses. If students have to take bridging courses, the research line and research group in which they will prepare the doctoral thesis will be considered, according to the procedure explained in Section 3.2. Bridging courses can be taken during the first year.
Bridging courses are selected mainly from the master’s degree in Photonics, directly linked to the programme.
Below, the subjects from this master’s degree are listed that are most suitable for bridging courses in the doctoral programme in Optical Engineering:
• Laser Systems and Applications: 3 ECTS
• Building Optomechanical Systems: 3 ECTS
• Managing Light with Devices: 3 ECTS
• Measuring with Light: 3 ECTS
• Nonlinear Optics: 3 ECTS
• Visual Biophotonics and Multispectral Imaging: 3 ECTS
• Image Processing in Biophotonics: 3 ECTS
Enrolment period for new doctoral students
From the end of September to mid-October.
More information at the registration section for new doctoral students
Enrolment period
From the end of September to mid-October.
Monitoring and evaluation of the doctoral student
Procedure for the preparation and defense of the research plan
Doctoral candidates must submit a research plan, which will be included in their doctoral student activity report, before the end of the first year. The plan may be improved over the course of the doctoral degree. It must be endorsed by the tutor and the supervisor, and it must include the method that is to be followed and the aims of the research.
At least one of these annual assessments will include a public presentation and defence of the research plan and work done before a committee composed of three doctoral degree holders, which will be conducted in the manner determined by each academic committee. The examination committee awards a Pass or Fail mark. A Pass mark is a prerequisite for continuing on the doctoral programme. Doctoral candidates awarded a Fail mark must submit a new research plan for assessment by the academic committee of the doctoral programme within six months.
The committee assesses the research plan every year, in addition to all of the other activities in the doctoral student activity report. Doctoral candidates who are awarded two consecutive Fail marks for the research plan will be obliged to definitely withdraw from the programme.
If they change the subject of their thesis, they must submit a new research plan.
Formation activities
Activity: Tutorial.
- Hours: 288.
- Type: compulsory.
Activity: Mobility.
- Hours: 480.
- Type: optional.
- Hours: 4.
- Type: compulsory.
- Hours: 1.5.
- Type: compulsory.
- Hours: 12.
- Type: compulsory.
- Hours: 20.
- Type: optional.
- Hours: 48.
- Type: optional.
- Hours: 160.
- Type: compulsory.
- Hours: 40.
- Type: optional.
- Hours: 6.
- Type: optional.
- Hours: 96.
- Type: compulsory.
Procedure for assignment of tutor and thesis director
The academic committee of the doctoral programme assigns a thesis supervisor to each doctoral candidate when they are admitted or enrol for the first time, taking account of the thesis supervision commitment referred to in the admission decision.
The thesis supervisor will ensure that training activities carried out by the doctoral candidate are coherent and suitable, and that the topic of the candidate’s doctoral thesis will have an impact and make a novel contribution to knowledge in the relevant field. The thesis supervisor will also guide the doctoral candidate in planning the thesis and, if necessary, tailoring it to any other projects or activities undertaken. The thesis supervisor will generally be a UPC professor or researcher who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience. This includes PhD-holding staff at associated schools (as determined by the Governing Council) and UPC-affiliated research institutes (in accordance with corresponding collaboration and affiliation agreements). When thesis supervisors are UPC staff members, they also act as the doctoral candidate’s tutor.
PhD holders who do not meet these criteria (as a result of their contractual relationship or the nature of the institution to which they are attached) must be approved by the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee in order to participate in a doctoral programme as researchers with documented research experience.
The academic committee of the doctoral programme may approve the appointment of a PhD-holding expert who is not a UPC staff member as a candidate’s thesis supervisor. In such cases, the prior authorisation of the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee is required. A UPC staff member who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience must also be proposed to act as a co-supervisor, or as the doctoral candidate’s tutor if one has not been assigned.
A thesis supervisor may step down from this role if there are justified reasons (recognised as valid by the committee) for doing so. If this occurs, the academic committee of the doctoral programme will assign the doctoral candidate a new thesis supervisor.
Provided there are justified reasons for doing so, and after hearing any relevant input from the doctoral candidate, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may assign a new thesis supervisor at any time during the period of doctoral study.
If there are academic reasons for doing so (an interdisciplinary topic, joint or international programmes, etc.) and the academic committee of the programme gives its approval, an additional thesis supervisor may be assigned. Supervisors and co-supervisors have the same responsibilities and academic recognition.
The maximum number of supervisors of a doctoral thesis is two: a supervisor and a co-supervisor.
For theses carried out under a cotutelle agreement or as part of an Industrial Doctorate, if necessary and if the agreement foresees it this maximum number of supervisors may not apply. This notwithstanding, the maximum number of supervisors belonging to the UPC is two.
The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.
If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.
If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.
Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:
- The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
- The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
- The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
- The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
- A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
- The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
- The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.
Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.
A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.
Legal framework
Learning resources
The doctoral programme in Optical Engineering is taught continuously and satisfactorily. Students have access to material resources (research laboratories, offices, specific research resources, computer resources, a mechanical and electronic workshop) belonging to the department and CD6 research centre that are involved. General UPC services are also available (computer, audiovisual, university libraries).
The GOAPI research group is situated in the Department of Optics and Optometry in the TR8 building of the Terrassa Campus, UPC. It has two research laboratories (a total of 114 m²) equipped for optical and digital image processing and other optical signals, and funded through public and private projects. It also has an office exclusively for doctoral students (25 m²). In addition, doctoral students can use meeting rooms and classrooms of various sizes in the TR8 building for meetings, courses or seminars. All these rooms are fully equipped.
The GREO research group is in CD6, housed in the TR11 building of the Terrassa Campus of the UPC. It has five research laboratories (a total of 310 m²), equipped with the basic and specialised material required to carry out the projects that are undertaken there, funded through public and private research projects. It also has a prototype room of 60 m² for the integration, adjustment and testing of devices designed and constructed in CD6. It is situated close to the workshops and has all the services required for its function. For grantholders, there is an office exclusively for doctoral students (60 m²) and an office shared with the teaching and research staff (80 m²). In addition, in CD6 there are two meeting rooms and a classroom-library where meetings, courses and seminars are held. All of these areas are perfectly equipped.
In addition, the mechanical and electronic workshops of the Department of Optics and Optometry are found in CD6. These workshops occupy a total space of 110 m² and have cutting-edge equipment to support the design and construction of projects. The mechanical workshop has machine tools and measuring instruments that are suitable for the work that is carried out. The electronics workshop has development tools for families of microcontrollers of 8 and 16 bits and to develop programmable logic, types CPLD and FPGA.
The DONLL research group is in the Gaia (TR14) research building of the Terrassa Campus, UPC. It has two research laboratories (total of 50 m²) that are fully equipped to carry out nonlinear optical and laser dynamics experiments (optical spectrum analyser, RF analyser, oscilloscope, signal generators, etc.), funded through public and private projects.. It also has three offices for doctoral students (50 m²). Doctoral students can also use two meeting rooms (Gaia building) and classrooms (in ETSEIAT) of various sizes, for meetings, courses and seminars. All of these are perfectly equipped (one room has videoconference equipment).
The VOS emerging research group (Vision, Optometry and Health) is in the Clínica Universitaria de la Visión (CUV; TR30), where much of the research work is carried out. The members of the VOS have various units available to them that are perfectly equipped to carry out mainly clinical research. Some notable units are those of Vision and Learning, Contact Lenses and Low Vision.
Finally, the TIEG research group is situated in the TR2 building of the Terrassa Campus, UPC. It has five research laboratories (a total of 135 m²), equipped with the basic and specialised material required to carry out the projects that are undertaken there, funded through public and private research projects. It also has an office shared with teaching and research staff for doctoral students.
All the research groups earmark part of their funding from public and private projects for doctoral students, so that they can complement their training by attending conferences, seminars and other training activities; and participate in meetings of thematic networks, projects, workshops, etc. Another factor that favours the mobility of doctoral students is that the programme belongs to various thematic networks. In addition, for several years, our doctoral students have benefited from mobility grants that have been awarded by the Ministry of Education. As the programme has an Excellence Award, the students have also taken part in specific calls to promote the mobility of students and lecturers.
Doctoral Theses
List of authorized thesis for defense
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:10:41.
List of lodged theses
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:08:02.
List of defended theses by year
- PARRA MARTÍNEZ, ALBERT: Integrating AI with Multiphoton Autofluorescence-Based Hyperspectral Imaging for Enhanced Embryo and Oocyte AnalysisAuthor: PARRA MARTÍNEZ, ALBERT
Department: Department of Optics and Optometry (OO)
Mode: Normal
Reading date: 13/01/2025
Thesis director: OJOSNEGROS MARTOS, SAMUELCommittee:
Thesis abstract: Infertility affects one in seven couples, according to the World Health Organization, and only around 30% of the embryos from in vitro fertilization treatments successfully implant in the uterus and develop to term. As a result, multiple transfer cycles are often required to achieve a successful pregnancy, which can lead to significant emotional, physical, and financial burden. To reduce time-to-pregnancy and stress for patients, there is a need for a diagnostic tool to better select embryos and oocytes based on their physiology.This thesis presents an innovative, non-invasive methodology to improve embryo and oocyte selection, moving beyond conventional brightfield imaging, which provides morphological information and therefore limited physiological insight. Using a combination of techniques including two-photon excitation, hyperspectral imaging, phasor analysis, and artificial intelligence, we have developed a novel imaging pipeline that enables the non-invasive study of metabolic profiles of embryos and oocytes through their intrinsic autofluorescence signals. This methodology not only offers a more comprehensive understanding of embryo viability, but also represents a significant advancement in the field of reproductive science, enabling non-invasive metabolic profiling in ways that were previously not possible.The proof-of-concept work conducted in this thesis led to the development of a prototype based on light-sheet microscopy for evaluating and classifying embryos. This technology was chosen because of its ability to provide faster, less invasive imaging, while avoiding photodamage, making it ideal for non-invasive analysis. This prototype represents the first step towards a clinical product to use in in vitro fertilization clinics. By offering a method to accurately assess embryo viability non-invasively, we aim to improve the effectiveness, and patient experience of infertility treatment.
Last update: 12/03/2025 10:08:19.
Theses related publications
Title: | Cumplimiento en el uso y mantenimiento de lentes de contacto y accesorios |
Reading date: | 10/06/2024 |
Mention: | No mention |
Patient – practitioner communication and contact lens compliance during a prolonged COVID-19 lockdown Cardona, G.; Silvia Alonso Matarin; Busquets , A. Contact lens and anterior eye, ISSN: 1367-0484 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.946; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 03/2021 Journal article Higiene y reemplazo del estuche portalentes, ¿incumplimiento o desconocimiento? Gaceta de optometría y óptica oftálmica, ISSN: 2173-9366 Publication date: 09/04/2021 Journal article Compliance versus risk awareness with contact lens storage case hygiene and replacement Cardona, G.; Silvia Alonso Matarin; Yela, S. Optometry and vision science, ISSN: 1040-5488 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 1.4; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 14/02/2022 Journal article Are patients sufficiently informed about contact lens wear and care? Silvia Alonso Matarin; Yela, S.; Cardona, G. Optometry and vision science, ISSN: 1538-9235 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 1.4; Quartil: Q4) Publication date: 12/2022 Journal article Revisión bibliográfica del cumplimiento en el uso y mantenimiento de las lentes de contacto 26º Congreso de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica Presentation date: 08/05/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Cumplimiento y conciencia del riesgo de la higiene y el reemplazo del estuche portalentes 27 Congreso de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica oftálmica Presentation date: 01/04/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Are contact lens patients sufficiently informed? A comparative study between Spain and UK BCLA Clinical Conference & Exhibition 2023 Presentation date: 06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Propagation of polarized light through turbid media: Application of lidar technology in foggy environments |
Reading date: | 07/06/2024 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Lidar imaging apparatus for a motor vehicle Veoneer Sweden AB Registration date: 18/06/2019 Patent Modeling the use of LiDAR through adverse weather Ballesta-Garcia, M.; De Mas, G.; Royo, S. Publication date: 12/07/2023 Book chapter An overview of lidar imaging systems for autonomous vehicles Royo, S.; Ballesta-Garcia, M. Applied sciences (Basel), ISSN: 2076-3417 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 2.474; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/10/2019 Journal article Polarimetric imaging vs. conventional imaging: evaluation of image contrast in fog Ballesta-Garcia, M.; Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Val, A.; Royo, S. Atmosphere (Basel), ISSN: 2073-4433 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.11; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 24/06/2021 Journal article Quantitative demonstration of the superiority of circularly polarized light in fog environments Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Ballesta-Garcia, M.; García-Gómez, P.; Royo, S. Optics letters, ISSN: 0146-9592 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.6; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 15/01/2022 Journal article Analysis of the performance of a polarized LiDAR imager in fog Ballesta-Garcia, M.; Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Rodríguez, A.; García-Gómez, P.; Rodrigo, N.; Bobi, A.; Royo, S. Optics express, ISSN: 1094-4087 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.8; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 07/11/2022 Journal article Experimental characterization of polarized light backscattering in fog environments Ballesta-Garcia, M.; Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Garcia-Gómez, P.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/11/2023 Journal article A full Stokes imaging polarimeter based on a consumer CMOS camera Multimodal Sensing: Technologies and Applications 2019 Presentation date: 26/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Método de calibración de una cámara CMOS comercial para su uso como cámara polarimétrica XI Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 04/07/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Detección de luz en medios turbios: simulaciones de Monte-Carlo para imagen activa usando luz polarizada o detección resuelta en el tiempo XI Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 04/07/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Activities in imaging through fog at CD6: polarized light propagation modelling 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances Presentation date: 26/07/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Activities in imaging through fog at CD6: polarimetric imaging 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances Presentation date: 26/07/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Medida de superficies 3D mediante imagen polarimétrica XII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 01/07/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluación de modos de imagen polarimétrica en una cámara de niebla mediante el uso del contraste de imagen XII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 30/06/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Construcción de una fog-chamber a pequeña escala para el estudio de la propagación de luz a través de la niebla XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 22/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Optimal snapshot full-Stokes imaging polarimeter in the visible band based on division-of-aperture SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023 Presentation of work at congresses Polarímetro de imagen para la medida del vector completo de Stokes y de la matriz de Mueller en el rango del visible. XIII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 29/06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses Caracterización de un sistema de imagen LiDAR circularmente polarizado en una cámara de niebla XIII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 29/06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses Temporal behavior and processing of the LiDAR signal in fog SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023 Presentation date: 31/05/2023 Presentation of work at congresses A LiDAR imaging system using temporal and polarization discrimination for turbid media SPIE Optical Metrology 2023 Presentation date: 28/06/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Self-mixing interferometry techniques for biophotonic applications in flow sensing |
Reading date: | 18/01/2024 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Method and device for confocal measurement of displacement, velocity or flow at a point of a sample and uses thereof Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Registration date: 24/01/2018 Patent Novel techniques for velocimetry measurements in fluids using Self-Mixing Interferometry Publication date: 01/06/2017 Book chapter Extraction of vibration parameters from optical feedback interferometry signals using wavelets Jha, A.; Azcona, F. J.; Yañez, C.; Royo, S. Applied optics, ISSN: 1559-128X (JCR Impact Factor-2015: 1.598; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/12/2015 Journal article Current Developments on Optical Feedback Interferometry as an All-Optical Sensor for Biomedical Applications Perchoux, J.; Quotb, A.; Atashkhooei, R.; Azcona, F. J.; Ramírez-Miquet, E.; Bernal, O.; Jha, A.; Luna, A.; Yañez, C.; Caum, J.; Bosch, T.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2016: 2.677; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 13/05/2016 Journal article Microcantilever Displacement Measurement Using a Mechanically Modulated Optical Feedback Interferometer Azcona, F. J.; Jha, A.; Yañez, C.; Atashkhooei, R.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2016: 2.677; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 29/06/2016 Journal article Confocal flowmeter based on self-mixing interferometry for real-time velocity profiling of turbid liquids flowing in microcapillaries Yañez, C.; Azcona, F.; Royo, S. Optics express, ISSN: 1094-4087 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.669; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 19/08/2019 Journal article Improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio in a low power self-mixing interferometer using a coupled interferometric effect Yañez, C.; Royo, S. Optics express, ISSN: 1094-4087 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.894; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 07/12/2020 Journal article Optical technologies for the improvement of skin cancer diagnosis: a review Rey, L.; Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Yañez, C.; Burgos, Francisco J.; Vilaseca, M.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.847; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 02/01/2021 Journal article Overview of biofluids and flow sensing techniques applied in clinical practice Yañez, C.; De Mas, G.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.9; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 09/09/2022 Journal article Vibrometría de alta resolución utilizando interferometría óptica retroalimentada diferencial por modulación electrónica IX Reunión Nacional de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 14/07/2015 Presentation of work at congresses Metrología óptica en el CD6: aplicaciones en imagen láser XI Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 09/2015 Presentation of work at congresses Medición confocal de la velocidad con que una emulsión fluye en el centro de un capilar utilizando interferometría realimentada 10 Reunión Nacional de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 14/07/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Development of a confocal laser Doppler flowmeter using optical feedback interferometry techniques 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science Presentation date: 27/09/2017 Presentation of work at congresses Interferometría re-alimentada como técnica de medición compacta y no invasiva de vibración, velocidad y flujo V Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad Presentation date: 23/11/2017 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Improving non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer and blood diseases using photonic techniques |
Reading date: | 18/12/2023 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Visible and extended near-infrared multispectral imaging for skin cancer diagnosis Rey, L.; Burgos, Francisco J.; Delpueyo, X.; Ares, M.; Royo, S.; Malvehy, J.; Puig, S.; Vilaseca, M. Publication date: 01/2019 Book chapter Morphological study of skin cancer lesions through a 3D scanner based on fringe projection and machine learning Rey, L.; Burgos, Francisco J.; Ares, M.; Royo, S.; Puig, S.; Malvehy, J.; Pellacani, G.; Espinar, D.; Sicília, N.; Vilaseca, M. Biomedical optics express, ISSN: 2156-7085 (JCR Impact Factor-2019: 3.921; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 2019 Journal article Spectroscopic evaluation of red blood cells of thalassemia patients with confocal microscopy: a pilot study Rey, L.; Roldán, M.; Burgos, Francisco J.; Gassiot, S.; Ruiz, A.; Isola, I.; Vilaseca, M. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.576; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 2020 Journal article Hyperspectral imaging for skin cancer and blood disorders diagnosis Asian journal of physics, ISSN: 0971-3093 Publication date: 07/10/2022 Journal article Membrane protein detection and morphological analysis of red blood cells in hereditary spherocytosis by confocal laser scanning microscopy Rey, L.; Roldán, M.; Burgos, Francisco J.; Isola, I.; Ruiz, A.; Gassiot, S.; Sarrate, E.; Vilaseca, M. Microscopy and microanalysis, ISSN: 1431-9276 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 2.6 Publication date: 04/2023 Journal article Sistema multispectral visible e infrarrojo para la detección de melanomas XII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 05/07/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Estudio espectroscópico de glóbulos rojos mediante microscopía confocal en pacientes con talasemia: resultados preliminares LXI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia Presentation date: 25/10/2019 Presentation of work at congresses EYEBLOOD: nuevas tecnologías de microscopía confocal para el diagnóstico de enfermedades sanguíneas 3a edició Hospital viu, viu l’Hospital Presentation date: 20/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Study of skin cancer lesions through multispectral and 3D techniques European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 2019 Presentation date: 23/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Polarized multispectral imaging for the diagnosis of skin cancer Twenty-seventh Color and Imaging Conference Presentation date: 25/10/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Estudio espectroscópico de glóbulos rojos mediante microscopía confocal en pacientes con talasemia XII Congreso Nacional del Color Presentation date: 26/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Imagen multiespectral polarizada para el diagnóstico del cáncer de piel XII Congreso Nacional del Color Presentation date: 26/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Multispectral imaging of healthy and diseased red blood cells using confocal microscopy International Colour Association Conference 2020 Presentation date: 27/11/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Spectroscopic study of red blood cells by confocal microscopy in patients with thalassemia: preliminary results 3rd Spanish-Portuguese Meeting for Advanced Optical Microscopy Presentation date: 06/11/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluating Confocal Microscopy as a Tool to Diagnose Red Blood Cell Diseases Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / European Quantum Electronics Conference 2021 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluation of confocal microscopy as a diagnosis tool on red blood cell diseases AIC2021 - International Colour Association Conference 2021 Presentation date: 31/08/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Study of hereditary spherocytosis by confocal microscopy XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 22/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Evaluación de la microscopía confocal como herramienta de diagnóstico de enfermedades de los glóbulos rojos XIII Congreso Nacional del Color Presentation date: 29/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye symptoms of fitted and over the counter contact lens wearers compared with non-contact lens wearing controls |
Reading date: | 26/06/2023 |
Co-director: | GANTZ, LIAT |
Mention: | No mention |
Topical review of the relationship between contact lens wear and meibomian gland dysfunction Ifrah, R.; Quevedo, L.; Gantz, Liat Journal of optometry, ISSN: 1989-1342 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 0.77; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/01/2023 Journal article Repeatability and reproducibility of Cobra HD fundus camera meibography in young adults with and without symptoms of dry eye Ifrah, R.; Quevedo, L.; Gantz, Liat Ophthalmic and physiological optics, ISSN: 1475-1313 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.992; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 03/2023 Journal article Validation of the cobra HD meibographer in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients Annual meeting of the Israeli Society for Vision and Eye Research 2022 Presentation date: 03/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Validation of the cobra HD meibographer European Academy Optometry and Optics 2022 Presentation date: 12/05/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Repeatability and reproducibility of Cobra HD fundus camera meibography in participants with and without symptoms of dry eye Israel Vision Science Society (IVSS) Presentation date: 18/09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses MGD and dry eye symptoms of fitted and over the counter contact lens wearers compared with non-contact lens wearing controls American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting 2022 Presentation date: 28/10/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Meibomian gland dysfunction in fitted and over the counter contact lens wearers compared with non-contact lens wearing controls 43th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society for Vision and Eye Research Presentation date: 02/03/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Influencia del comportamiento cromático de las lentes intraoculares en la función visual |
Reading date: | 27/04/2023 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Evaluación de la función visual en pacientes con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad: resultados preliminares Publication date: 10/02/2021 Book chapter Visual acuity assessment in phakic and pseudophakic eyes under red, green, and blue illumination Clave, L.; Torrents, A.; Rallo, M.; Millan, M. Óptica pura y aplicada, ISSN: 2171-8814 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 0.0 Publication date: 31/12/2020 Journal article Visual acuity at various distances and defocus curve: a good match Clave, L.; Torrents, A.; Millan, M. Photonics, ISSN: 2304-6732 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 2.4; Quartil: Q3) Publication date: 01/02/2022 Journal article Segmentación del disco óptico en imágenes del fondo de ojo mediante morfología matemática en color y contornos activos Simposio Investigación Visible 2018 Presentation date: 24/10/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Comparación de dos métodos para la medida de la agudeza visual a diferentes distancias X Iberoamerican Optics Meeting / XIII Latinoamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications Presentation date: 24/09/2019 Presentation of work at congresses COMPARISON OF TWO METHODS FOR MEASURING VISUAL ACUITY AT DIFFERENT DISTANCES European Academy of Optometry and Optics Annual Conference 2021 Presentation date: 23/04/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Visual acuity in phakic and pseudophakic eyes under RGB light XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Visual acuity in phakic and monofocal pseudophakic eyes under red, green, and blue lights XXVIII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF Presentation date: 16/07/2022 Presentation of work at congresses DEFOCUS CURVE DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE VISUAL ACUITY Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Presentation date: 19/09/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Visual acuity at different distances and defocus curve: a good match Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications Presentation date: 27/03/2023 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development and clinical applications of a whole anterior segment and retinal SS-OCT |
Reading date: | 24/03/2023 |
Director: | PUJOL RAMO, JAUME |
Mention: | International Mention |
Whole anterior segment and retinal swept source OCT for comprehensive ocular screening Rodríguez, A.; Diaz, F.; Fernández-Trullàs, J.; Falgueras, P.; González, L.; Pujol, J.; Grulkowski, I.; Güell, J. Biomedical optics express, ISSN: 2156-7085 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.562; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 01/03/2021 Journal article Design of a compact SS-OCT system for anterior and posterior segment imaging integrated in an instrument for autonomous evaluation of the visual function International Conference on BioMedical Photonics 2018 Presentation date: 16/03/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Design of a system for anterior and posterior segment imaging based on swept-source optical coherence tomography integrated into an instrument for autonomous evaluation of the visual function XII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Presentation date: 03/07/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Anterior and posterior segment SS-OCT system integrated into an instrument for autonomous evaluation of the visual function Biophysics by the Sea Presentation date: 12/10/2018 Presentation of work at congresses Optimization of a SS-OCT with a focus tunable lens for enhanced visualization of ocular opacities SPIE Photonics West BIOS 2019 Conference Presentation date: 04/02/2019 Presentation of work at congresses In vivo imaging of vitreous opacities with full-eye-length SS-OCT SPIE Photonics West BIOS 2019 Conference Presentation date: 03/02/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Compact dual path-dual focus SS-OCT system for whole anterior segment and retinal imaging ARVO 2019 Annual Meeting Presentation date: 28/04/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Vitreous body imaging with long-range swept-source optical coherence tomography for detection of opacities ARVO 2019 Annual Meeting Presentation date: 28/04/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Whole anterior segment/retinal SS-OCT system for comprehensive imaging and biometry of the eye SPIE Photonics West BIOS 2020 Presentation date: 03/02/2020 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Design and construction of a snapshot full-Stokes polarimetric camera : seeing through fog |
Reading date: | 24/02/2023 |
Mention: | International Mention |
Polarization calibration assessment for a broadband imaging polarimeter based on a division of aperture architecture Peña-Gutiérrez, S.; Royo, S. Optics express, ISSN: 1094-4087 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 7.3 Publication date: 30/01/2023 Journal article | |
Title: | Estudi i desenvolupament de sensors òptics ultra-ràpids per a metrologia tridimensional de superfícies |
Reading date: | 10/02/2023 |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention |
Single-shot optical surface profiling using extended depth of field 3D microscopy Martínez, P.; Bermúdez, C.; Artigas, R.; Carles, G. Optics express, ISSN: 1094-4087 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.8; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 12/09/2022 Journal article High-speed, roll to roll coherence scanning Interferometry in a laser texturing process Euspen‘s 19th International Conference and Exhibition Presentation date: 17/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Active illumination focus variation SPIE Optical Metrology 2019 Presentation date: 21/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses Three-dimensional imaging confocal profiler without in-plane scanning Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology 2020 Presentation date: 01/04/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Small footprint high-speed optical 3D profiler Euspen‘s 20th International Conference and Exhibition Presentation date: 06/2020 Presentation of work at congresses Metrological characterization of different methods for recovering the optically sectioned image by means of structured light SPIE Optical Metrology 2021 Presentation date: 01/06/2021 Presentation of work at congresses High repetition rate 3D optical sensor Euspen‘s 21th International Conference and Exhibition Presentation date: 06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses Extended depth of field microscopy for single shot 3D surface profiling Applied Industrial Spectroscopy 2021 Presentation date: 07/2021 Presentation of work at congresses 3D optical sensor in continuous motion Euspen‘s 22nd International Conference and Exhibition Presentation date: 01/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Diseño e implementación de un laboratorio destinado a la validación clinica de ayudas para la percepción y movilidad en pacientes con limitación de campo periférico |
Reading date: | 21/01/2022 |
Mention: | No mention |
MoviLab. Laboratorio de investigación de visión y movilidad perteneciente a la Facultad de óptica y Optometría de Terrassa 6as Jornadas de la Sociedad española de Baja Visión Presentation date: 22/10/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Biel glasses. Gafas inteligentes para discapacitados visuales INNPULSO EMPRENDE Presentation date: 15/11/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Realidad mixta: la solución innovadora para mejorar la movilidad de pacientes con retinosis pigmentaria y glaucoma avanzado en entornos urbanos 28º Congreso de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica Presentation date: 12/04/2024 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Development of a Multimodal Imaging System based on LIDAR |
Reading date: | 02/12/2021 |
Co-director: | CASAS PLA, JOSEP RAMON |
Mention: | Industrial Doctorate Mention (Generalitat) |
Geometric model and calibration method for a solid-state LiDAR García-Gómez, P.; Royo, S.; Rodrigo, N.; Casas, J. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 3.576; Quartil: Q1) Publication date: 20/05/2020 Journal article A Preliminary study of deep learning sensor fusion for pedestrian detection Chavez, A.; García-Gómez, P.; Bernal, E.; De Mas, G.; Casas, J.; Royo, S. Sensors (Basel), ISSN: 1424-8220 (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 6.4 Publication date: 04/2023 Journal article Gradient-based metrics for the evaluation of image defogging De Mas, G.; García-Gómez, P.; Casas, J.; Royo, S. World electric vehicle journal, ISSN: 2032-6653 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 0.0 Publication date: 09/09/2023 Journal article 5D LIDAR: detection of small cross-section objects with 3D and polarimetric imaging The SmartShip Exchange Presentation date: 27/06/2019 Presentation of work at congresses LiDAR de estado sólido multimodal para aplicaciones de percepción avanzada XII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica Presentation date: 01/07/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Multimodal imaging system based on solid-state LiDAR for advanced perception applications OPTRO22 - 10th International Symposium on Optronics in Defence & Security Presentation date: 09/06/2022 Presentation of work at congresses | |
Title: | Caracterización de la regresión diurna en ortoqueratología |
Reading date: | 09/11/2021 |
Mention: | No mention |
Should overnight orthokeratology patients wear their lenses during their afternoon nap? Perez, J.; Cardona, G.; Piñero, D.; Aradilla, Y.; García, M. Eye and contact lens, ISSN: 1542-233X (JCR Impact Factor-2021: 3.152; Quartil: Q2) Publication date: 2021 Journal article ¿Cómo deberían dormir la siesta los usuarios de ortoqueratología nocturna? 26º Congreso de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica Presentation date: 05/2021 Presentation of work at congresses Estudio de la biomecánica corneal a lo largo del día en orto-k a corto y medio plazo con un tonómetro de aire de no contacto y tecnología Scheimpflug 27 Congreso de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica oftálmica Presentation date: 03/04/2022 Presentation of work at congresses |
Research projects
01/01/2024 | 31/12/2026 | AI-Enhanced fibre-Wireless Optical 6G network in support of Connected mobility | Commission of European Communities |
05/12/2023 | 31/12/2024 | Comparative study characterization of various presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses on optical bench | BAUSCH & LOMB AMERICAS INC |
01/12/2023 | 30/11/2026 | J-03162 | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
30/11/2023 | 29/11/2024 | Prova de concepte preliminar d'un sistema òptic per a l'observació de la Terra. | SLIMOP SPACE, S.L. EN CONSTITUCIÓN |
01/10/2023 | 30/09/2027 | Improving BiomEdical diagnosis through LIGHT-based technologies and machine learning | Commission of European Communities |
29/09/2023 | 28/10/2023 | Apoyo científico y técnico con el objetivo de modificar el software de trazado de rayos previamente desarrollado en el proyecto VEMoS, | MIRANZA INVERSIONES OFTALMOLOGICAS |
12/09/2023 | 30/06/2026 | Chips para arquitecturas avanzadas y sistemas fotónicos | MIN DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Cargador de a bordo altamente integrado y bidireccional basado en dispositivos GaN para vehículos eléctricos urbanos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
19/07/2023 | 18/07/2026 | Desenvolupament i control d’un carregador d’alta densitat de potència per a vehicles elèctrics | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
13/05/2023 | 17/04/2024 | Q leaf in vitro: Sistema integral de fabricación de válvulas cardíacas bioprotésicas más eficaces y duraderas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
12/05/2023 | 17/04/2024 | BEACON: Diseño y construcción de una prueBa de concEpto de lidAr para su uso en vehíCulos autónOmos SubmariNos | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
13/03/2023 | 13/09/2024 | Estudi pilot de la millora de la mobilitat i l'accessibilitat universal de persones amb discapacitat visual a la Ciutat de Barcelona | Ajuntament de Barcelona |
20/02/2023 | 20/02/2025 | contracte de col.laboració per l'estudi de mòduls de potència AA/DC/DC i el seu control | DATA-CONTROL PC |
15/01/2023 | 31/07/2024 | Contrato de colaboración para el desarrollo de un prototipo de fotómetro para el análisis de agua. | SCHARLAB, S.L. |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2023 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'estudi i desenvolupament de la millora de tècniques i tecnologies existents per a la metrologia tridimensional de superfícies. | SENSOFAR-TECH,S.L. |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (Xartec Salut) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Forced Choice (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Staircase (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Limits (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Luminance Tresholds (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Ligthness scales (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
12/12/2022 | 12/12/2025 | Desenvolupament d'un nou sistema òptic compacte per a ulleres de realitat augmentada i virtual d’ús diari | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Rehabilitación digital y resultados de eye-tracking en personas con síndrome post-COVID-19 con deteriori cognitivo | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Percepción y sensado multimodal para vehículos autónomos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
10/11/2022 | 31/03/2023 | Collaboration contract of conducting the Optical characterization of the LuxSmart intraocular lens according to ANSI Z80.35:2018 | CUTTING EDGE |
26/09/2022 | 25/09/2025 | Contract for/'Determination of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities in nanolayers by direct determination of THG/' | US ARMY RDECOM |
15/09/2022 | 15/12/2022 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'industrialització del programari d'un equip comptador d'insectes. | COMERCIAL QUIMICA MASSO SA |
01/09/2022 | 01/09/2025 | Estudi i implementació de tècniques optico computacionals avançades aplicades en sistemes de metrologia òptica de superfícies | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
25/07/2022 | 29/04/2023 | Optilaser: Nuevo sistema de fabricación aditiva para el acople de emisores fotónicos que mejore la eficiencia los procesos industriales | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
01/07/2022 | 30/06/2025 | Sistema de asistencia inteligente para el sector de la arquitectura y la construcción (SASACI) | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
27/06/2022 | 27/06/2024 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'assessorament en el camp de les aplicacions de l'enginyeria òptica | INMERSIA COMPUTERS, SOCIEDAD LIMITA |
21/06/2022 | 21/06/2023 | Influència dels factors socioeconòmics i hàbits visuals en l’error refractiu en infants CISViT | COL.LEGI OFICIAL D'òPTICS OPTOMETRI |
01/06/2022 | 31/05/2023 | És la pobresa un factor de risc per a la salut visual dels infants? (Continuïtat) | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
10/05/2022 | 31/12/2022 | XIII Congreso Nacional del Color. Terrassa 2022 (Convocatòria 2022 d’ajuts per a l’organització de congressos de la UPC) | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
04/05/2022 | 04/05/2022 | Procedimiento de procesamiento de imágenes para la detección del glaucoma y productos de programa informático asociados | |
01/05/2022 | 31/10/2025 | Reinventing High-performance pOwer converters for heavy-Duty electric trAnSport | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2022 | 27/12/2022 | TERRASSA’S CHILDREN VISUAL HEALTH COHORT (CISViT): follow up scrrenings | NIDEK CO., LTD. |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2022 | XIII Congreso Nacional del color, Terrassa 2022 CONGRESO NACIONAL DEL COLOR. TERRASSA 2022 | AJUNTAMENT TERRASSA |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2024 | Experimentos y análisis de datos para caracterizar y pronosticar el comportamiento de sistemas complejos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
20/12/2021 | 19/12/2022 | Assessorament en camps com els sensors d'imatge, els sistemes òptics formadors d'imatge, sistemes d'il·luminació o la realització d'assaigs de laboratori, dissenys, simulacions i prototipatge de siste | IDNEO TECHNOLOGIES SAU |
01/12/2021 | 30/11/2023 | Cámara polarimétrica de división de apertura para imagen en medios turbios | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2021 | 31/12/2023 | Projecte d’R+D consistent en l'anàlisi de xarxes de Deep Learning per detecció i seguiment d’objectes en núvols de punts 3D | BEAMAGINE, SL |
16/11/2021 | 21/08/2022 | PROVIDENTIAL: Prevención de accidentes en obra mediante visión 3D e inteligencia artificial | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
15/11/2021 | 21/08/2022 | Q Leaf Pro: Célula flexible para la digitalización y la selección de tejidos de pericardio que incremente la calidad y la productividad en la fabricación de válvulas coronarias bioprotésicas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
08/10/2021 | 23/02/2022 | Apoyo científico y técnico en el desarrollo de un sistema software de soporte a la toma de decisiones clínica basado en la simulación del comportamiento óptico del ojo tras una cirugía a partir de med | MIRANZA INVERSIONES OFTALMOLOGICAS |
08/10/2021 | 31/07/2024 | Development of the tasks related to the ELT M1 Local Coherencer (LOCO project). | IDOM INGENIERIA Y CONSULT, SAU |
04/10/2021 | 20/12/2021 | Fase 2 del projecte H2O2 CONCENTRATION SENSOR: Disseny i fabricació d'un prototip de l'electrònica del nou sensor simplificat. | ANTONIO MATACHANA, S.A. |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Implantes ópticos intraoculares correctores de la presbicia para una compensación visual personalizada | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Fotónica biomédica y machine learning para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de disfunciones oculares, deterioro cognitivo y enfermedades hematológicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 01/09/2021 | System and method for scanning a surface and computer program implementing the method | |
29/07/2021 | 29/07/2024 | Sistema de visió pel control de qualitat i execució en obra (QUALITIC) | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
22/07/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Concurs Cooperatiu. UPC. Projectes d'innovació docent 2021 | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
21/07/2021 | 21/07/2021 | Method, system and computer program for measuring light diffusion in the eyeball or in the ocular region | |
07/07/2021 | 07/07/2021 | System and method for measuring light diffusion in the eyeball or eye region, by recording and processing retinal images. | |
24/05/2021 | 28/02/2023 | Ampliació del contracte de col·laboració per el suport tècnic i l’anàlisi de diferents mètodes de dissipació tèrmica en semiconductors de “Wide Band Gap” utilitzant PCBs de quatre capes | GABRIEL BENMAYOR, SA |
01/05/2021 | 31/05/2021 | Colaboración y Patrocinio Acto Central en España del Día Internacional de la Luz | ALCON HEALTHCARE, SA |
19/04/2021 | 18/04/2023 | Deep learning sensor fusion in scattering media | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
11/04/2021 | 11/04/2021 | Movilab: programa per evaluar habilitats visuals, motores i perceptives de pacients amb discapacitat visual | |
07/04/2021 | 31/03/2022 | REDSCALE III - Electronic pest counter 3a fase | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
15/03/2021 | 14/03/2022 | TERRASSA’S CHILDREN VISUAL HEALTH COHORT (CISViT): Main Visual Screening | TOPCON EUROPE MEDICAL B.V. |
10/02/2021 | 31/03/2021 | Realització del projecte R+D consistent en la proposta de diversos dissenys conceptuals per a una versió simplificada del sensor de peròxid d'hidrogen actual basat en l'absorció d'UV | ANTONIO MATACHANA, S.A. |
09/02/2021 | 28/06/2021 | Study with reference to the characterization and comparative analysis of the imaging properties of intraocular lenses (IOLs) on optical bench | BAUSCH + LOMB FRANCE, S.A. |
01/02/2021 | 31/01/2023 | Automated-spectral smartphone for fundus diagnosis | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/01/2021 | 30/04/2025 | One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe | UNIV.DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2024 | High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2023 | Boosting Europe’s Sovereignty in Technology by driving Photonics from Research to Market – Photonics21 | European Commission |
01/01/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Imagen multimodal para visión a través de medios dispersores | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Dia Internacional de la Llum 2020+1 a Terrassa | AJUNTAMENT TERRASSA |
01/01/2021 | 27/05/2022 | És la pobresa un factor de risc per a la salut visual dels infants? | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
10/09/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Premi MIOPMILLA premi a Mikel Aldaba projecte/'Estudio de la relación miopía-acomodación. ¿Causa o efecto?/' | COL.LEGI OFICIAL D'òPTICS OPTOMETRI |
15/08/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (XarTEC SALUT) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | Automatic Hyperspectral Pest Counter: Millorant l'eficiència del control integrat de plagues a través de l'enginyeria fotònica | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | Instrument oftalmològic basat en la degradació del reflex corneal per a l'avaluació de la pel·lícula llagrimalper a l'avaluació de la pel·lícula llagrimal | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | Tasques d’enginyeria optomecànica relacionades amb el disseny, construcció i calibratge d’un prototip de sistema d’imatge multimodal 3D+2D, que inclogui la imatge LIDAR | BEAMAGINE, SL |
01/07/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa Fourth Industrial Revolution | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | Desarrollo de una metodología para la caracterización funcional de diferentes diseños de lentes progresivas a partir de medidas visuales objetivas y subjetivas. | HORIZON OPTICAL, S.L.U. |
25/06/2020 | 31/03/2021 | Q_LEAF: Nuevo sistema para la digitalización y evaluación de tejidos de pericardio para ser utilizados en la fabricación automatizada de válvulas coronarias bioprotésicas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
02/06/2020 | 02/06/2020 | Sistema y método para el rastreo de objetos en movimiento en vehículos | |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2023 | Generación Óptica de Armónicos en Materiales Estratégicos para la Nanofotónica | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 30/11/2023 | Sistema de conversión de potencia DC/DC aislado multipuerto de alta eficiencia y densidad de potencia basado en dispositivos de amplio | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/05/2020 | 31/05/2022 | Desarrollo de un sistema de iluminación con óptica integrada para medidas bioquímicas (BIOLUM) | SIMULACIONS ÒPTIQUES, S.L. |
06/04/2020 | 06/04/2022 | Desarrollo de un nuevo filtro activo para entorno residencial mediante el uso de materiales WBG (IFRIT) | CIRCUTOR S.A. |
27/03/2020 | 27/03/2020 | Method, system and computer programs for the automatic counting of the number of insects in a trap | |
27/03/2020 | 27/03/2020 | Dispositivo para el contaje automático del número de insectos en una trampa. | |
01/03/2020 | 28/02/2021 | Project of visual and ocular health to the Maka Sanitary Region (Tambacounda) | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament , UPC |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Living lab e-micromobility | EUROPEAN INST OF INNOV.& TECHNOL. |
13/12/2019 | 01/09/2020 | Realització del projecte de recerca consistents en un treball d’acompanyament metodològic a la recerca “Procés de recerca-acció entre joves i adolescents llegides com a musulmanes en els centres educa | OBSERVATORI DE LA SALUT VISUAL |
12/12/2019 | 29/05/2020 | Comparative optical bench analysis of a new extended range of vision intraocular lens | BAUSCH + LOMB FRANCE, S.A. |
17/10/2019 | 04/01/2023 | Sistema intel.ligent basat en fotònica per a la gestió integrada de plagues | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
20/09/2019 | 19/03/2022 | Analysis of second and third harmonic generation in absorptive materials | US ARMY RDECOM |
27/06/2019 | 31/01/2020 | Desenvolupar els continguts del programa formatiu per Muralla Òptica d'acord amb els requeriments i impartir un curs de 24 hores | MURALLA OPTICA, S.L. |
27/06/2019 | 15/01/2020 | Programa de formació per Rueda Collell | RUEDA-COLLELL OPTICS, S.L. |
08/06/2019 | 01/12/2022 | Estudio y desarrollo de tecnologias ópticas para la medición de superficies de gran área, con resolución nanométrica, Hito 2: diseño y fabricación del segundo prototipo, validación de especificaciónes | SENSOFAR-TECH,S.L. |
01/06/2019 | 31/12/2020 | Aprendizaje automático y análisis de datos para tecnologías fotónicas biomédicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
17/05/2019 | 17/05/2019 | A computer implemented method, a system and computer programs for anomaly detection using network analysis | |
02/05/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001662_FEM IOT | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/05/2019 | 30/11/2022 | Vision and Identification Z-sensing Technology and Applications | Commission of European Communities |
01/05/2019 | 31/10/2022 | Aplicaciones y tecnologías de visión e identificación en profundidad | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
29/04/2019 | 29/05/2019 | Validación, revisión y mejora de algoritmaos de estimulación de función visual | E-HEALTH TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS SL |
06/03/2019 | 06/03/2019 | Lidar imaging apparatus for a motor vehicle | |
01/03/2019 | 28/02/2023 | Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal | Commission of European Communities |
01/03/2019 | 18/05/2022 | Desenvolupament d'una plataforma d'Imatge Multimodal basada en Lidar 3D (LIDAR+) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/03/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Estudi i desenvolupament de sensors òptics ultra-ràpids per a metrologia tridimensional de superficies | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/03/2019 | 28/02/2020 | Enfortiment en optometria pediàtrica dels/les professionals universitaris de la Facultat de les Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat de Lurio (UNILURIO), MOÇAMBIC | Centre Cooperació per al Desenvolupament |
09/01/2019 | 08/06/2022 | Desenvolupament d'un filtre actiu basat en semiconductors de wide Band Gap | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/01/2019 | 30/06/2019 | Serveis d'assessorament a IDNEO relacionats amb l'ús aplicació de tecnologies fotòniques | IDNEO TECHNOLOGIES SAU |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2021 | Sistemas dinámicos complejos y herramientas avanzadas de análisis de datos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001643_Agrupació emergent Looming Factory | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001646_BASE 3D | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | Accelerating Photonics Deployment via one Stop Shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers | European Comission |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Convocatòria anual d'ajuts del Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
Teaching staff and research groups
Research groups
UPC groups:
Doctoral Programme teachers
- Aldaba Arevalo, Mikel
- Argiles Sans, Marc
- Armengol Cebrian, Jesus
- Artigas Pursals, Roger
- Burgos Fernandez, Francisco Javier
- Cardona Torradeflot, Genis
- Cojocaru, Crina
- Diaz Douton, Fernando
- Gispets Parcerisas, Joan
- Guisasola Valencia, Laura
- Lupon Bas, Nuria
- Masoller, Cristina
- Millan Garcia Varela, Maria Sagrario
- Ondategui Parra, Juan Carlos
- Perez Cabre, Elisabet
- Pujol Ramo, Jaume
- Quevedo Junyent, Lluïsa
- Royo Royo, Santiago
- Torrents Gomez, Aurora
- Vega Lerin, Fidel
- Vila Vidal, Nuria
- Vilaseca Ricart, Meritxell
- Zaragoza Bertomeu, Jordi
Research projects
01/01/2024 | 31/12/2026 | AI-Enhanced fibre-Wireless Optical 6G network in support of Connected mobility | Commission of European Communities |
05/12/2023 | 31/12/2024 | Comparative study characterization of various presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses on optical bench | BAUSCH & LOMB AMERICAS INC |
01/12/2023 | 30/11/2026 | J-03162 | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
30/11/2023 | 29/11/2024 | Prova de concepte preliminar d'un sistema òptic per a l'observació de la Terra. | SLIMOP SPACE, S.L. EN CONSTITUCIÓN |
01/10/2023 | 30/09/2027 | Improving BiomEdical diagnosis through LIGHT-based technologies and machine learning | Commission of European Communities |
29/09/2023 | 28/10/2023 | Apoyo científico y técnico con el objetivo de modificar el software de trazado de rayos previamente desarrollado en el proyecto VEMoS, | MIRANZA INVERSIONES OFTALMOLOGICAS |
12/09/2023 | 30/06/2026 | Chips para arquitecturas avanzadas y sistemas fotónicos | MIN DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD |
01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | Cargador de a bordo altamente integrado y bidireccional basado en dispositivos GaN para vehículos eléctricos urbanos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
19/07/2023 | 18/07/2026 | Desenvolupament i control d’un carregador d’alta densitat de potència per a vehicles elèctrics | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
13/05/2023 | 17/04/2024 | Q leaf in vitro: Sistema integral de fabricación de válvulas cardíacas bioprotésicas más eficaces y duraderas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
12/05/2023 | 17/04/2024 | BEACON: Diseño y construcción de una prueBa de concEpto de lidAr para su uso en vehíCulos autónOmos SubmariNos | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
13/03/2023 | 13/09/2024 | Estudi pilot de la millora de la mobilitat i l'accessibilitat universal de persones amb discapacitat visual a la Ciutat de Barcelona | Ajuntament de Barcelona |
20/02/2023 | 20/02/2025 | contracte de col.laboració per l'estudi de mòduls de potència AA/DC/DC i el seu control | DATA-CONTROL PC |
15/01/2023 | 31/07/2024 | Contrato de colaboración para el desarrollo de un prototipo de fotómetro para el análisis de agua. | SCHARLAB, S.L. |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2023 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'estudi i desenvolupament de la millora de tècniques i tecnologies existents per a la metrologia tridimensional de superfícies. | SENSOFAR-TECH,S.L. |
01/01/2023 | 31/12/2025 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (Xartec Salut) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Forced Choice (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Staircase (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Visual Acuity - Limits (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Luminance Tresholds (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
23/12/2022 | 23/12/2022 | Ligthness scales (Pràctica Percepció Visual) | |
12/12/2022 | 12/12/2025 | Desenvolupament d'un nou sistema òptic compacte per a ulleres de realitat augmentada i virtual d’ús diari | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Rehabilitación digital y resultados de eye-tracking en personas con síndrome post-COVID-19 con deteriori cognitivo | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2022 | 30/11/2024 | Percepción y sensado multimodal para vehículos autónomos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
10/11/2022 | 31/03/2023 | Collaboration contract of conducting the Optical characterization of the LuxSmart intraocular lens according to ANSI Z80.35:2018 | CUTTING EDGE |
26/09/2022 | 25/09/2025 | Contract for/'Determination of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities in nanolayers by direct determination of THG/' | US ARMY RDECOM |
15/09/2022 | 15/12/2022 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'industrialització del programari d'un equip comptador d'insectes. | COMERCIAL QUIMICA MASSO SA |
01/09/2022 | 01/09/2025 | Estudi i implementació de tècniques optico computacionals avançades aplicades en sistemes de metrologia òptica de superfícies | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
25/07/2022 | 29/04/2023 | Optilaser: Nuevo sistema de fabricación aditiva para el acople de emisores fotónicos que mejore la eficiencia los procesos industriales | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
01/07/2022 | 30/06/2025 | Sistema de asistencia inteligente para el sector de la arquitectura y la construcción (SASACI) | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
27/06/2022 | 27/06/2024 | Contracte de col·laboració per l'assessorament en el camp de les aplicacions de l'enginyeria òptica | INMERSIA COMPUTERS, SOCIEDAD LIMITA |
21/06/2022 | 21/06/2023 | Influència dels factors socioeconòmics i hàbits visuals en l’error refractiu en infants CISViT | COL.LEGI OFICIAL D'òPTICS OPTOMETRI |
01/06/2022 | 31/05/2023 | És la pobresa un factor de risc per a la salut visual dels infants? (Continuïtat) | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
10/05/2022 | 31/12/2022 | XIII Congreso Nacional del Color. Terrassa 2022 (Convocatòria 2022 d’ajuts per a l’organització de congressos de la UPC) | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
04/05/2022 | 04/05/2022 | Procedimiento de procesamiento de imágenes para la detección del glaucoma y productos de programa informático asociados | |
01/05/2022 | 31/10/2025 | Reinventing High-performance pOwer converters for heavy-Duty electric trAnSport | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2022 | 27/12/2022 | TERRASSA’S CHILDREN VISUAL HEALTH COHORT (CISViT): follow up scrrenings | NIDEK CO., LTD. |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2022 | XIII Congreso Nacional del color, Terrassa 2022 CONGRESO NACIONAL DEL COLOR. TERRASSA 2022 | AJUNTAMENT TERRASSA |
01/01/2022 | 31/12/2024 | Experimentos y análisis de datos para caracterizar y pronosticar el comportamiento de sistemas complejos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
20/12/2021 | 19/12/2022 | Assessorament en camps com els sensors d'imatge, els sistemes òptics formadors d'imatge, sistemes d'il·luminació o la realització d'assaigs de laboratori, dissenys, simulacions i prototipatge de siste | IDNEO TECHNOLOGIES SAU |
01/12/2021 | 30/11/2023 | Cámara polarimétrica de división de apertura para imagen en medios turbios | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/12/2021 | 31/12/2023 | Projecte d’R+D consistent en l'anàlisi de xarxes de Deep Learning per detecció i seguiment d’objectes en núvols de punts 3D | BEAMAGINE, SL |
16/11/2021 | 21/08/2022 | PROVIDENTIAL: Prevención de accidentes en obra mediante visión 3D e inteligencia artificial | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
15/11/2021 | 21/08/2022 | Q Leaf Pro: Célula flexible para la digitalización y la selección de tejidos de pericardio que incremente la calidad y la productividad en la fabricación de válvulas coronarias bioprotésicas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
08/10/2021 | 23/02/2022 | Apoyo científico y técnico en el desarrollo de un sistema software de soporte a la toma de decisiones clínica basado en la simulación del comportamiento óptico del ojo tras una cirugía a partir de med | MIRANZA INVERSIONES OFTALMOLOGICAS |
08/10/2021 | 31/07/2024 | Development of the tasks related to the ELT M1 Local Coherencer (LOCO project). | IDOM INGENIERIA Y CONSULT, SAU |
04/10/2021 | 20/12/2021 | Fase 2 del projecte H2O2 CONCENTRATION SENSOR: Disseny i fabricació d'un prototip de l'electrònica del nou sensor simplificat. | ANTONIO MATACHANA, S.A. |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Implantes ópticos intraoculares correctores de la presbicia para una compensación visual personalizada | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Fotónica biomédica y machine learning para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de disfunciones oculares, deterioro cognitivo y enfermedades hematológicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/09/2021 | 01/09/2021 | System and method for scanning a surface and computer program implementing the method | |
29/07/2021 | 29/07/2024 | Sistema de visió pel control de qualitat i execució en obra (QUALITIC) | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
22/07/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Concurs Cooperatiu. UPC. Projectes d'innovació docent 2021 | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
21/07/2021 | 21/07/2021 | Method, system and computer program for measuring light diffusion in the eyeball or in the ocular region | |
07/07/2021 | 07/07/2021 | System and method for measuring light diffusion in the eyeball or eye region, by recording and processing retinal images. | |
24/05/2021 | 28/02/2023 | Ampliació del contracte de col·laboració per el suport tècnic i l’anàlisi de diferents mètodes de dissipació tèrmica en semiconductors de “Wide Band Gap” utilitzant PCBs de quatre capes | GABRIEL BENMAYOR, SA |
01/05/2021 | 31/05/2021 | Colaboración y Patrocinio Acto Central en España del Día Internacional de la Luz | ALCON HEALTHCARE, SA |
19/04/2021 | 18/04/2023 | Deep learning sensor fusion in scattering media | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
11/04/2021 | 11/04/2021 | Movilab: programa per evaluar habilitats visuals, motores i perceptives de pacients amb discapacitat visual | |
07/04/2021 | 31/03/2022 | REDSCALE III - Electronic pest counter 3a fase | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
15/03/2021 | 14/03/2022 | TERRASSA’S CHILDREN VISUAL HEALTH COHORT (CISViT): Main Visual Screening | TOPCON EUROPE MEDICAL B.V. |
10/02/2021 | 31/03/2021 | Realització del projecte R+D consistent en la proposta de diversos dissenys conceptuals per a una versió simplificada del sensor de peròxid d'hidrogen actual basat en l'absorció d'UV | ANTONIO MATACHANA, S.A. |
09/02/2021 | 28/06/2021 | Study with reference to the characterization and comparative analysis of the imaging properties of intraocular lenses (IOLs) on optical bench | BAUSCH + LOMB FRANCE, S.A. |
01/02/2021 | 31/01/2023 | Automated-spectral smartphone for fundus diagnosis | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
01/01/2021 | 30/04/2025 | One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe | UNIV.DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2024 | High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services | Commission of European Communities |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2023 | Boosting Europe’s Sovereignty in Technology by driving Photonics from Research to Market – Photonics21 | European Commission |
01/01/2021 | 31/08/2024 | Imagen multimodal para visión a través de medios dispersores | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2021 | 31/12/2021 | Dia Internacional de la Llum 2020+1 a Terrassa | AJUNTAMENT TERRASSA |
01/01/2021 | 27/05/2022 | És la pobresa un factor de risc per a la salut visual dels infants? | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
10/09/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Premi MIOPMILLA premi a Mikel Aldaba projecte/'Estudio de la relación miopía-acomodación. ¿Causa o efecto?/' | COL.LEGI OFICIAL D'òPTICS OPTOMETRI |
15/08/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (XarTEC SALUT) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | Automatic Hyperspectral Pest Counter: Millorant l'eficiència del control integrat de plagues a través de l'enginyeria fotònica | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
23/07/2020 | 22/01/2022 | Instrument oftalmològic basat en la degradació del reflex corneal per a l'avaluació de la pel·lícula llagrimalper a l'avaluació de la pel·lícula llagrimal | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | Tasques d’enginyeria optomecànica relacionades amb el disseny, construcció i calibratge d’un prototip de sistema d’imatge multimodal 3D+2D, que inclogui la imatge LIDAR | BEAMAGINE, SL |
01/07/2020 | 31/12/2022 | Xarxa Fourth Industrial Revolution | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | Desarrollo de una metodología para la caracterización funcional de diferentes diseños de lentes progresivas a partir de medidas visuales objetivas y subjetivas. | HORIZON OPTICAL, S.L.U. |
25/06/2020 | 31/03/2021 | Q_LEAF: Nuevo sistema para la digitalización y evaluación de tejidos de pericardio para ser utilizados en la fabricación automatizada de válvulas coronarias bioprotésicas | MIN. INDUSTRIA ENERGIA TURISMO |
02/06/2020 | 02/06/2020 | Sistema y método para el rastreo de objetos en movimiento en vehículos | |
01/06/2020 | 31/05/2023 | Generación Óptica de Armónicos en Materiales Estratégicos para la Nanofotónica | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/06/2020 | 30/11/2023 | Sistema de conversión de potencia DC/DC aislado multipuerto de alta eficiencia y densidad de potencia basado en dispositivos de amplio | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/05/2020 | 31/05/2022 | Desarrollo de un sistema de iluminación con óptica integrada para medidas bioquímicas (BIOLUM) | SIMULACIONS ÒPTIQUES, S.L. |
06/04/2020 | 06/04/2022 | Desarrollo de un nuevo filtro activo para entorno residencial mediante el uso de materiales WBG (IFRIT) | CIRCUTOR S.A. |
27/03/2020 | 27/03/2020 | Method, system and computer programs for the automatic counting of the number of insects in a trap | |
27/03/2020 | 27/03/2020 | Dispositivo para el contaje automático del número de insectos en una trampa. | |
01/03/2020 | 28/02/2021 | Project of visual and ocular health to the Maka Sanitary Region (Tambacounda) | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament , UPC |
01/01/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Living lab e-micromobility | EUROPEAN INST OF INNOV.& TECHNOL. |
13/12/2019 | 01/09/2020 | Realització del projecte de recerca consistents en un treball d’acompanyament metodològic a la recerca “Procés de recerca-acció entre joves i adolescents llegides com a musulmanes en els centres educa | OBSERVATORI DE LA SALUT VISUAL |
12/12/2019 | 29/05/2020 | Comparative optical bench analysis of a new extended range of vision intraocular lens | BAUSCH + LOMB FRANCE, S.A. |
17/10/2019 | 04/01/2023 | Sistema intel.ligent basat en fotònica per a la gestió integrada de plagues | Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ) |
20/09/2019 | 19/03/2022 | Analysis of second and third harmonic generation in absorptive materials | US ARMY RDECOM |
27/06/2019 | 31/01/2020 | Desenvolupar els continguts del programa formatiu per Muralla Òptica d'acord amb els requeriments i impartir un curs de 24 hores | MURALLA OPTICA, S.L. |
27/06/2019 | 15/01/2020 | Programa de formació per Rueda Collell | RUEDA-COLLELL OPTICS, S.L. |
08/06/2019 | 01/12/2022 | Estudio y desarrollo de tecnologias ópticas para la medición de superficies de gran área, con resolución nanométrica, Hito 2: diseño y fabricación del segundo prototipo, validación de especificaciónes | SENSOFAR-TECH,S.L. |
01/06/2019 | 31/12/2020 | Aprendizaje automático y análisis de datos para tecnologías fotónicas biomédicas | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
17/05/2019 | 17/05/2019 | A computer implemented method, a system and computer programs for anomaly detection using network analysis | |
02/05/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001662_FEM IOT | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/05/2019 | 30/11/2022 | Vision and Identification Z-sensing Technology and Applications | Commission of European Communities |
01/05/2019 | 31/10/2022 | Aplicaciones y tecnologías de visión e identificación en profundidad | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
29/04/2019 | 29/05/2019 | Validación, revisión y mejora de algoritmaos de estimulación de función visual | E-HEALTH TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS SL |
06/03/2019 | 06/03/2019 | Lidar imaging apparatus for a motor vehicle | |
01/03/2019 | 28/02/2023 | Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal | Commission of European Communities |
01/03/2019 | 18/05/2022 | Desenvolupament d'una plataforma d'Imatge Multimodal basada en Lidar 3D (LIDAR+) | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/03/2019 | 30/09/2022 | Estudi i desenvolupament de sensors òptics ultra-ràpids per a metrologia tridimensional de superficies | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/03/2019 | 28/02/2020 | Enfortiment en optometria pediàtrica dels/les professionals universitaris de la Facultat de les Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat de Lurio (UNILURIO), MOÇAMBIC | Centre Cooperació per al Desenvolupament |
09/01/2019 | 08/06/2022 | Desenvolupament d'un filtre actiu basat en semiconductors de wide Band Gap | AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
01/01/2019 | 30/06/2019 | Serveis d'assessorament a IDNEO relacionats amb l'ús aplicació de tecnologies fotòniques | IDNEO TECHNOLOGIES SAU |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2021 | Sistemas dinámicos complejos y herramientas avanzadas de análisis de datos | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001643_Agrupació emergent Looming Factory | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | 001-P-001646_BASE 3D | GENCAT - DEPT. D'EMPRESA I OCUPACIO |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | Accelerating Photonics Deployment via one Stop Shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers | European Comission |
01/01/2019 | 31/12/2019 | Convocatòria anual d'ajuts del Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament | Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC |
The Validation, Monitoring, Modification and Accreditation Framework (VSMA Framework) for official degrees ties the quality assurance processes (validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation) carried out over the lifetime of a course to two objectives—the goal of establishing coherent links between these processes, and that of achieving greater efficiency in their management—all with the overarching aim of improving programmes.
- Verification Memory (Doctoral Programme) - 2013
- Verification Resolution (MECD)
- Agreement of the Council of Ministers (BOE)