Training for teaching and research staff

"Doctoral education is dependent on active researchers to supervise doctoral candidates and bring them into excellent and inclusive research environments. Supervisors need to have research experience in order to guide the doctoral candidates. They must have the time to meet doctoral candidates and give sufficient and timely feedback on the progress of their research. Supervisors need to have the dedication to deliver good supervision. They also need training to be able to perform their duties, and recognise and react to challenges in the interaction with doctoral candidates in a timely fashion."


ISBN: 9789078997597

The relationship between doctoral candidates and their thesis supervisors is a key part of successfully developing a doctoral thesis and, therefore, proof of the quality of doctoral programmes.

The Doctoral School provides support to those who are embarking on the task of supervising theses. Based on their experience in the doctoral field and providing them with specific internal and external training, the Doctoral School promotes an open, honest and professional relationship with and commitment to doctoral candidates.

This relationship leads to the satisfaction of the parties involved (the doctoral candidate and the supervisor) and contributes especially to improving the results of the research, which provide society with scientific advances.

The Doctoral School promotes training in teaching and supervising skills in research through the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) and the Libraries, Publications and Archives Service.



Stan Taylor; Margaret Kiley; Robin Humphrey (2018). A handbook for doctoral education. Oxon: Routledge.