Architecture, Energy and Environment


Pages Ramon, Anna


Secretary’s Office for Doctoral Programmes in Architecture

Tel: (+34) 934 011 875


This doctoral programme focuses on basic and specific research on various aspects of energy and the environment applied to architecture and urbanism. It covers all of the specific elements that make up the environment of architecture and cities (thermal, light and acoustic), as well as the sociopolitical dimension, which is considered an integral part of architectural and urban design. The programme is a good fit with public research policies in effect, both in the UPC context and in relation to the strategic policy of the Government of Catalonia, the Government of Spain and the European Commission. Two elements of the programme are in consonance with keys goals set out in the academic and university policy of the institutions involved. The first is the provision of training to produce experts (with scientific, technical and creative know-how) in energy-related fields as applied to architecture, building construction and the environment. This aspect of the programme is aligned with strategic objectives defined in recent years in successive framework programmes of the European Commission, in the research and innovation plans of the Government of Catalonia, and in the national plans for scientific research, development and technological innovation of the Government of Spain. In all of these plans, the following key priorities have been identified: progress in efficiency in the use of energy, resource development, support for policies related to assessment of the environmental impact of human activities, and training of experts to design evidence-based policy. The second aspect of the programme that is aligned with strategic objectives at multiple levels the interdepartmental nature of the Architecture, Energy and Environment (AIEM) research group, which leads the doctoral programme and its internationalisation. The group works with a network of researchers based at other universities in Europe and Latin America. These two key features also characterised the doctoral programmes that were the forerunners of the current programme.

General information

Access profile

Given that the discipline is one that straddles art and science, applicants who are able to understand abstract and cross-cutting concepts are given priority for admission. Analytical and graphical representation skills, scientific rigour, and an interest in the research projects carried out within the framework of the programme are considered desirable attributes in applicants.

Ideally, applicants should have a degree in architecture and have completed the master's degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment, the specialisation in Architecture, Energy and Environment of the ETSAB master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona, or a master's degree related to the field of the doctoral programme.

In addition to a suitable academic background, it is considered important that applicants have certain personal characteristics – namely, critical thinking skills; initiative and perseverance in their academic work; the ability to work in a team; and the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Output profile

Doctoral candidates who complete a doctoral degree will have acquired the following competencies, which are needed to carry out quality research (Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies):

a) A systematic understanding of the field of study and a mastery of the research skills and methods related to the field.
b) An ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
c) An ability to contribute to pushing back the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
d) A capacity for critical analysis and an ability to assess and summarise new and complex ideas.
e) An ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general as regards their fields of knowledge in the manner and languages that are typical of the international scientific community to which they belong.
f) An ability to foster scientific, technological, social, artistic and cultural progress in academic and professional contexts within a knowledge-based society.

The award of a doctoral degree must equip the graduate for work in a variety of settings, especially those requiring creativity and innovation. Doctoral graduates must have at least acquired the personal skills needed to:

a) Develop in contexts in which there is little specific information.
b) Find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
c) Design, create, develop and undertake original, innovative projects in their field.
d) Work as part of a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.
e) Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgements with limited information.
f) Offer criticism on and intellectually defend solutions.

Finally, with respect to competencies, doctoral students must:

have acquired advanced knowledge at the frontier of their discipline and demonstrated, in the context of internationally recognised scientific research, a deep, detailed and well-grounded understanding of theoretical and practical issues and scientific methodology in one or more research fields;

have made an original and significant contribution to scientific research in their field of expertise that has been recognised as such by the international scientific community;

have demonstrated that they are capable of designing a research project that serves as a framework for carrying out a critical analysis and assessment of imprecise situations, in which they are able to apply their contributions, expertise and working method to synthesise new and complex ideas that yield a deeper knowledge of the research context in which they work;

have demonstrated that they are able to carry out their research activity in a socially responsible manner and with scientific integrity;

have demonstrated, within their specific scientific context, that they are able to make cultural, social or technological advances and promote innovation in all areas within a knowledge-based society;

have demonstrated that they are able to participate in scientific discussions at the international level in their field of expertise and disseminate the results of their research activity to audiences of all kinds;

have developed sufficient autonomy to set up, manage and lead innovative research teams and projects and scientific collaborations (both national and international) within their subject area, in multidisciplinary contexts and, where appropriate, with a substantial element of knowledge transfer.

Number of places


Duration of studies and dedication regime

The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.

If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.

For full-time doctoral candidates, the minimum period of study is two years, counted from the date of an applicant's admission to the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited; for part-time doctoral candidates it is four years.

When there are justified grounds for doing so, and the thesis supervisor and academic tutor have given their authorisation, doctoral candidates may request that the academic committee of their doctoral programme exempt them from the requirement to complete this minimum period of study.

Temporary disability leave and leave for the birth of a child, adoption or fostering for the purposes of adoption, temporary foster care, risk during pregnancy or infant feeding, gender violence and any other situation provided for in current regulations do not count towards these periods. Students who find themselves in any of these circumstances must notify the academic committee of the doctoral programme, which must inform the Doctoral School.

Doctoral candidates may request periods of temporary withdrawal from the programme for up to a total of two years. Requests must be justified and addressed to the academic committee responsible for the programme, which will decide whether or not to grant the candidate's request.

Extension of studies
If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.

Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:

  • The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
  • The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
  • The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
  • The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
  • The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
  • A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
  • The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
  • The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.

Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.

A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.

Legal framework


  • Department of Architectural Technology (PROMOTORA)
  • Departamento de Representación Arquitectónica
  • Department of Applied Physics


Secretary’s Office for Doctoral Programmes in Architecture

Tel: (+34) 934 011 875


Agreements with other institutions

Polytechnic University of Milan (Polimi), BEST Department, Science and Technology in the Built Environment

Teaching by Polimi professors as visiting professors. Exchanges of professors and doctoral students. Facilitation of research stays at the two institutions. Participation of Polimi professors on thesis examination committees. This collaboration has been ongoing for more than 20 years. Research stays have facilitated the completion of doctoral theses with European Doctorate mentions, and it is hoped that in the future they will allow students to earn International Doctorate mentions.

Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Agreement for co-supervision of doctoral theses, with recognition from both universities. Collaboration in research has led to shared publication of articles. Doctoral graduates from Rome are involved in the various stages of the doctoral thesis assessment process. This collaboration extends to teaching.

Other types of collaboration

The programme works closely with several European universities. This cooperation involves the participation of professors in teaching on the master's degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment, the completion of research stays by doctoral students, and the participation of professors from partner universities on doctoral thesis examination committees.

The same kind of collaborative relationship exists with various Latin American universities where UPC doctoral graduates who completed their theses within the framework of this programme work. The most significant of these collaborations are with Mexican, Chilean, Argentinian and Brazilian universities. The programme has an ongoing relationship with researchers at these universities. Academic staff for the doctoral programme and scholars based at these universities are in contact through international networks and participate in joint research projects. The following is a list of all the collaborations that the programme maintains on fairly regular basis.

European universities with which the programme collaborates include:

The universities mentioned above; namely:

a) Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), BEST Department

b) University of Pau and the Adour Region, ISA-BTP (France)

c) Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering 

Other European universities with which there are frequent exchanges:

d) Roma Tre University (Italy)

The University of Rome has been collaborating with the doctoral programme for over 10 years in the assessment of thesis proposals, thesis examination committees, student exchanges for research stays, and through the participation of professors from the Italian university as visitors in doctoral programmes that have received quality awards.

e) Technical University of Dortmund (Germany)

For the last seven years, TU Dortmund has welcomed our doctoral students in its laboratories for the experimental stage of their work (in its materials laboratory and light laboratory). Research stays have facilitated the completion of doctoral theses with European Doctorate mentions.

f) Brunel University London (UK)

Exchange programme for academic staff and thesis assessment.

g) Kore University of Enna (Italy)

Thesis co-supervision agreement

Latin American universities

h) University of Sonora (Mexico)

Close collaboration to carry out research programmes involving students from our institution. Stays by academic staff from both institutions and exchanges of students for thesis work. Assessment of thesis proposals and participation on examination committee (for over 10 years now). Members of the RAB thematic network.

i) Catholic University of the North (UCN, Chile)

The programme has had an ongoing relationship with UCN for over 15 years. Doctoral students have recently joined UCN’s teaching teams under an agreement for the exchange of teaching staff. The director of the School of Architecture is a graduate of the doctoral programme in Architecture, Energy and Environment, and other graduates from various European countries have joined his teaching team.

j) University of Guadalajara (Mexico)

Exchange programme for academic staff.

k) University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil)

Thesis co-supervision agreement

Research projects carried out within the framework of EU programmes facilitate contact and open up the possibility of partnerships with universities and research centres with which the programme has a relationship. Apart from the institutions mentioned above, with which the programme has an ongoing relationship, specific agreements may be entered into with:

University of La Rochelle
University College Dublin
Brunel University London
University of Florence
Polytechnic University of Turin
University of Porto
Athens University
University of Cologne

Collaborations with companies in the sector

Agreements are also entered into with various companies in specific cases, including ERCO and IGuzzini for theses related to artificial lighting.

Access, admission and registration

Access profile

Given that the discipline is one that straddles art and science, applicants who are able to understand abstract and cross-cutting concepts are given priority for admission. Analytical and graphical representation skills, scientific rigour, and an interest in the research projects carried out within the framework of the programme are considered desirable attributes in applicants.

Ideally, applicants should have a degree in architecture and have completed the master's degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment, the specialisation in Architecture, Energy and Environment of the ETSAB master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona, or a master's degree related to the field of the doctoral programme.

In addition to a suitable academic background, it is considered important that applicants have certain personal characteristics – namely, critical thinking skills; initiative and perseverance in their academic work; the ability to work in a team; and the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Access requirements

As a rule, applicants must hold a Spanish bachelor's degree or equivalent and a Spanish master's degree or equivalent, provided they have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits on the two degrees (Royal Decree 43/2015, of 2 February).

Applicants who meet one or more of the following conditions are also eligible for admission:

a) Holders of official Spanish degrees or equivalent Spanish qualifications, provided they have passed 300 ECTS credits in total and they can prove they have reached Level 3 in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
b) Holders of degrees awarded in foreign education systems in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which do not require homologation, who can prove that they have reached Level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework, provided the degree makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
c) Holders of degrees awarded in a country that does not belong to the EHEA, which do not require homologation, on the condition that the University is able to verify that the degree is of a level equivalent to that of official university master's degrees in Spain and that it makes the holder eligible for admission to doctoral studies in the country in which it was awarded.
d) Holders of another doctoral degree.
e) Holders of an official university qualification who, having been awarded a post as a trainee in the entrance examination for specialised medical training, have successfully completed at least two years of training leading to an official degree in a health sciences specialisation.

Note 1: Regulations for access to doctoral studies for individuals with degrees in bachelor's, engineering, or architecture under the system prior to the implementation of the EHEA (CG 47/02 2014).

Note 2: Agreement number 64/2014 of the Governing Council approving the procedure and criteria for assessing the academic requirements for admission to doctoral studies with non-homologated foreign degrees (CG 25/03 2014).

Legal framework

Admission criteria and merits assessment

Specific admission requirements

Students who hold the following qualifications are eligible for admission to the programme without the requirement to complete any bridging courses:

• Master's degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment
• Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (MBArch), specialisation in Architecture, Energy and Environment

If students who hold degrees related to the programme (other than those indicated above) are admitted, the academic committee for the doctoral programme may require that they take specific bridging courses as a condition of admission. The courses required will be determined on a case-by-case basis, according to each applicant’s background and previous training.

The purpose of any additional training will be to ensure that students develop the competencies they will need to complete the doctoral programme.

Criteria for assessment of merits and weighting

The following documents are requested to facilitate assessment of critical thinking and synthesis skills, graphic expression skills, the ability to search for information, and oral and written communication skills:

• Brief academic and professional CV
• Covering letter
• Personal graphic portfolio
Questionnaire on specific content (basic knowledge)

The academic committee for the doctoral programme is responsible for admission of students and will make admission decisions based on the following weighted criteria:

• Suitability of the applicant’s degree, considering competencies acquired in previous training (50%)
• Brief academic and professional CV (10%)
• Covering letter (10%)
• Personal graphic portfolio (15%)
Questionnaire on specific content (basic knowledge) (15%)

The academic committee will also decide on the admission of applicants with particular characteristics.

Training complements

Students who have completed the master's degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment or the specialisation in Architecture, Energy and Environment of the master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona are not required to complete any bridging courses.

For other entrance qualifications, the academic committee for the programme may require that students pass specific bridging courses. In such cases, the committee will keep track of the bridging courses completed and establish appropriate criteria to limit their duration.

Bridging courses may provide research or cross-disciplinary training. In no case will doctoral students be required to enrol for more than 60 ECTS credits.

The academic committee for the programme reviews each applicant's previous training and, based on their entrance qualifications, determines what subjects they will be required to take from among those offered for the specialisation in Architecture, Energy and Environment of the MBArch master’s degree (listed below).

The first three subjects develop generic competencies in research methodology; the rest focus on the specific research areas in which doctoral students will complete their theses. Students are advised to take certain subjects according to their background and previous training. When the objective is to study a specific subject in greater depth, students may be recommended to take subjects of related master’s degrees as bridging courses.

Architecture Environment and Technology (AEMA group): 5 ECTS
Architecture, City and Project (AEMA group): 5 ECTS credits
Architecture, Theory and Criticism (AEMA group): 5 ECTS credits
Space and Light: 5 ECTS credits
Acoustics in Architecture: 5 ECTS credits
Energy and Comfort: 5 ECTS credits
Environmental Impact of Architecture: 5 ECTS credits
Environmental Assessment: 5 ECTS credits
Project Visions: 5 ECTS credits

To view the course guides for these subjects, click on the following link:

Enrolment period for new doctoral students

First enrolment will take place after admission decisions are issued if this occurs after the general enrolment period has ended.

More information at the registration section for new doctoral students

Enrolment period

In the first half of October.

More information at the general registration section

Monitoring and evaluation of the doctoral student

Procedure for the preparation and defense of the research plan

Doctoral candidates must submit a research plan, which will be included in their doctoral student activity report, before the end of the first year. The plan may be improved over the course of the doctoral degree. It must be endorsed by the tutor and the supervisor, and it must include the method that is to be followed and the aims of the research.

At least one of these annual assessments will include a public presentation and defence of the research plan and work done before a committee composed of three doctoral degree holders, which will be conducted in the manner determined by each academic committee. The examination committee awards a Pass or Fail mark. A Pass mark is a prerequisite for continuing on the doctoral programme. Doctoral candidates awarded a Fail mark must submit a new research plan for assessment by the academic committee of the doctoral programme within six months.

The committee assesses the research plan every year, in addition to all of the other activities in the doctoral student activity report. Doctoral candidates who are awarded two consecutive Fail marks for the research plan will be obliged to definitely withdraw from the programme.

If they change the subject of their thesis, they must submit a new research plan.

Formation activities

Activity: Research methodology (optional).
Hours: 12.

Activity: Innovation and creativity (optional).
Hours: 8.

Activity: Language and communication skills (optional).
Hours: 18.

Activity: Preparation and initial defence of research plan (compulsory).
Hours: 50

Activity: Publications (optional).
Hours: 100

Activity: Other cross-disciplinary activities (optional).
Hours: 30 

Activity: Mobility (optional).
Hours: 480.

Activity: Courses (optional).
Hours: 30.

Activity: Participation in conferences (optional).
Hours 1

Activity: Seminars (optional).

Hours: 10.

Activity: Workshops (optional).
Hours: 24.

Activity: Research stays (compulsory for International Doctorate mention).
Hours: 480.

Activity: Training in information skills (optional).

Hours: 1.5.

Procedure for assignment of tutor and thesis director

The academic committee of the doctoral programme assigns a thesis supervisor to each doctoral candidate when they are admitted or enrol for the first time, taking account of the thesis supervision commitment referred to in the admission decision.

The thesis supervisor will ensure that training activities carried out by the doctoral candidate are coherent and suitable, and that the topic of the candidate’s doctoral thesis will have an impact and make a novel contribution to knowledge in the relevant field. The thesis supervisor will also guide the doctoral candidate in planning the thesis and, if necessary, tailoring it to any other projects or activities undertaken. The thesis supervisor will generally be a UPC professor or researcher who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience. This includes PhD-holding staff at associated schools (as determined by the Governing Council) and UPC-affiliated research institutes (in accordance with corresponding collaboration and affiliation agreements). When thesis supervisors are UPC staff members, they also act as the doctoral candidate’s tutor.

PhD holders who do not meet these criteria (as a result of their contractual relationship or the nature of the institution to which they are attached) must be approved by the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee in order to participate in a doctoral programme as researchers with documented research experience.

The academic committee of the doctoral programme may approve the appointment of a PhD-holding expert who is not a UPC staff member as a candidate’s thesis supervisor. In such cases, the prior authorisation of the UPC Doctoral School's Standing Committee is required. A UPC staff member who holds a doctoral degree and has documented research experience must also be proposed to act as a co-supervisor, or as the doctoral candidate’s tutor if one has not been assigned.

A thesis supervisor may step down from this role if there are justified reasons (recognised as valid by the committee) for doing so. If this occurs, the academic committee of the doctoral programme will assign the doctoral candidate a new thesis supervisor.

Provided there are justified reasons for doing so, and after hearing any relevant input from the doctoral candidate, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may assign a new thesis supervisor at any time during the period of doctoral study.

If there are academic reasons for doing so (an interdisciplinary topic, joint or international programmes, etc.) and the academic committee of the programme gives its approval, an additional thesis supervisor may be assigned. Supervisors and co-supervisors have the same responsibilities and academic recognition.

The maximum number of supervisors of a doctoral thesis is two: a supervisor and a co-supervisor.

For theses carried out under a cotutelle agreement or as part of an Industrial Doctorate, if necessary and if the agreement foresees it this maximum number of supervisors may not apply. This notwithstanding, the maximum number of supervisors belonging to the UPC is two.

More information at the PhD theses section


The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is four years, counted from the date of first enrolment in the relevant programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. The academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise a doctoral candidate to pursue doctoral studies on a part-time basis. In this case, the maximum period of study is seven years from the date of first enrolment in the programme until the date on which the doctoral thesis is deposited. To calculate these periods, the date of deposit is considered to be the date on which the thesis is made publicly available for review.

If a doctoral candidate has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the maximum period of study is six years for full-time students and nine years for part-time students.

If a doctoral candidate has not applied to deposit their thesis before the expiry of the deadlines specified in the previous section, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may, at the request of the doctoral candidate, authorise an extension of this deadline of one year under the conditions specified for the doctoral programme in question.

Dismissal from the doctoral programme
A doctoral candidate may be dismissed from a doctoral programme for the following reasons:

  • The doctoral candidate submitting a justified application to withdraw from the programme.
  • The doctoral candidate not having completed their annual enrolment or applied for a temporary interruption.
  • The doctoral candidate not having formalised annual enrolment on the day after the end of the authorisation to temporarily interrupt or withdraw from the programme.
  • The doctoral candidate receiving a negative reassessment after the deadline set by the academic committee of the doctoral programme to remedy the deficiencies that led to a previous negative assessment.
  • The doctoral candidate having been the subject of disciplinary proceedings leading to their suspension or permanent exclusion from the UPC.
  • A refusal to authorise the extensions applied for, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 of these regulations.
  • The doctoral candidate not having submitted the research plan in the period established in Section 8.2 of these regulations.
  • The maximum period of study for the doctoral degree having ended, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4 of these regulations.

Dismissal from the programme means that the doctoral candidate cannot continue studying at the UPC and that their academic record will be closed. This notwithstanding, they may apply to the academic committee of the programme for readmission, and the committee must reevaluate the candidate in accordance with the criteria established in the regulations.

A doctoral candidate who has been dismissed due to having exceeded the time limit for completing doctoral studies or due to an unsatisfactory assessment may not be Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 17 of 33 admitted to the same doctoral programme until at least two years have elapsed from the date of dismissal, as provided for in sections 3.4 and 9.2 of these regulations.

Legal framework

Learning resources

The Department of Architectural Technology has a fully equipped classroom at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) for use by the doctoral programme. The main laboratory space, located on the 7th floor of the ETSAB building, is where measuring devices and other scientific resources are located. Academic staff and the research group associated with the programme are assigned to the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV) as well as the ETSAB, so space and resources are also available at that school. Doctoral students also have access to software developed by the Architecture, Energy and Environment research group, specific IT resources related to topics covered on the master’s degree, and resources developed by other universities and business partners.

Doctoral Theses

List of authorized thesis for defense

Last update: 31/03/2025 04:45:15.

List of lodged theses

Last update: 31/03/2025 04:30:19.

List of defended theses by year


No hi ha registres per mostrar.

Last update: 31/03/2025 05:00:26.

Theses related publications

Title:Entendiendo los Parques Nacionales como reflejo de nuestra capacidad para vivir en un medio natural. Una mirada a través de la habitabilidad, Parque Torres del Paine
Reading date:22/11/2022
Mention:No mention
Presentation date: 23/11/2016
Presentation of work at congresses

IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2017.
Presentation date: 28/11/2017
Presentation of work at congresses

Entendiendo los Parques Nacionales como reflejo de nuestra capacidad para vivir en un medio natural. Una mirada a la Sostenibilidad a través de la Habitabilidad. Parque Torres del Paine.
11° Congreso de la Sociedad de Investigadores en Turismo de Chile, 2019
Presentation date: 25/04/2019
Presentation of work at congresses

Entendiendo las relaciones espaciales del habitar antártico, como metodología para la formación de la arquitectura a través del ejercicio académico de una Base Científica
X Congreso Chileno de Investigaciones Antárticas
Presentation date: 04/10/2021
Presentation of work at congresses

Title:El recorrido en espacios de baja intensidad lumínica
Reading date:05/09/2022
Mention:No mention
Evaluation of three lighting software in the use of different light intensity spaces
Espinoza, E.; Lopez-Besora, J.; Isalgue, A.; Coch, H.; Crespo, I.
Publication date: 08/12/2020
Book chapter

The value of the colour temperature in a low light intensity design
Espinoza, E.; Lopez-Besora, J.; Alonso-Montolio, C.; Coch, H.; Crespo, I.
Publication date: 29/09/2021
Book chapter

Characterization of library lighting design: a study of dynamic and static space
35th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture
Presentation date: 01/09/2020
Presentation of work at congresses

Title:Comportamiento térmico de cerramientos opacos verticales en edificios universitarios de Bahia (Brasil)
Reading date:23/11/2021
Mention:No mention
Monitoring and calculation study in Mediterranean residential spaces: thermal performance comparison for the winter season
Santana, B. O.; Torres-Quezada, J.; Coch, H.; Isalgue, A.
Buildings, ISSN: 2075-5309 (JCR Impact Factor-2022: 3.8; Quartil: Q2)
Publication date: 09/03/2022
Journal article

Desempeño energético de la envolvente térmica de edificaciones universitarias construidas en Bahia / Brasil
1st IDA - Sevilla
Presentation date: 11/2017
Presentation of work at congresses

Desempenho energético de edificações universitárias: estudo de caso sobre pavilhões de aulas construídos em distintas cidades da Bahia / Brasil
XXII Seminario Internacional APEC
Presentation date: 10/2017
Presentation of work at congresses

Title:Planificación urbana en ciudades dispersas de clima desértico: la densificación vertical como estrategia para la mejora ambiental. El caso de Hermosillo (México)
Reading date:30/11/2020
Mention:No mention
Reshaping the city: containing the urban sprawl and reducing solar access on the streets in a hot desert climate city
XIII Congreso Internacional Ciudad y Territorio Virtual: retos y paradigmas de la ciudad contemporánea
Presentation date: 04/10/2019
Presentation of work at congresses

How much does it cost to go off-grid with renewables? A case study of a polygeneration system for a neighbourhood in Hermosillo, Mexico
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2019
Presentation date: 05/07/2019
Presentation of work at congresses

How density affects energy demand in urban grids: the case study of the Eixample district of Barcelona
36th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture
Presentation date: 11/2022
Presentation of work at congresses

Title:Termografía del cañón urbano. Uso de la perspectiva para una evaluación térmica global de la calle
Reading date:10/04/2019
Mention:International Mention
Assessing the cooling effect of urban textile shading devices through time-lapse thermography
Garcia-Nevado, E.; Beckers, B.; Coch, H.
Sustainable cities and society, ISSN: 2210-6707 (JCR Impact Factor-2020: 7.587; Quartil: Q1)
Publication date: 2020
Journal article

Research projects

01/10/202330/09/2026Implementació de l’òptim ambiental en la rehabilitació i regeneració urbanaAGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
05/07/202331/12/2025Treball de recerca sobre habitat urba pel Govern VascADM. GENERAL O ADM. DE LA COMUNIDAD
25/05/202325/05/2024Conveni de col.laboració per la Realització de les Actuacions al mur cortina del MACBACONSORCI DEL MUSEU D`ART CONTEMPORA
01/05/202331/12/2023L’objecte del contracte és la realització de l’assessorament en assumptes normatius tècnics d’àmbit estatal pels quals el COAC hagi de tenir opinió fonamentada.COL.LEGI OFI. ARQUITECTES CATALUNYA
01/04/202331/05/2023Asesoramiento para la redacción del Plan Director de la Alameda de Santa Susana (Santiago de Compostela). El promotor de este proyecto es el Consorcio de Santiago. El proyecto está encomendado mediantASISTENCIA TECNICA CLAVE, S.L.U.
01/12/202230/11/2024Nueva metodología de apoyo a la rehabilitación energética de edificios. Incorporación del análisis de sensibilidad e incertidumbre en la definición del parque edificadoAGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION
12/10/202211/07/2023Sistema per la rehabilitació energètica dels tancaments de façana obsolets, capaç de minvar l'efecte illa de calor a l espai urbà.AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
21/07/202231/12/2023Estudi eficiencia energetica edificis EuskadiADM. GENERAL O ADM. DE LA COMUNIDAD
04/02/202204/02/2022Sistema de depuración fotocatalítica.
01/09/202131/08/2025Remansos urbanos en barrios vulnerablesAGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION
14/05/202113/11/2022Barcelona Ciutat FràgilAGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
04/05/202131/10/2021Diagnosi de la transformació de l’ús de les terrasses en espai públic. Impacte sobre la zonificació de les ordenances de taxes fiscals de les terrasses.Ajuntament de Barcelona
01/03/202028/02/2021Development of a low-cost and do-it-yourself hydrodynamic measurement device for monitoring oceanographic variables in developing countries.Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament , UPC
18/02/202018/02/2020Sistema de depuración fotocatalítica
21/01/202021/01/2020Dispositivo para depuracion de aire con lamas con propiedades fotocataliticas
01/10/201931/03/2023Consulta Local para la Optimización de Políticas Territoriales sobre Energía RuralCommission of European Communities
03/07/201931/10/2019Realització del Projecte Bàsic Executiu de l'obra de reforma interior de les noves oficines de Viscaweb a BarcelonaVISCA WEB, S.L.U.
23/03/201930/09/2019Maqueta Museo CarnavaletEtablessiment PublicParis Musees
20/02/201916/02/2026Según Convenio Marco, establecer los honorarios relativos al asesoramiento, soporte académico y cualquier otra actividad que implique remuneración, que de común acuerdo se establecen entre el COACádizCOLEGIO OFICIAL ARQUITECTOS-CÁDIZ

Teaching staff and research groups

Research projects

01/10/202330/09/2026Implementació de l’òptim ambiental en la rehabilitació i regeneració urbanaAGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
05/07/202331/12/2025Treball de recerca sobre habitat urba pel Govern VascADM. GENERAL O ADM. DE LA COMUNIDAD
25/05/202325/05/2024Conveni de col.laboració per la Realització de les Actuacions al mur cortina del MACBACONSORCI DEL MUSEU D`ART CONTEMPORA
01/05/202331/12/2023L’objecte del contracte és la realització de l’assessorament en assumptes normatius tècnics d’àmbit estatal pels quals el COAC hagi de tenir opinió fonamentada.COL.LEGI OFI. ARQUITECTES CATALUNYA
01/04/202331/05/2023Asesoramiento para la redacción del Plan Director de la Alameda de Santa Susana (Santiago de Compostela). El promotor de este proyecto es el Consorcio de Santiago. El proyecto está encomendado mediantASISTENCIA TECNICA CLAVE, S.L.U.
01/12/202230/11/2024Nueva metodología de apoyo a la rehabilitación energética de edificios. Incorporación del análisis de sensibilidad e incertidumbre en la definición del parque edificadoAGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION
12/10/202211/07/2023Sistema per la rehabilitació energètica dels tancaments de façana obsolets, capaç de minvar l'efecte illa de calor a l espai urbà.AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
21/07/202231/12/2023Estudi eficiencia energetica edificis EuskadiADM. GENERAL O ADM. DE LA COMUNIDAD
04/02/202204/02/2022Sistema de depuración fotocatalítica.
01/09/202131/08/2025Remansos urbanos en barrios vulnerablesAGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION
14/05/202113/11/2022Barcelona Ciutat FràgilAGAUR. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
04/05/202131/10/2021Diagnosi de la transformació de l’ús de les terrasses en espai públic. Impacte sobre la zonificació de les ordenances de taxes fiscals de les terrasses.Ajuntament de Barcelona
01/03/202028/02/2021Development of a low-cost and do-it-yourself hydrodynamic measurement device for monitoring oceanographic variables in developing countries.Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament , UPC
18/02/202018/02/2020Sistema de depuración fotocatalítica
21/01/202021/01/2020Dispositivo para depuracion de aire con lamas con propiedades fotocataliticas
01/10/201931/03/2023Consulta Local para la Optimización de Políticas Territoriales sobre Energía RuralCommission of European Communities
03/07/201931/10/2019Realització del Projecte Bàsic Executiu de l'obra de reforma interior de les noves oficines de Viscaweb a BarcelonaVISCA WEB, S.L.U.
23/03/201930/09/2019Maqueta Museo CarnavaletEtablessiment PublicParis Musees
20/02/201916/02/2026Según Convenio Marco, establecer los honorarios relativos al asesoramiento, soporte académico y cualquier otra actividad que implique remuneración, que de común acuerdo se establecen entre el COACádizCOLEGIO OFICIAL ARQUITECTOS-CÁDIZ


The Validation, Monitoring, Modification and Accreditation Framework (VSMA Framework) for official degrees ties the quality assurance processes (validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation) carried out over the lifetime of a course to two objectives—the goal of establishing coherent links between these processes, and that of achieving greater efficiency in their management—all with the overarching aim of improving programmes.





Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT)
