Equivalence of foreign doctoral degrees

Attesting to the equivalence of a foreign doctoral degree implies the official recognition of the course of study taken abroad for the award of a doctoral degree.


Interested parties must address their application to the rector of the UPC and attach the following documents:

  • A copy of an official identity document.
  • A copy of the official doctoral degree certificate or provisional doctoral degree certificate, which has been legalised if necessary. Click on the link for information on the legalisation of foreign documents.
  • The address of the public repository or website where the doctoral thesis is published. A copy of the thesis must be attached if it is not available online.

The application form and supporting documents must be submitted in electronic format by the Seu Electrònica UPC: https://seuelectronica.upc.edu/ca/Tramits/Sol_licitud_equivalencia_grau_academic_doctor

All the supporting documents must be submitted in the original language. The interested party will be informed if translations are necessary.

Additional supporting documents may be requested from applicants if this is deemed necessary.


Fees for the following services, which are set every year in the Decree on Fees of the Government of Catalonia, must be paid to complete the application procedure for a statement of equivalence of a foreign doctoral degree:

  • Study of the equivalence of the foreign doctoral degree
  • Issuing of the official credential stating the equivalence of the foreign doctoral degree

The fees must be paid using a document that the managing unit sends to the interested party. The first is sent once the application form and supporting documents have been received, and the second when there has been a favourable resolution on the application. Paying these fees is a requisite for collecting the credential.


Resolutions on the equivalence of doctoral degrees are issued by the rector in accordance with the proposal of the Doctoral School's director. The resolution is communicated to the interested party by electronic means.

If the resolution is favourable, a digital certificate is issued stating the equivalence between the foreign doctoral degree and a doctoral degree awarded by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The certificate is sent to the applicant’s e-mail from the Academic Area (https://maps.upc.edu/?iU=1007&lang=ca) once they have submitted the originals of the official identity document and the foreign doctoral degree certificate, which must have been legalised if necessary.

The statement of equivalence of a foreign doctoral degree does not in any case imply the homologation, the declaration of equivalence or the recognition of any other of the interested party’s foreign qualifications, nor the recognition in Spain of an academic level other than the doctoral degree level.

The Ministry of Universities is informed of the resolution on equivalence so that it can be recorded in the Register of Universities, Schools and Degrees.


More information

Regulations on the Equivalence of Foreign Doctoral Degrees Governing Council Decision no. 91/2016

Doctoral School of the UPC

Register of Universities, Schools and Degrees (RUCT) of the Ministry of Universities