

What types of companies can participate?

All types of companies can participate, whatever their sector, legal form, sources of funding (public or private) or size (SMEs, start-ups, etc.):

  • Private companies.

  • Trading companies linked or belonging to the public sector.

  • Foundations and non-profit organisations.

  • Entities belonging to the local, regional or national public sector.

  • Consortia with majority public participation.

  • City councils.

  • Technology-developing centres that belong to the category of authorised public centres of the TECNIO network. 

The following are excluded:

  • The ministries, delegations and regional services of the Government of Catalonia.

  • Research bodies and their dependent entities.

  • Centres affiliated to universities.

Companies must have an office located in Catalonia to qualify for the co-funding mode, which is the most attractive. See also the section on the kinds of financial aid and requirements.

Futher information

I am a company and I have a project. Who should I contact?

You can contact us at

If you know a professor at the UPC, you can contact them to make the proposal and they will get in touch with the Doctoral School.