Procedure and calendar

What’s new in the 2023, 2024 and 2025 calls

  • The amounts of the different eligible items have increased.
  • The tuition subsidy and the doctoral student's mobility fund have been unified in a single concept.
  • An incentive has been created to promote the internationalization of industrial doctoral projects. If, at the time of depositing the thesis, the doctoral student requests the international mention, both the business and the academic spheres may receive an extra contribution of €2,000. This extraordinary bonus will be paid once the project has been fully justified and the corresponding evidence has been provided.
  • The specific aid modality will include a contribution to the academic sphere, identical to that received by the doctoral student: €10,800.
  • In relation to the participation of public administrations and the public sector of the Government of Catalonia:
    • They will only be eligible within the specific aid modality. In no case is a contribution to the public business sphere contemplated.
    •  In addition to eligible public entities (public sector, administrations and local entities), departments, territorial services and delegations are eligible.