Public display of deposited theses
Submission of objections to a doctoral thesis within the period of public exhibition
In accordance with the Academic Regulations for Doctoral Studies, doctors may request access to a doctoral thesis in deposit for consultation and, if there are, to send to the Permanent Commission of the Doctoral School the observations and allegations that they consider opportune on the content.
- PARRA ZEBADÚA, AMALIA: Identidad y raíces. Caracterización y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico tradicional. El Barrio Santo Domingo, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.Author: PARRA ZEBADÚA, AMALIA
Thesis file: (contact the Doctoral School to confirm you have a valid doctoral degree and to get the link to the thesis)
Department: Department of Architectural Technology (TA)
Mode: Normal
Deposit date: 11/11/2024
Deposit END date: 22/11/2024
Thesis abstract: To return to the roots that gave rise to Tuxtla Gutiérrez and in the absence of a protection model that recognizes its traditional architectural heritage, the characterization and enhancement of the constructive heritage of one of the oldest neighbourhoods of this city is proposed, Santo Domingo neighbourhood.The development of this research is carried out based on a broader analysis to comprehensively understand the problems that surround this heritage and generate more accurate guidelines for its safeguarding. From the urban dimension, as part of an urban area in a specific territory; from the social dimension, with the perspective of the inhabitants and, from the architectural-constructive dimension, to identify and value the building and construction types, in addition to detect a common injury pattern to influence intervention projects, individually or collectively.This contribution could provide a methodological basis to contribute to the safeguarding of traditional architectural heritage in other geographical areas with similar problems, as well as the comprehensive urban regeneration of historic urban areas, because the enhancement of built heritage is linked to the dynamics of uses and, therefore, to local culture, which is equivalent to strengthening the identity of its inhabitants and improving their quality of life.
- ROMANO, MARCELLO: La urbe como conjunto ciudad-campo para su gestión ecológicamente más sostenible. Regeneración de los suelos hasta Pristinia: una nueva pauta de la planificación urbanística y del desarrollo regionalAuthor: ROMANO, MARCELLO
Thesis file: (contact the Doctoral School to confirm you have a valid doctoral degree and to get the link to the thesis)
Department: Department of Architectural Technology (TA)
Mode: Normal
Deposit date: 11/11/2024
Deposit END date: 22/11/2024
Thesis abstract: This doctoral thesis explores the possibilities of improving the degree of ecological sustainability of the city, mainly an economic and energetic concept. It refers, that is, to a management of our house, the city (from the origin of the word economy, οἶκος, house + νέμω, manage), of an energetic nature, since ecology squeezes out the useful services provided by the environment, and the useful work of natural resources is equivalent to the value of their exergy (useful energy to carry out a productive purpose). For this reason, it is considered that the most convenient approach to the problem of the ecological sustainability of the city is from the field of knowledge of thermoeconomics, since it combines economic and thermodynamic analysis.Improving the degree of ecological sustainability of the city obviously supposes that said degree is measurable. Otherwise, we would not be in the conditions to find out the effect of the planned improvement interventions. However, all thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of systems (exergy analysis, exergoecological analysis, temporal analysis), prior to this thesis, have been concerned with identifying the cost of the system, using the units of measurement of exergy or time, with the purpose of determining the physical losses due to the quo process (exergy cost of production) and the physical cost to replace them (exergy cost of replacement). Of course, in a finite world, such as ours, less is consumed and more time can continue doing - sustaining - what is done. Without a doubt, this is a possible way, and in general terms also coherent with the meaning of the word, of understanding sustainability. However, in this work ecological sustainability is understood as the quality of maintaining for as long as possible the ecological services planned and carried out by human beings, for their cultural territories, based on the availability of useful work contained in natural resources. It has therefore become necessary to develop a methodology for calculating the degree of ecological sustainability of a system, based on the combination of exergy analysis with temporal analysis, in order to determine, that is, the physical cost of the quo process, not only in terms of energy (exergy), but also in terms of the time needed to regenerate the natural resources used. Because, in terms of the possibility of ensuring a certain productive purpose over time, regenerating the exergy of a forest is not the same as regenerating the exergy of an oil well. Of all the cultural territories that human beings have created throughout history, two are particularly important, the city and the countryside, since they serve to inhabit and to produce (part of) the food necessary for living. The hydraulic model of urban domestic sanitation currently most widely adopted and implemented in the world is generally based on the consumption of drinking water and on open cycles of organic matter in the soil. Among other effects, this generates a one-way city-countryside relationship that is ecologically unfavourable. For this reason, based on the study of urban domestic sanitation, a proposal has been drawn up to improve the degree of ecological sustainability of the management of the flow of organic matter in the soil that “circulates” between the countryside and the city. To this end, a tool has been developed to calculate the degree of sustainability of a production system. To validate the theory developed, a coupling of the exergy demand of the countryside with the exergy supply of the city in terms of soil organic matter has been carried out for the first time, which has resulted in an approximate value of 300 m2/p·y, based on and contrasted by four calculation procedures, of the potential contribution of an urban territory to an agricultural area, to regenerate the fertile soil to its optimal state of Pristinia.
Last update: 21/11/2024 05:30:24.