Thesis defence



Public presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis  





Assessment and counting of the cum laude vote

Within a maximum of five working days from the date on which the thesis defence was held, the secretary of the examination committee or a delegate of the secretary must send the Doctoral School the defence documents and official results.

The Doctoral School adds the mark awarded to the academic record management application and communicates this to you, your thesis supervisor (or co-supervisors in the case of co-supervision), the members of the examination committee, the coordinator and the managing unit of your doctoral programme. Thereafter, you can submit your application for the doctoral degree certificate to the managing unit of your programme.

Beforehand, if you were awarded a mark of Excellent, the Standing Committee will count the cum laude votes. To be awarded a cum laude distinction the members of the examination committee must have voted unanimously in favour by secret ballot.

The day after the day on which the mark awarded was communicated to you, your thesis will appear in the list of thesis defended at the UPC.