Before the thesis deposit

To submit your thesis deposit application to the academic committee of your doctoral programme, you must first check that the following has been done: 


I have updated my activity report (DAD


I have the latest version of the thesis that has been revised and validated by my supervisor (or supervisors in the case of co-supervision). 


My supervisor (or supervisors) has authorised me to submit the thesis deposit application to the academic committee of the doctoral programme.  

I have identified the UNESCO codes for classifying the field and discipline of my doctoral thesis.  

I have written my thesis abstract in Catalan, Spanish and English.

I have decided the language in which I will defend my doctoral thesis. 


I have identified the rights that, as the author of my thesis, I am keeping or transferring for the inclusion of my doctoral thesis in TDX. 


The Standing Committee of the Doctoral School has approved my thesis defence taking place outside UPC premises, if this is the case.  


The academic committee of the programme has authorised my article-based thesis, if this is the case. 


The academic committee of the programme has authorised the protection processes and/or confidentiality agreements that must be taken into account in the deposit and defence, if this is the case.  


The Standing Committee of the Doctoral School has authorised the postponement of the date of publication of my thesis, which is subject to temporary embargo processes and/or agreements, if this is the case.   








I have applied for any mentions and records that may be included in my doctoral degree certificate: